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  • Publisher: Sega
  • Release Date: Mar 17, 2020
  • Also On: PC
Phantasy Star Online 2 Image
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    You are an ARKS Operative, a member of an elite task force dedicated to exploring inhospitable planets looking for signs of a dark corruption called the Falspawn. Join forces with allies from four distinct races and choose from nine classes each with unique

    You are an ARKS Operative, a member of an elite task force dedicated to exploring inhospitable planets looking for signs of a dark corruption called the Falspawn. Join forces with allies from four distinct races and choose from nine classes each with unique weapons and special abilities and embark on endless challenging missions with friends!

    Experience the most responsive action combat system in an online RPG to date. With highly customizable attacks and abilities, PSO2's combat encourages players to get creative in their battle strategy. Precision and skill determine the outcome of each combat situation, and with eighteen weapon types to choose from, you are never limited to just one playstyle.

    Discover one of the most powerful character creators ever made. With four races to choose from, customizing your ARKS Operative's appearance is just the beginning. PSO2's ever-expanding catalog of editable accessories and layered outfits to mix and match allows for countless possibilities, limited only by the extent of your imagination.

    Download and play for free on Xbox One. Experience all that Phantasy Star Online 2 has to offer, with no level caps or blocked story content. A Never-Ending Quest Awaits You!
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. May 8, 2020
    The problem is, Phantasy Star Online 2 still feels like a game nearing a decade old mark. Like man MMOs of our current generation, however fun they continue to be, and however nostalgic PSO players may feel when playing, it still has a quality of being a little dated. Still, there is plenty of fight left in PSO2, and if you haven’t played it, or any version of Phantasy Star Online before, then it’s going to be new to you. Phantasy Star Online 2 is a fantastic game with a lot to offer. With a generous Free 2 Play payment model, PSO2 is certainly one of the best options out there for gamers looking to try something different, without overspending.
  2. May 1, 2020
    Like many expansive online projects, the opportunity is there to really get sucked into a new and exciting world.
  3. May 17, 2020
    Phantasy Star Online 2 is a great combat system wrapped up in a bloated and sometimes confusing MMO-lite package that uses its charming anime flair to stand out from the competition.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 2 out of 7
  1. Apr 23, 2020
    I love this game coming for pso1 for the xbox makes me realize how much I missed pso. I'm happy it came to the xbox and soon to pc. Give it aI love this game coming for pso1 for the xbox makes me realize how much I missed pso. I'm happy it came to the xbox and soon to pc. Give it a try if your a pso fan I enjoy the game. Expand
  2. Apr 18, 2020
    Played PSU back in the day but never the original PSO. My perception of PSU at the time was it felt like a good starting point but I wantedPlayed PSU back in the day but never the original PSO. My perception of PSU at the time was it felt like a good starting point but I wanted more. Even thought PSO2 is not necessarily new, I am finding it entertaining to play alone or with friends. I gave it a 9 as I feel there are elements that could be described in depth upfront that would make learning nuanced aspects of the game somewhat easier to recognize and understand. Expand
  3. May 30, 2020
    Great game!! Loved PSO on the Dreamcast back in the day and this game builds off of that with a limitless amount of quests and ways toGreat game!! Loved PSO on the Dreamcast back in the day and this game builds off of that with a limitless amount of quests and ways to customize your characters. Very generous free to play but I'd recommend buying at least one month of premium since you get a lot more and its only about $15. Expand
  4. Mar 23, 2020
    I absolutely loved the original Phantasy Star Online and was ecstatic when a sequel was announced... Almost a decade ago. I waited and waitedI absolutely loved the original Phantasy Star Online and was ecstatic when a sequel was announced... Almost a decade ago. I waited and waited for an English release, going as far as putting hundreds of hours into the Japanese version, and it was well worth that effort! I absolutely love PSO2 and I cheered in my apartment at its western announcement last E3.

    Combat is fast, especially compared to other MMOs. The various classes, weapons, and abilities let you play exactly how you want to.

    There's one setback and the game is absolutely daunting. There is so much to do that it's easy to feel lost, and there are way too many systems in place. The flip side of this is that you can sink many hours into this game and potentially find an aspect you didn't pay much attention to before.

    I played on PC on the Japanese server, so playing on console is a slightly different experience. There are some moments of stutter, one particularly bad instance is opening the "Fashion" menu causing 2-3 seconds of complete stalling. This is still beta so hopefully issues like this can be ironed out before release, and I'm very excited to play on PC when that comes out.
  5. Apr 10, 2020
    Phantasy Star Online 2 is a Sci-Fi Fantasy MMORPG. The game is the newest installment to SEGA's ever-growing Phantasy Star franchise thatPhantasy Star Online 2 is a Sci-Fi Fantasy MMORPG. The game is the newest installment to SEGA's ever-growing Phantasy Star franchise that started on the Master System in 1987. PSO2 has a huge, rich progression system that allows players to not only level their characters up but also increase the power of their gear. The first thing you do is create your character. PSO2 allows you to choose from four races (Male or Female) and start with one of six classes. Hunter, Ranger, Force, Braver, Bouncer, or Summoner can be chosen to start with, but you can change your class as you play the game to increase the abilities you have access to. If you played enough you could potentially max out ALL six classes on the same character! The Character customization is incredible, allowing you to look and play how you want to! The main gameplay is mission-based, giving you various missions with many different tasks. Each mission has varying difficulties, each with a recommended character level. These quests are nearly endless allowing for hours of action. The combat system is incredible with open action battles and seamless control over your characters actions. If you get a bit tired of running missions, take your ARKS operative over to the casino and burn off some steam, and Casino Coins. There is also purchasable cosmetics, allowing for even further customizing of your character. SEGA has succeeded at making another incredible story in the Phantasy Star Universe, as well as giving us an incredible Sci-Fi setting loaded with Fantasy elements. JRPG gone MMORPG in a nearly endless game is a dream come ture to fans of this Genre! Expand
  6. Apr 25, 2020
    I loved PSO on Xbox in 2003 very much, but this game feels too different, in the wrong way. Weird walking animations like slippery footsteps,I loved PSO on Xbox in 2003 very much, but this game feels too different, in the wrong way. Weird walking animations like slippery footsteps, more mainstreamed combat system, complicated menus, menu sounds that will let explode your head, loot that feels not important. I am very dissappointed. Waited for so long. Would like to play the older PSO again. Expand
  7. Mar 23, 2020
    Game mechanics do not port well to Xbox and nobody seems to join parties. It's like playing an mmo solo and you can't do a lot of the missions solo.