Kelsey D. Atherton


I covered defense and aerospace technology for a variety of outlets, including Popular Science,  Aviation Week, C4ISRNET, and The New York Times.

7 hours ago

Corn-Powered Tomahawk Missiles Are Coming

The process patented by Los Alamos uses a by-product of ethanol production, letting America's love of fueling vehicles with corn fuel even more dangerous vehicles.
May 18, 2020

Farming Drone Goes From Plowshares To Grenade Launcher

For dronemaker VINVELI, the purpose of its quadcopters shifted with the market and with its change in location. Which is how a drone launched as a farmer’s helper in Texas is now in the hands of special forces in India.
May 14, 2020

New Russian Robot Can Climb Stairs And Blow Up Bombs

The Syrian civil war has been a proving ground for Russian military technology, including a new iteration of the scarab scout robot. Dubbed Scorpion, this remote-controlled vehicle is designed to do everything from locate hidden explosives to climb stairs.