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Mixed or average reviews - based on 37 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 94 Ratings

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  • Summary: You were cut from your mother's body and left to die in the unforgiving waters of the Gulf Coast. Your only tools are your wits, your jaws, and an uncanny ability to evolve as you feed. Anything and everything is on the menu... provided you kill it before it kills you.


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Maneater Reveal Trailer - PC Gaming Show 2018| E3 2018
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 37
  2. Negative: 1 out of 37
  1. May 22, 2020
    Maneater's deep combat and deeper oceans provide just the type of blissful escapism we need right now.
  2. May 22, 2020
    If you can live with the issues, you'll find Maneater to be a ridiculously good time. The aforementioned issues are a shame, but the distinct nature of being a shark and the ability to deliver mayhem in a different way. It'll remind players of what was so appealing about open-world games in the first place. Thanks to Maneater's relatively short completion time compared to other open-world titles, it's well worth checking out.
  3. May 26, 2020
    Maneater is a fun aquatic adventure with more to keep players engaged than it initially seems, it kept me hooked throughout and has enough daft character to bait me back in for a future play-through. Beautiful to look at, well-paced but chaotic when it needs to be and I had a whale of a time.
  4. May 26, 2020
    Maneater is a weirdly entertaining game that gets boring too fast before it can achieve true fun.
  5. May 22, 2020
    If you were rooting for the shark in Jaws, Maneater is the game for you. Tripwire Interactive delivers a game that makes you feel like an unstoppable underwater menace, to the point where you remain absurdly overpowered throughout its duration. It’s simple, fun, and effective, succeeding in what it set out to do despite not offering much more aside from that. This isn’t a summer blockbuster, but it’s a bloody enjoyable popcorn flick.
  6. May 29, 2020
    Maneater is a game that could have been good but was too obsessed with forcing players to interact with its low points to make its high points shine.
  7. May 22, 2020
    The Tripwire shark has slightly sharp teeth, moves with unmanageable spasms and cannot vary either its diet or the bleak routine of a boring and mechanical hunting. Stranded on the sand, it waits for the sad fate that falls to all the fish left in the sun.

See all 40 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 33
  2. Negative: 11 out of 33
  1. May 23, 2020
    awesome game, lost of fun. Just buy it. its 26€ in epic store now. haven't had so much fun since years. It's not a sophisticated game and willawesome game, lost of fun. Just buy it. its 26€ in epic store now. haven't had so much fun since years. It's not a sophisticated game and will be boing after a while but a great game for some man-eating in between breaks^^ Expand
  2. Jun 3, 2020
    Good game, unique gameplay, this game for fun only. If you need rest from based on story game maybe you need try this because the gameplayGood game, unique gameplay, this game for fun only. If you need rest from based on story game maybe you need try this because the gameplay just hit, run, hide

    this game not for you if 1) you don't like repetitive 2) You don't like RPG based
    this game (maybe) for you if 1) like sadism 2) like RPG based 3) Explore and looting
  3. May 22, 2020
    Graphic is ok, idea of the game(Saints Row shark bad ass) and fun is great. Just love it :)
  4. May 29, 2020
    Un juego divertido y decente, que no se toma en serio y por tanto te da entretenimiento con muchas dosis de humor, violencia y referencias aUn juego divertido y decente, que no se toma en serio y por tanto te da entretenimiento con muchas dosis de humor, violencia y referencias a la cultura Pop. Es bastante retador al principio, pero, debido a las posibilidades desbloquebles la curva de dificultad baja enormemente a mitad del juego, teniendo leves picos de dificultad al final. Hacérselo al 100% lleva entre 15 y 18 horas, dependiendo lo rápido que te hagas con el control.
    Lo bueno de este juego es que aprobecha mucho el humor y que el pese a tener muchas misiones repetitivas, las disfrutas por la extrema violencia que puedes llegar a desencadenar. Lo malo, la poca variedad de enemigos, la escasa inteligencia artificial y las pocas evoluciones que tiene. Si te gusta los juegos sencillos, rápidos y quieres algo diferente, este juego "rpg" de mundo abierto es una agradable opción. Recomendable por un precio de entorno a 20 euros.
  5. May 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Первые 15% игры сложные, сражения тяжёлые. НО игра кажется увлекательной.
    Начиная с 3 зоны чувствуется лютый гринд, но он не такой тяжёлый как в начале.

    Боевая система простая до ужаса, кусай-уворачивайся.
    Элементы брони открываются почти в самом конце игры.
    Пассивные скиллы абсолютно бесполезны.

    Прошёл игру на 100% за 12 часов. Весь сюжет укладывается в 4-5 кат сцен.

    По началу нравилось, в середине кажется что разработчикам надоело и они решили кое-как доделать игру, лишь бы был какой-то конец.
    Эндгейма - нет.
  6. May 24, 2020
    If you want a new kind of rpg, with a deep story, lots of content and innovative gameplay then you need to find another game.

    The core
    If you want a new kind of rpg, with a deep story, lots of content and innovative gameplay then you need to find another game.

    The core concept of the game (being a shark, evolving and killing you way to your final form) is pretty fun and the gameplay is easy to master but that is all that this game can be : a funny short experience.

    The game has an almost non-existing story and revolve around 2 types of sub-quests and 3 types of collectibles for its 8 areas. Even the original content is poor : you will only be able to evolve in 3 types of shark
  7. Jun 4, 2020
    A failure of entertainment media in every direction. You play as a shark and eat people and things. That's it. Graphics are outdated, soundA failure of entertainment media in every direction. You play as a shark and eat people and things. That's it. Graphics are outdated, sound effects are cringey, story is severely lacking, controls are abhorrent. If there's anything good i can say about Maneater is that it can be used as a fine example of what not to do when developing a video game. Stay out of the water for this one. Expand

See all 33 User Reviews