David Rae
Contributor|Personal Finance


David Rae a Certified Financial Planner™ has been helping people make smarter financial decisions since 2003. Investopedia has named David one of the "100 Most Influential Financial Advisors" for past 3 years. He is the founder of the FinancialPlannerLA.com


David Rae a Certified Financial Planner™ has been helping people make smarter financial decisions since 2003. Investopedia has named David one of the "100 Most Influential Financial Advisors" for past 3 years. He is the founder of the FinancialPlannerLA.com Blog. Rae is no stranger in front of the camera either, having been interviewed for numerous segments from the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, ABC, KTLA, CBS News, Nightline, Fox and Friends, Bravo TV E! News and Comedy Central to name a few. www.davidraefp.com

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May 24, 2020

Will Coronavirus Spike The Rate Of Poverty In Retirement?

Being forced to retire early during the coronavirus recession will likely have a devastating effect on their incomes during retirement. It could also lead to a spike in the rate of poverty among retirees.
May 21, 2020

$5000 Trump Proposal To Get Money Now From Social Security

One proposal from the Trump White House would let Americans take a $5,000 loan against their future Social Security benefits. But this financial planner thinks this may be a bad idea for your retirement plan.
May 17, 2020

Will Coronavirus Make Delaying Social Security More Beneficial?

Given the recent drop in the stock market, led by the panic around COVID-19, should people reconsider delaying Social Security benefits? Making the wrong choice when taking Social Security can kill your financial security.
May 10, 2020

Should You Buy Life Insurance On Your Parents During Coronavirus?

With many Americans unable to save at all for retirement, supporting their parents will have a dire effect on their standard of living in retirement. During the coronavirus pandemic should your buy life insurance on your parents?
May 6, 2020

The Home Office Deduction 2020 In Time Of Coronavirus

One of the significant social side effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is a wave of people suddenly working from home. You may be wondering if you can now get a nice tax break under the Home Office Deduction. Do I qualify for the Home Office Deduction?
April 2020 (7)
March 2020 (7)
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