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Zombie Army 4: Dead War Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 36 Ratings

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  • Summary: Hitler’s hordes are back for more in this spine-chilling shooter from the makers of Sniper Elite 4! Abominable occult enemies, epic weapons and a harrowing new campaign for 1-4 players await in 1940s Europe, as you fight to save humankind from undead Armageddon!


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Zombie Army 4: Dead War - Ambush Gameplay | E3 2019
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Feb 12, 2020
    Top-tier gameplay with captivating ideas is a fun approach to a genre that needs as much creativity as it can find. Different difficulty options welcome all types of players and significantly lets one grow and aim for yet, another challenge.
  2. Feb 20, 2020
    Zombie Army 4 feels like an old friend you're reconnecting with after a few years. Even though it's similar to its predecessors, the game has been refined into something that holds greater mass appeal. Weapon upgrading, fresh enemy design, and a packed progression system give players a reason to keep coming back. The core gameplay loop is even better more when tackled in co-op, yielding some hilarious and action-packed adventures. Despite the good, the game's core issues arise from a bland campaign that lacks the impressive set pieces and locations from the previous iterations.
  3. Mar 12, 2020
    A solid package that will keep you entertained for many hours. While I personally would have preferred to have the difficulty rise a bit more than it did I never felt like I was simply drifting through the game. While it is nice that there are different playable characters I never mentioned it as it makes zero difference to the gameplay or story. They are all essentially the same. The myriad of collectables though meant that we were often searching high and low for what was in the level and exploration was always enjoyable, finding boosts and rooms we could have easily missed. I encountered no real bugs on my playthrough and that alone is worthy of praise in this day and age.
  4. Feb 4, 2020
    Quotation forthcoming.
  5. Feb 12, 2020
    Zombie Army 4 is indeed better with friends. While the early levels really lack enough zombies to get into the groove of things, once you’ve reached the climax of the third episode most of those problems fade away. Zombies do remain a bit underwhelming however, with only the elites presenting a real threat most of the time. Overall, Zombie Army 4 does more right than it does wrong, and while your mileage will definitely vary, I certainly had fun while romping through a zombified Europe.
  6. Feb 10, 2020
    Zombie Army 4: Dead War is a good, fun and solid cooperative TPS game but gives off a persistent feeling of "déjà vu".
  7. Feb 11, 2020
    Ultimately, Zombie Army 4: Dead War has the same feel as any later-day entry into a horror franchise does. It has delved all the way into the realm of schlock, completely unapologetic for its own existence. There’s something almost admirable about that, but the magic isn’t quite there. That said, if you and your buds are looking for a decent way to pass 10 or so hours, there are certainly worse choices than this. The shooting is among the best around and the X-ray shots are endlessly entertaining. I just wish there were more here to hold my attention past a single playthrough.

See all 15 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 4 out of 10
  1. Feb 9, 2020
    It’s great, no idea why people rate it this low.
    I have played L4D2 for years and ZA4 lines up really well compared to L4D2.
    The only downside
    It’s great, no idea why people rate it this low.
    I have played L4D2 for years and ZA4 lines up really well compared to L4D2.
    The only downside is that this game is not on Steam yet. Epic launcher is required, works well tho so not too bad.
    Game looks great, the setting is dark/ foggy and fits the zombie genre. The gunplay is nice and the mechanics are insanely detailed: especially in ‘hard’. Bullet drop, wind influence on your bullet trajectory, friendly fire. This is challenging. The game has the same ‘slomo’ on great shots that Sniper Elite has. I did however turn it off after playing shortly since it kind of gets you out of the flow if you know what I mean.
    Campaign is cool, fun story. Horde mode is awesome, starts up easy but you’re overrun quickly if you don’t pay attention. Best when played coop with 3 others. Everything can also be played solo/ offline if that matters to you.
    I’d rate this 8/10, due to the fact that this is on 5/10 right now I’ll just press that 10 button.
  2. Feb 4, 2020
    It might be not the best gaming experience of your life, but it is extremely fun to play with friends
  3. Feb 4, 2020
    A lot of improvements if u compare it to zombie army trilogy, progression system pretty good , good graphic, no issues with performance. LongA lot of improvements if u compare it to zombie army trilogy, progression system pretty good , good graphic, no issues with performance. Long campaign( 9 missions every mission has 4 chapters) better ballistic and specials skills added and finishers, now we have hp and we have to use med kids or do finishers to restore life.
    Ps .If u r not sure if this game is good I will add a few more arguments : zombie sharks,zombie tanks...
  4. Feb 9, 2020
    Pretty good graphic art
    A little sad story line B-class movie feel Audible sound The convenience of coop play. Moderate
    Pretty good graphic art
    A little sad story line
    B-class movie feel
    Audible sound
    The convenience of coop play.
    Moderate challenge
    A suitable length map

    DLC not listed
    A few guns
    Death of Team Fire during Coop Play
    Need more types of coop play
    Epic Games Platform (No Cloud Save Support)
  5. Feb 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Boring. Empty online. No servers. Only a host system that guarantees you high ping.
    30 scrotum/ 30 (ZA4 side quest).
  6. Feb 4, 2020
    A massive letdown with several paywalls and almost no content.
    The setting looks great even if there is way to much fog
    The horde mode is
    A massive letdown with several paywalls and almost no content.
    The setting looks great even if there is way to much fog
    The horde mode is ridiculous 4 (boring) maps with around 90 minutes of gameplay and 2 two paywalls (several weapons and future maps). And that all for 80€..?! Avoid this shameless ripoff like the plague
  7. Mar 24, 2020
    A mediocre game on a mediocre launcher without the real community. What a fail!

See all 10 User Reviews