If you’ve loaded up Reddit this week, you might have noticed something different.

The SF-based social news aggregation site that’s been called “the front page of the internet” has turned its smiling alien logo from orange color to black in support of the Black Lives Matter movement in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd.

Current CEO Steve Huffman posted a letter to Reddit employees on June 1 outlining support for the Black Lives Matter movement, but it did not include specific actions the company was taking. The logo will remain black for eight days, in symbolism of the number of minutes Minneapolis police office Derek Chauvin held his knee on George Floyd’s neck.

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The decision has drawn controversy from certain Reddit communities and even the former CEO Ellen Pao who accused the platform of amplifying racism by not shutting down a popular community on the site called “the_donald,” which grew during Donald Trump’s presidential run. The community, called a "subreddit," was "quarantined" in 2019 with a warning to users and set to "restricted mode" in February to limit new posts.

Today, Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian announced his resignation from his role on the board of directors and asked to be replaced with a black candidate. He has also donated one million dollars to Colin Kaepernick’s Know Your Rights campaign, and said he will funnel all future gains on his Reddit stock to benefit the black community.

Watch the full video of his announcement below:

Dan Gentile is a digital editor at SFGATE. Email: Dan.Gentile@sfgate.com | Twitter: @Dannosphere