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Coronavirus | Green, Orange zones opened for e-commerce, barbers

Migrant daily wage laborers walk with their belongings during a nationwide lockdown to control the spread of coronavirus in Jammu on May 2, 2020.

Migrant daily wage laborers walk with their belongings during a nationwide lockdown to control the spread of coronavirus in Jammu on May 2, 2020.   | Photo Credit: AP

Classifications of districts into ‘Red’, ‘Orange’ and ‘Green’ zones is done based on the basis of COVID-19 risk profiling.

A day after the nationwide lockdown was extended till May 17 and major relaxations were allowed, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) clarified on Saturday that e-commerce could be used for the delivery of essential and non-essential products in districts designated as green and orange zones. In red zones, e-commerce can only be used for delivery of essential items, a senior MHA official said.

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In another significant addition, the official said barbers and salons could also open in orange and green zones. Liquor shops could open in all zones except containment areas. In urban areas, liquor shops that are not in market complexes and malls could open everywhere.

Here's a colour coded district map based on the zone classification. Use the search feature to find which zone a particular district lies in. The map will be updated according to ministry of health re-classifications.

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Decision of RWAs

Regarding the entry of domestic helps, electricians, plumbers and others, the official said Residents Welfare Association (RWAs) should take a call “by keeping health protocols in mind.”

“In case of any mishappening, the responsibility lies with the person allowing the outsiders in their homes,” said the official.

State Helpline numbers for COVID-19 | e-Book on COVID-19

The official added that public transport was still barred, except in green zones where buses have been allowed to ply with 50% capacity.

Transport curbs

MHA also issued a separate clarification for orange zones where it said that “inter-district and intra-district plying of buses remains prohibited.”

Coronavirus, May 2 updates | State-wise tracker for coronavirus cases, deaths and testing rates

In orange zones, inter-district movement of private cars is, however, allowed with a maximum three persons, including the driver. Cab aggregators/taxis are also allowed to operate with same conditions.

“However, States and Union territories based on their assessment and priorities, may choose to permit a lesser number of activities,” MHA said.

Watch | Guidelines for extended lockdown

Green zones are districts with either zero confirmed cases till date; or, no confirmed case in the last 21 days. Red zones are defined based on the total number of active cases, doubling rate of confirmed cases, extent of testing and surveillance feedback from the districts. The districts, which are neither defined as red nor green, shall be classified as orange zones. According to the Health Ministry’s classification, there are 130 red zone districts, 284 orange zone districts and 319 green zone districts across the country.

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Places of large gatherings like gym, theatres, malls, bars, religious, social and political gatherings, movement of people between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. for non-essential activities are banned.

Every activity, except movement of persons for supply of essential goods and services and for medical emergencies, OPDs and medical clinics, will remain prohibited in containment areas of a Red zone.

Outside containment areas of a Red zone, plying of rickshaw, taxi, buses, barber shops and spas remain prohibited.

What is allowed outside containment areas of a Red zone (with restrictions):

In urban areas:

Movement of people and vehicles for permitted activities, industrial establishments in urban areas like SEZs, manufacturing of essential goods like drugs, medical devices etc. and their supply chain, manufacturing of IT hardware, jute industry, construction (if workers residing on site).

Standalone shops, shops in neighbourhood and residential complexes (essential and non-essential items), e-commerce activities for essential goods, private offices with 33% strength, operations of homes for senior citizens, children, destitutes etc, government offices and emergency, health, sanitation and security services are also allowed outside containment areas of Red zones.

What is allowed in rural areas:

All industrial and construction activities, all shops, except in shopping malls, all agriculture, animal husbandry and plantation activities, health services, financial sector including banks, NBFCs etc, public utilities, courier and postal services, print, electronic media, IT, ITeS, warehouses services by self employed persons except barbers.

In Orange zone:

What is prohibited:

  • Inter and intra-districts plying of buses, except those permitted by the MHA

Permitted activities:

  • All activities permitted in Red zones (outside containment zone), taxi (driver with 2 passengers only)
  • Inter-district movement of people and vehicles for permitted activities, 4 wheelers with 2 passengers with driver, pillion riding on 2 wheelers

In Green zone:

  • All activities allowed except those prohibited throughout the country
  • Buses and bus depots can operate with 50% capacity
  • According to the Home Ministry, States and UTs may put restrictions on the above permitted activities, based on their assessment required to contain COVID-19

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Printable version | May 3, 2020 11:47:15 PM | https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/coronavirus-barber-shops-sale-of-non-essentials-by-e-commerce-platforms-allowed-in-green-orange-zones-mha/article31489895.ece

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