David WoodOverený účet


Journalist & author, Future of War Fellow at New America| 2012 winner of the Pulitzer Prize | Author of What Have We Done: The Moral Injury of our Longest Wars

Na Twitteri od: január 2009


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  1. 3. 4.
  2. 21. 3.
  3. 16. 3.

    Pondering a new and more dangerous Cold War ...

  4. 16. 12. 2021
  5. 18. 8. 2021
  6. Retweetol používateľ
    24. 4. 2021

    In his latest column, ⁦⁦⁦⁩ nails ERCOT for its jargon. Intentional or not, he writes, its incomprehensible comms during the winter storm left the public befuddled and ill served. Via ⁦⁩ ⁦

  7. Retweetol používateľ
    25. 4. 2021

    You can find links to related opinion pieces and editorials about the state of public safety in Dallas here, via 6/6

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  8. Retweetol používateľ
    25. 4. 2021

    Don't miss our strong package on public safety in Dallas, part of ' State of the City project, a look at where Dallas stands on key issues including public safety, with later packages on the economy, education and more. 1/6

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  9. 31. 3. 2021

    We may be finished with Iraq and Afghanistan, but war will come again, there or elsewhere. When it does, this will matter.

  10. 19. 9. 2018
  11. 14. 7. 2018
  12. 14. 2. 2018

    Shame on us for allowing this kind of thing to happen ...

  13. 8. 11. 2017

    Domestic Violence Permeates Mass Killers’ Identities via @Rivardreport

  14. 3. 10. 2017

    Winner, 2017 Dayton Literary Peace Prize for nonfiction!

  15. 3. 10. 2017

    2017 Dayton Literary Peace Prize awarded to What Have We Done: The Moral Injury of Our Longest Wars (Little, Brown)

  16. 25. 9. 2017
  17. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 8. 2017

    Former Director of National Intelligence Clapper: "I do question his fitness for the office."

  18. 21. 8. 2017

    It's not how many troops we send to but what they do when they get there. Hoping for renewed focus on village stability ops.

  19. 7. 8. 2017

    So proud of my wife, Beth Frerking, editor of the National Law Journal, for being honored as a top journalist!

  20. 31. 7. 2017

    Needing some adroit crisis management with . Hoping this administration is up to the task.


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