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Site Spotlight: Operational Excellence showcases staff members

SMU’s Office of Operational Excellence (OPEX) has introduced a new website feature: a series of  stories about staff members who’ve taken on new leadership roles since the implementation of Operational Excellence for the Second Century (OE2C) and “are helping bring more innovation and efficiency to campus operations,” according to their blog.

The “Staff Spotlight” series includes profiles of staffers and initiatives including Jason Warner, Academic Technology Services; Vali Dicus, Shared Services; and Yvette Castilla, Academic Support.

OPEX updates the blog regularly with information on OE2C initiatives and new endeavors such as the Staff Recognition Initiative and the Data Warehouse Initiative. Bookmark the site to keep up with the latest: smu.edu/opex.

Meadows shares spectacular ‘Photos We Love’ from Spring 2017

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”no” equal_height_columns=”no” menu_anchor=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_position=”center center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” fade=”no” background_parallax=”none” enable_mobile=”no” parallax_speed=”0.3″ video_mp4=”” video_webm=”” video_ogv=”” video_url=”” video_aspect_ratio=”16:9″ video_loop=”yes” video_mute=”yes” video_preview_image=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” padding_top=”” padding_right=”” padding_bottom=”” padding_left=””][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ layout=”1_1″ spacing=”” center_content=”no” hover_type=”none” link=”” min_height=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_position=”left top” background_repeat=”no-repeat” border_size=”0″ border_color=”” border_style=”solid” border_position=”all” padding=”” dimension_margin=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=”” last=”no”][fusion_text]Promo shot for Meadows Senior Dance Concert 2017

SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts chooses the photos that sum up Spring 2017 – including spectacular shots from the Meadows Chamber Music Recital, the Meadows Opera production of The Elixir of Love, Regina Taylor’s Magnolia, the Temerlin Advertising Institute and Division of Journalism “Collaboration Room,” and the August Wilson Monologue Competition.

They also include the photo above – a stunning shot by Ace Anderson from the promotional video shoot for the Meadows 2017 Senior Dance Concert, running May 4-7 in the Bob Hope Theatre, Owen Arts Center.

Inner Life: SMU Senior Dance Concert 2017 from Ace Anderson on Vimeo.

> Find more “Photos We Love” at the Meadows School of the Arts website camera, slide show icon[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

Tune In: 15 unforgettable photos from The Tempest by SMU Meadows / Ignite Arts Dallas

The Tempest, Public Works Dallas

SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts has chosen the best photos from William Shakespeare’s The Tempest as reimagined by a Meadows Prize winner.

Dallas Theater Center and SMU Meadows / Ignite Arts Dallas, in association with the AT&T Performing Arts Center, presented the musical adaptation as a community participation project conceived by 2015 Meadows Prize winner Lear deBessonet during her residency in the Meadows School. The show was directed by Kevin Moriarty, with book, music and lyrics by Todd Almond.

The production showcased 200 Dallasites from all over the city, who shared the stage with professional actors. The unique staging vividly retold the Bard’s well-loved story of the marooned Prospero, who commands spirits, creates apparitions and manipulates the elements to take revenge on his enemies – and in the process awakens in Miranda, his teenage daughter, her first experience of love.

> See the full slideshow courtesy of SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts camera


Site Spotlight: Handy tips from SMU Libraries as 2017 Fair Use Week begins


ARL Fair Use Week infographicThe Association of Research Libraries observes 2017 Fair Use Week Feb. 20-24, and SMU’s Central University Libraries is celebrating with handy resources for students and other University community members.

Dillon Wackerman, SMU’s Digital Repository librarian, has answered some questions about fair use in honor of the week, which is organized to “celebrate the important doctrines of fair use in the United States” and “promote and discuss the opportunities presented, celebrate successful stories and explain the doctrine.”

Share the link to spread the word.

> Read and share via the SMU CUL News blog


Attention authors: Tell SMU News about your new books

loving-u-book-cover-150Faculty, staff, students and alumni: Did you publish a general-interest book in 2014? SMU News is seeking information on your publications for possible inclusion in its end-of-year holiday book list.

Director of Online Communications Gary Shultz has made it easy: Just fill out this web form and click. Include your name and title, e-mail address, the title of your new book, month and year of its publication, and a brief description. Please include a web address where News and Communications can find more information. The deadline is Friday, Dec. 12, 2014.

After you send in your information, please email a high-resolution copy of your book cover to SMU Books.

SMU Alternative Breaks offers 20 trips during 2014-15

10511497_696268393814394_2995925763323181267_oIn 1988, SMU’s first alternative break trips traveled to a Brownsville refugee camp and a New Orleans soup kitchen. Founded the year before, the program provided an opportunity for students to perform community service during their time off.

This year, SMU Alternative Breaks offers 20 trips during fall, winter, spring and summer breaks – an all-time high.

Alternative Breaks (AB) is a student organization providing direct community service opportunities during every academic break. Performing service alongside reputable non-profit organizations, the AB program takes students, faculty and staff to communities in-need both domestically and internationally. Participants have the opportunity to do quality service, gain education about important social issues and reflect on how they can create positive social change.

During Fall Break 2014 (Oct. 11-14), AB offered six trips where students participated in various community service initiatives throughout Texas and Oklahoma. Sarah Day, a senior communications major in Meadows School of the Arts, participated in the San Antonio trip during her October break. Sarah addressed issues of food availability and access by working directly with individuals and families.

Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 3.00.10 PM“Alternative Breaks is one of the best things I have done in college. On each trip you learn so much about different social issues and because of the way AB places students into groups, you also get to experience a diversity of opinions from all over campus. Each time I come away with 10 new friends that I otherwise wouldn’t have had, and it has been cool to work with them to make a difference in the Dallas community once we come back,” shared Day.

Due to increased participant applications, AB added a third Winter Break trip for the first time. During the upcoming Winter Break students can travel to Austin, Ecuador or Puerto Rico.

Additionally, there are 11 domestic and international AB trips offered during Spring Break from March 8-14, 2015. These include trips to Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Washington, D.C., Costa Rica, Missouri, Louisiana, Georgia, New York and Texas.

For more information on any of these trips or to find the Alternative Breaks application, visit the SMU Alternative Breaks webpage.

Tune In: ‘Mustang Minute’ captures magic moments at SMU

A new series by SMU Video Communications Manager Myles Taylor captures the excitement of the academic year in 60 seconds or less. The Mustang Minute will explore every corner of the campus to offer Taylor’s unique view of University events, activities and people. Click the YouTube screen above to view an early hit: the making of the Class of 2018 photo.

The Mustang Minute is available in the University’s YouTube channel at youtube.com/SMUVideo as well as through the new Mustang Minute blog. It will soon be available as a podcast via SMU on iTunesU.

> Watch and subscribe at Mustang Minute

SMU OE2C announces first initiative: travel and entertainment policy and tools

Dallas Hall renderingA 10-member SMU team representing various campus constituents has scheduled a demonstration of new tools to improve the way the University plans for and reimburses travel and entertainment expenses.

The vendors will visit campus to present their capabilities on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 4 and 5, 2014. These demonstrations will be open to the broader SMU community. The time and location for these demonstrations will be announced soon.

The review of the University’s existing travel and entertainment policies is part of Project SMU: Operational Excellence for the 2nd Century. The OE2C microsite will provide additional information in the coming days.

> Frequently Asked Questions about SMU OE2C

“As the OE2C team traveled across campus conducting interviews, the most frequent suggestion we heard was addressing the University’s policies and processes for travel and entertainment,” said Bill Detwiler, associate vice president for business services and program manager for OE2C, and Martin Sweidel, professor of music, associate dean for administrative affairs in Meadows School of the Arts, and OE2C program coordinator. “We determined that improving the way SMU plans for and gets reimbursed for these expenses can save the University dollars and staff time.”

> More questions? Send them to SMU OE2C

Project SMU: Operational Excellence for the 2nd Century (OE2C) is a University-wide review of SMU’s financial structure and operating model, which aims to strengthen the long-term economic vitality of the University through operational improvements and savings.

> Bain & Company briefing: “The Financially Sustainable University” (PDF format)

SMU’s current OE2C site is undergoing a redesign to feature more information and more frequent new posts. Bookmark the site to stay up to date on the latest news.

Read the full statement from Detwiler and Sweidel under the cut.

Continue reading “SMU OE2C announces first initiative: travel and entertainment policy and tools”

‘Year of the Faculty’ website goes live

SMU's Year of the Faculty websiteSMU’s 2014 Year of the Faculty celebration kicks into gear with the launch of a new website honoring faculty achievement and recognition.

The site’s central feature is an archive of memories from SMU alumni and students. More than 300 remembrances of favorite faculty members have already been sent in, and the University is spreading the word through news and social media.

Throughout the year, the website will also highlight the achievements of individual faculty members from many different disciplines. Faculty profiles will include endowed chairs and noted experts, as well as award-winning teachers, scholars and researchers.

In addition, the Year of the Faculty theme will be part of several public celebrations throughout the calendar year, beginning with 2014 Founders’ Day Weekend April 10-13 – which launches with a historic Centennial Salute to the faculty at the annual President’s Briefing.

The Year of the Faculty is part of the University’s ongoing centennial celebration and will be a central theme of SMU Unbridled: The Second Century Campaign. The celebration was first announced by SMU Provost Paul Ludden during the 2014 Spring General Faculty Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 22.

> Visit SMU’s Year of the Faculty homepage

Site Spotlight: SMU remembers JFK, 50 years later

John and Jackie Kennedy in DallasReporters and researchers from around the world have visited SMU this year as Dallas prepares for the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination on Friday, Nov. 22, 2013. They’ve worked with faculty experts; examined archived speeches, sermons and letters to Dallas Mayor Earl Cabell from the days surrounding the assassination; and visited an undergraduate class exploring the life, times and legend of JFK.

Learn more about the scholarly analysis, one-of-a kind archival material and citywide leadership SMU is providing as the world gathers to remember that tragic day in Dealey Plaza. See video clips and news stories featuring SMU experts at University’s microsite, The JFK Assassination.

> Visit SMU’s JFK microsite at smu.edu/jfk