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Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: A dead influencer. An obsessed detective. Three suspects. Piece the truth together by going through the victim’s phone messages, videos, and social media in the follow up to the critically acclaimed SIMULACRA.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Feb 5, 2020
    Simulacra 2 is at its best when it is rewarding strong attention to detail, and at its worst when it's punishing you for guessing incorrectly in dialogue sequences. The acting is strong by FMV standards too. I like this series and I appreciate how much it grew between the two games. I'm excited to see where they go next with it.
  2. Feb 5, 2020
    Creepy, fun and immersive. Simulacra 2 goes all the way in the form of an B series horror thriller. At times it feels a little bit linear, but there is plenty going on inside this phone to keep you engaged.
  3. Jan 31, 2020
    Simulacra 2 is a game that successfully experiments with storytelling, and delivers an engaging narrative with a many mysteries to solve. It’s best played on a phone, but if you like exploring new ways of discovering a story, it’s worth your time.
  4. Apr 2, 2020
    A horror-tinged found phone game that any mystery fan should find a few hours for.
  5. CD-Action
    Mar 17, 2020
    The game almost plays itself, which is a shame. It’s still made well enough to keep players engrossed in the mystery and scared of the Ripple Man. [04/2020, p.80]
  6. 60
    It’s well priced and a thrill ride from start to finish, including fully working apps and different live-action endings to uncover. Although a little predictable in places, and maybe a tad preachy, it gets the job done and will probably make you flush your phone away.
  7. Feb 5, 2020
    Although it doesn’t feel entirely phoned-in, SIMULACRA 2 fails to either build on its predecessor’s style or provide enough worthwhile substance of its own, making for a sequel that isn’t quite transmitting at full strength.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 2
  2. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Feb 17, 2020
    this game is amazing, it has good characters, it has great actors, the good price will have other languages ​​that is incredible!
  2. Mar 1, 2020
    There is a considerable improvement.. But still meh though.. 4hrs on record.