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Through the Darkest of Times Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Berlin 1933. “Adolf Hitler is chancellor!” We all know the consequences this message bore. Unspeakable horrors and suffering would sweep across the world. Few would stand and fight the monstrosity that was the German Reich. Will you? Lead an underground resistance group Through the DarkestBerlin 1933. “Adolf Hitler is chancellor!” We all know the consequences this message bore. Unspeakable horrors and suffering would sweep across the world. Few would stand and fight the monstrosity that was the German Reich. Will you? Lead an underground resistance group Through the Darkest of Times.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Feb 11, 2020
    A superbly crafted game that serves as storyteller, teacher, and concerned friend.
  2. Feb 24, 2020
    The management and RPG style made me think of a digital board game like Antihero, but really it plays more like a visual novel — a genre that leans hard on player interaction to involve you in the story. And in that, Through the Darkest of Times was quite effective. I did feel for the struggle of these people in a way that felt more personal than if I was watching a movie or reading a book. The choices didn’t lead to branching stories, but the very act of making a choice placed responsibility for the consequences on me. That’s an extremely effective game design!
  3. Apr 20, 2020
    Overall this is a nice title and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a fun but short game.
  4. Jan 30, 2020
    Through the Darkest of Times is a game worth trying if you are willing to forgive a slow paced and repetitive gameplay, in exchange for an exciting and very detailed history lesson. Those who prefer to get rid of the Nazis with a BFG 9000 should definitively look for something else.
  5. Feb 28, 2020
    This game offers a unique perspective on isolated civic defiance to Nazism in the heart of Berlin. It’s full of emotion and heavy moments to ponder, even though its strategic part is a bit underwhelming.
  6. Feb 5, 2020
    With effective visuals, a moving story, and a powerful message, Through the Darkest of Times is a must for anyone who enjoys historical and interactive story-based games.
  7. Apr 13, 2020
    There is little to recommend about this game. The gameplay is not engaging, with mindless clicking in boring gameplay loops, and the story feels like an endless scolding for something no one alive today even did, accompanied by an undercurrent of shame for supposed parallels to modern politics. Some interesting art is overshadowed by how outright simple and stupid most of the characters look. The not-so-hidden political agenda and modern criticisms to the game are so ham-fisted, it is very tough to recommend this unless one is in the mood for a moralizing diatribe.

See all 23 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Feb 14, 2020
    "Through The Darkest Of Times"
    Reviewed By: Carless Yen
    Developer: Paintbucket Games UG Publisher: HandyGames Release Date; Jan 30, 2020
    "Through The Darkest Of Times"
    Reviewed By: Carless Yen
    Developer: Paintbucket Games UG
    Publisher: HandyGames
    Release Date; Jan 30, 2020
    Price: $14.99

    You play as a leader of a small resistance group in 1930’s Berlin, full of ordinary people, from Jews,Catholics, Patriots,and Communists.. You must deal tiny blows to the Nazis. You have to recruit people by dropping pamphlets, painting on walls, what ever you must do to grow stronger, and not get caught. Mistakes can lead to you, or your group being in grave danger. There are really two modes to this game a storytelling version, or a more difficult one. You have from 3 to 5 people helping you solve missions, and as you complete them you can unlock things. You can gain resources, money to purchase things you need, and also gain followers. You can also lose them as well based off bad decisions. Each character you have helping has special things about them that might relate to jobs better than another team member might have. Things like their background may even come into play when it comes to certain things.
    The story is really appealing I think. It can also be very depressing. It is really dark subject matter at times, and is certainly aimed at a more mature audience. If you enjoy this time period and the subject matter like I do it's really going to pull you in. If you know anything about this time period where this game took place you know about Hitler , and his actions or at least what history tells you. Knowing this I feel the game really makes you think out your actions, and they mean so much more to you to make the right move. I really don't have many negatives to say about this game at all. I really enjoyed my time with it, and know i will go back to it again in the near future maybe after I get caught up a little on my reviews. I guess if I had to say something though. Some times your choices can feel like they don't matter as much as they should. Starting a new chapter pretty much resets every thing you done as well. All though these things are a bit annoying as well as trying to compare it to modern politics it still was far more enjoyable to me than not. The fun I had, and the way i felt far outweighed anything that I didn't enjoy about it overall.
    I really love the art style of this game as well. It really has that "The Saboteur" look where you see dark colors. Black and white and grey which really makes the red splashes of color pop on screen, This isn't really the same style though as it isn't a lot of controls, but more still images.They are beautifully drawn though. They look really nice, and have small moments of movement sprinkled in that are enjoyable while you read the story, or decide your moves.

    Loved the Art style
    Story was truly engaging
    Liked the characters and trying to apply them to tasks
    Thought provoking

    Seemed a bit easy
    Sometimes felt decisions didn't matter as much
    Having to start over on new chapters

    Overall: 9.0
    "Through The Darkest Of Times" has really dark subject matter,that will really make you think about your decisions. Even if they don't always feel like they are as important overall as they may feel to you. I think it is a really important game that makes you really glad you weren't around for this time period in history.
  2. Feb 14, 2020
    I feel like "Through the Darkest of Times" deserves a review, because it touches some very difficult subjects, while treating them with properI feel like "Through the Darkest of Times" deserves a review, because it touches some very difficult subjects, while treating them with proper gravity.

    First of all, as a Pole, I'm touched somebody made a game about the atrocities of WWII, and had shown them from a perspective of regular people. We command a group of German citizens who try to resist the cruel Nazi regime in any way they can. But, whatever they do, it's more about surviving than it is about fighting the actual tyranny. At the same time, the devs manage to avoid any historical blunders. There are no "Polish death camps". Instead, we can see clearly Auschwitz was created by Germans. On that note, the terms "Nazis" and "Germans" are used interchangeably. We're not opposing some mythical, impersonal Nazis, but normal German citizens who got swayed by the terrible propaganda or forced into submission by the sheer terror of the NSDAP. People who were our friends and neighbors not that long ago. There's no Holocaust denial. No historical revisionism -- the Soviets who are liberating the lands east of the Oder do not bring just the freedom, but also death and destruction.

    On the other hand the gameplay itself is very shallow. You have a group of dissidents who can take all sorts of actions: collect money for the cause, gain supporters, paint anti-Nazi slogans on walls, and sabotage the regime. And while it all seems great, in reality you don't have to do much to beat the game. In truth, you can limit yourself to collecting money and gaining supporters, and leave the dangerous missions to... someone else? There are 4 chapters, and each one is 20 turns long. Since the consecutive chapters are like 3-4 years apart, if you won't manage to do something in the previous chapter, all progress is lost. You were one turn away from blowing up a Nazi factory? Sorry, you can't, move on to the next chapter. This sucks big time, because at the end of the game you feel like you've accomplished absolutely nothing. So, what's the point of trying? Gaining supporters and collecting money is easy, and also enough to get by. Is that what it's all about? If there's a war just try to find suckers to give you money in return for unfulfilled promises? I don't think so.

    That aside, while the strategical aspect of the game is rather poor, the game is still worth playing. It is an excellent history lesson, one everyone should play to understand war is not something to be desired, and the world's warmongers are just evil people. Think about it next time your government starts sending boys and girls to yet another "justified" conflict.
  3. Feb 23, 2020
    This game was pretty average.The gameplay mainly consists of you trying to keep your morale and supports bar high.Nothing that you do in theThis game was pretty average.The gameplay mainly consists of you trying to keep your morale and supports bar high.Nothing that you do in the game has any effect on the story and all the missions that the game allows you to do are repetitive and the text from them is just copy and pasted. The story is alright for the most parts,it was interesting seeing a bigger picture of what the Germans were doing and though before Hitler came to power.The game also has some grammar errors but its not a major issue.Overall a pretty average experience that I probably will forget after a few months. Expand