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Drug Dealer Simulator Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 14 Ratings

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  • Summary: Have you ever thought about expanding your own crime empire, without the legal and moral consequences? SIMULATE IT! Now you will finally be able to crawl into the dark alleys of the drug dealing business! Become a street business mastermind, or a ruthless gangster - it's up to you!
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Apr 30, 2020
    Drug Dealer Simulator is an interesting look into the drug dealing business. You can order drugs and sell to clients in order to expand your reach. With an ironically addictive gameplay loop, you'll be sucked into the routine for hours. Unfortunately, there's plenty of screen tearing and an unimpressive world that you'll bear witness to.
  2. May 18, 2020
    I was pleasantly surprised by Drug Dealer Simulator. What I thought was going to be a joke of a game turned out to be something I had a lot of fun with. The game desperately needs to be patched, as even taking a two-minute scroll through the DDS Subreddit will show just how many issues people are having, and a fleshed-out tutorial and endgame need to be added for the package to truly shine. But, give it a chance, and you could find yourself addicted.
  3. May 21, 2020
    This is absolutely one of those games that police, drug users and drug dealers would actually appreciate for various different reasons. It may invoke some serious laughter or a moment of anxiety, but as stated earlier, this game is inappropriate for whining B*tches! The appeal kind of wears off quickly, but you will value the experience.
  4. May 4, 2020
    What weighs most on the gaming experience is the excessive repetitiveness of the drug sale and the still too incomplete state of the work, not so much in the details scattered around the game map, as in the main mechanics and storyline.
  5. May 22, 2020
    A unique idea for a videogame, that tries to "simulate" the sinister and dark world of drug dealing by implementing some interesting gameplay mechanics, but gets quite repetitive after a few hours.
  6. May 29, 2020
    Quotation forthcoming.
  7. Apr 20, 2020
    As such, Drug Dealer Simulator sits in an awkward place where it neither reaches the bizarre levels of GTA or Saints Row, even when it gives players boosts when using their own supply, nor provides something interesting within its subject matter. Although it's not a bad game, Drug Dealer Simulator doesn't have enough variety in its current state to keep players engaged beyond its novelty factor. It's thankfully not the worst simulator game ever, and avoids the gimmicky trappings of some of its peers, but it's unlikely to get much love at the moment.

See all 9 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Apr 21, 2020
    The game is awesome ! I feel like the guys from Braking Bad tv shows :) i you have to try ;)
  2. Apr 27, 2020
    Топовая игра про торговца наркотой, мне очень понравилась эта игра, купил и себе и сестреТоповая игра про торговца наркотой, мне очень понравилась эта игра, купил и себе и сестре
  3. Jun 6, 2020
    Hey Developers...You are on the right track...Follow this and I would make you the richest people on earth...

    First : You must give a
    Hey Developers...You are on the right track...Follow this and I would make you the richest people on earth...

    First : You must give a Gamepad support...I have tried to use joytokey application to change your keyboard keys to Gamepad but unfortunately it did not work...So I will be waiting for Gamepad support to play your amazing game...I don't want to ruin my career experience by using keyboard for crying out loud...You look like amateurs with your layout...You must go pro...BE USER FRIENDLY...

    Second : Stop develop anything...And start playing Mafia games to give you ideas what to do with money you make.....Earning money without using it is like sleeping with a woman without having an orgasm...You are left unsatisfied...Got it?
  4. May 5, 2020
    сначала думал что очередное инди параша сделали как недавно вышедший компьютерный клуб, а эту игру можно назвать полноценным симулятором ссначала думал что очередное инди параша сделали как недавно вышедший компьютерный клуб, а эту игру можно назвать полноценным симулятором с 4xу3нным сюжетом. Expand
  5. May 7, 2020
    This game is a very unique view of the grimmey underworld of drug dealing. Ever since I played the text based Dope War game, back in the day,This game is a very unique view of the grimmey underworld of drug dealing. Ever since I played the text based Dope War game, back in the day, I've always wanted to play a game like this. Grinding your way to the top, from selling a gram or 2 to rising to the top of a drug cartel and sitting on a mountain of...well your preference. The reason it's only a 8/10 is due to the fact the game is still in need of some development. It hasn't been out for long, but the devs are working hard and making it better. It can definitely make it to a 10 or better. Expand
  6. May 6, 2020
    Вроде бы игра хорошая, интересная, сюжет какой никакой есть, но это не готовая игра: Оптимизация плохая, 10 гигов оперативной памяти уходят неВроде бы игра хорошая, интересная, сюжет какой никакой есть, но это не готовая игра: Оптимизация плохая, 10 гигов оперативной памяти уходят не пойми куда, 30 фпс на низких при том что видеокарта не слабая, после 2-3 часы игры начинает жутко фризить каждые 10 секунд, контента мало, косяки в локализации, мир пустой. Это всего лишь бета версия, даже учитывая что это инди проект Expand
  7. May 19, 2020
    Fun for a short while but generally very repetitive, made worse by the fact it's released as a full game but essentially is an early accessFun for a short while but generally very repetitive, made worse by the fact it's released as a full game but essentially is an early access title, with very limited content and promises of updates that get delayed every time they're due. Expand

See all 8 User Reviews