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Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: A couple of familiar faces will be among the guests at the betrothed partners' engagement celebration: former Vault Hunter Gaige is moonlighting as a wedding planner, joined as always by her badass robot BFF Deathtrap. Pay no attention to the gargantuan monster's corpse nearby; this party'sA couple of familiar faces will be among the guests at the betrothed partners' engagement celebration: former Vault Hunter Gaige is moonlighting as a wedding planner, joined as always by her badass robot BFF Deathtrap. Pay no attention to the gargantuan monster's corpse nearby; this party's going to be legendary. Expand


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Borderlands 3 – Guns, Love, and Tentacles Official Expansion Reveal Trailer
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Mar 26, 2020
    Guns, Love and Tentacles brings Borderlands 3 into the horror atmospheres of Lovecraft with his crazy plot. It's a pity for the undertone bosses and the few hours needed to complete it.
  2. Mar 26, 2020
    Despite some lingering issues with the formula as a whole, Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles has a little more heart in it than the first DLC.
  3. Apr 4, 2020
    The second stage of the Borderlands 3 Season Pass proves however capable of offering eight hours of ballistic fury and laughter, among the links of a DLC that, while not reaching the glories of the past, is solid and enjoyable.
  4. Mar 26, 2020
    Fans of the original game who want to prolong the fun will still have enough fun for ten hours.
  5. Mar 26, 2020
    The expansion takes place on the Xylourgos planet, a surprising but welcome mix of Lovecraft and nordic cultures. It offers a great deal of action, guns and new creatures, but its gameplay and narration lack uniqueness, letting untapped potential.
  6. Mar 30, 2020
    The replayability of Borderlands 3 lies with the feeling of constant progression and unique modifiers in the form of mayhem mode.
  7. Mar 26, 2020
    Guns, Love, and Tentacles is a solid, but safe, Borderlands 3 expansion with an awesome Lovecraftian aesthetic.

See all 8 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 6 out of 10
  1. Mar 30, 2020
    Super fun DLC that has great story and side quests. It was also very funny, laughed quite a lot while playing. I also really loved theSuper fun DLC that has great story and side quests. It was also very funny, laughed quite a lot while playing. I also really loved the Lovecraftian aesthetic and atmosphere. Expand
  2. Mar 26, 2020
    It's a good dlc,and has a very different tone from the base game,it's much better.

    P.S. Don't mind the negative reviews,bunch of
    It's a good dlc,and has a very different tone from the base game,it's much better.

    P.S. Don't mind the negative reviews,bunch of misogynistic crapshoots talking about how gay marriage ruins the dlc completely,which is **** tbh,as the marriage feels very natural,and agenda is not pushed down the throat,GG gearbox.
    Though there are some problems for eg there is minimal endgame and no raid bosses for now,overall a solid 7.5-8/10.
  3. Mar 28, 2020
    Good story ARC, great loot (from vending machines) with a surprising Nice depth for the "gay couple". The hate on the gay mariage is weird inGood story ARC, great loot (from vending machines) with a surprising Nice depth for the "gay couple". The hate on the gay mariage is weird in this section. Anyhow, IT really fleshes out the characters and gives Them a solide human feeling. The bad guys are no handsome Jack, but stille an oké force too combat against. Expand
  4. Apr 22, 2020
    Just awful DLC that could have been excellent. story was extremely short. It felt rushed and had zero payoff. I could have looked past theJust awful DLC that could have been excellent. story was extremely short. It felt rushed and had zero payoff. I could have looked past the underlying SJW non-borderlands theme if the DLC was at least enjoyable but it was not. I feel like an idiot for buying the season pass at launch. I felt we would get BL2 level DLCs that had tons of side quests and an engaging story line. Not boring floating enemies that feel like target practice rather than a real challenge. I melted the boss so quickly that they were still talking **** to me after they were dead. What a joke...

    Game still plays like crap. Playing co-op with my wife is a hilarious bug fest the likes of which I have only seen in skyrim. I have better looking games that run much smoother with higher frame-rates than this.
  5. Mar 31, 2020
    I'm a huge Borderlands fan. Borderlands 2 blew me away. Borderlands 3 is just as great. One of the few great new games with local multiplayer,I'm a huge Borderlands fan. Borderlands 2 blew me away. Borderlands 3 is just as great. One of the few great new games with local multiplayer, which my son and I love playing together. Loved the free Bloody Harvest DLC, man was that great and unique. Moxxi's Heist was also fantastic! But this is just utter garbage. The story feels incredibly forced. A gay wedding serving as a plot device is pathetically cringe-worthy. Feels like this was intended more to make a statement than engage players. Expand
  6. May 6, 2020
    this is a real bad joke, bad dlc for a bad game made by good devs led by a bad ceo who made bad decisions about force selling it on a badthis is a real bad joke, bad dlc for a bad game made by good devs led by a bad ceo who made bad decisions about force selling it on a bad store, which resulted in bad sales, and said bad ceo simply stole the money that was for the devs to enrich himself with bonuses Expand
  7. Mar 26, 2020
    Not only was the game disgusting.
    So also DLC not about a borderlands uneverse atl all. DLC about gay's.
    Thanks SJW! Thanks for good game
    Not only was the game disgusting.
    So also DLC not about a borderlands uneverse atl all. DLC about gay's.
    Thanks SJW! Thanks for good game and good DLC!

See all 10 User Reviews