Scott GillespieCompte certifié


Star Tribune opinion editor. Tweeting on news, media, sports and life on the tundra. UW-Madison alum. Try our newsletter:

Twin Cities
Inscrit en mars 2009


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  1. a retweeté
    13 janv.

    My ltr in reinforcing & Ken Powell's oped showing overwhelming societal benefits of . Urge to make this priority #1. End systemic .

  2. a retweeté
    14 janv.

    Please stop by and say hi if you are coming to game. My daughter Leela and I are at the “Hockey is for me” table by Gate 3! Excited to be a part of celebration &

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  3. 15 janv.

    I'm sorry, , that your bitterness has prompted this take. We should never derive our happiness from the misfortune of others. Now I have to continue planning how to fit a fifth Lombardi into the trophy room at Lambeau.

  4. a retweeté
    14 janv.

    Strong feelings about Mpls-St. Paul vaccine requirements for restaurants, bars. Here's 's take. We talked with the industry in New Orleans and Chicago for perspective. Also clarified what the policy can & can't do and why it's still needed.

  5. 13 janv.

    The anecdote of nearly being run over by Lady Gaga in a golf cart reminds me of Paul Levy getting hit by Jerry Glanville after Glanville jumped on Ragnar's motorcycle before a Vikes game. Glad "Rocky" Olson was uninjured.

  6. a retweeté
    13 janv.
  7. a retweeté
    13 janv.

    Great Q&A with that reflects all the layers journalists bring to the job.

  8. a retweeté
    11 janv.

    Perhaps the understatement of my life ....

  9. 11 janv.

    Notice you didn't tweet the companion counterpoint piece from the LA Times:

  10. a retweeté
    10 janv.

    The episode on testing is up with ⁦⁩. The first 20 minutes are essentially everything you need to know about how testing works. Then your 20 questions about when to test, which types, when false +/false -, when to test, etc.

  11. a retweeté
    10 janv.

    Andrea Jenkins elected Minneapolis council president in historic move.

  12. 10 janv.

    A high-profile example of the kind of case that prompted to publish "Even 'mild' COVID can hit hard" on Sunday.

  13. a retweeté
    9 janv.

    My thanks to Ken, Pam, Meg and Kristin for sharing their COVID experiences. There’s a lot of ground between mild cold and needing hospitalization. Good to understand this and prepare as omicron surge swells.

  14. 7 janv.

    I taught a reader how to use Google this week. So at least that worked out.

  15. a retweeté
    7 janv.

    Ehresmann shares that her elderly dad got COVID and then she got COVID after he stopped by. "My family is a bad example of how fast this moves." But vaccinations have made illness manageable, she notes. If you feel sick, isolate. Don't rely on a test if you feel sick.

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  16. a retweeté
    7 janv.
  17. a retweeté
    6 janv.

    Civil rights activist Mel Reeves dies of complications: "This thing is serious. Folks got to take this serious, people are literally dying," he told WCCO shortly before his death:

  18. a retweeté
    6 janv.

    It is with deep sadness that we announce that Mel Reeves, MSR community editor, and longtime activist, passed away today, Jan. 6, 2022, due to complications from COVID-19. Mel will be deeply missed. Look for more on his life and legacy in the upcoming edition of the MSR.

  19. 6 janv.

    Like to see your online readership if it turns out to be Rodgers.

  20. 6 janv.

    Not sure the commenters will find much common ground today.


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