David WoodПодлинная учетная запись


Senior military correspondent, The Huffington Post | 2012 winner of the Pulitzer Prize | Author of What Have We Done: The Moral Injury of our Longest Wars

Дата регистрации: январь 2009 г.

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  1. 11 часов назад

    Mattis: no change is Syria strategy.

  2. 6 апр.

    Talking with Terry Gross today on about risks of US-Russia crises.

  3. ретвитнул(а)
    5 апр.
  4. 4 апр.

    Scariest story I've done in a long time: This Is How The Next World War Starts via

  5. 30 мар.
  6. 30 мар.
  7. 28 мар.
  8. 24 мар.

    I asked Marine grunts what they don't get from the defense budget. I wasn't surprised at the answers ... ?

  9. 23 мар.

    Gen. Scaparrotti says as cmdr, his job is harder given cuts to diplomacy and soft power. testimony

  10. 23 мар.

    The US effort to counter Russian propaganda in Europe is called the RIG. Could they find a more appropriate name?

  11. 23 мар.

    We're losing Afghanistan: anyone at 1600 PA Ave paying attention? Families of 2,182 US dead and 20,278 WIA sure are.

  12. 18 мар.
  13. 17 мар.

    Money, Malice, Mercers: The Megadonors Who Want To Blow Up The System via

  14. 17 мар.

    As war grinds on in Iraq & Syria, reporting civilian deaths from air strikes becomes more difficult.

  15. ретвитнул(а)
    23 февр.

    My flight from SFO to JFK. We were told we couldn't disembark without showing our "documents."

  16. 8 февр.

    Interesting to see if Gen. Flynn weighs in on this one ...

  17. 8 февр.

    US Command upbeat: says ISIS in Mosul surrounded & will be 'annihilated', Raqqa will be taken in 6 months. Cd be more difficult.

  18. 10 янв.

    Take a lunch break from watching Jeff Sessions. Come, or watch the livestream!

  19. 6 янв.

    Not a good omen for hard reporting: journalists offering PEOTUS Trump off-the-record sessions. via

  20. 4 янв.

    For 15 years we've sent young Americans into perilous and morally complex wars. What's that done to them, and us?

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