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Sonic Mania Plus Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: Sonic Mania Plus is the definitive retail enhanced version of the original Sonic Mania's digital release, presented in a pristine collectible physical release. The encore pack is a $5 upgrade fee for owners of the original game.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 16, 2018
    Really, no matter how you look at it, Sonic Mania is a huge success and Sonic Mania Plus is a celebration of that success thanks to smart physical edition design and items and valuable new in-game content. At only $30, it’s a superb deal and a release I would recommend be on anyone’s short list of must-haves.
  2. Jul 16, 2018
    Sonic Mania was the perfect homage to the classic hedgehog games. Plus version adds two new characters, 4 player coop split screen, new game modes and a great physical edition, so it gets even better.
  3. Jul 16, 2018
    Sonic Mania Plus cranks the game up to eleven with its new content and it is a must-play for fans of the original Sonic the Hedgehog 2D platformers.
  4. Jul 23, 2018
    Simply put, even if you've never played a Sonic game, you'll still have a ton of fun within the exciting world of Sonic Mania Plus.
  5. Jul 17, 2018
    Sonic Mania Plus is an excellent game made for fans by fans.
  6. Aug 23, 2018
    Those looking for more Sonic could do far worse than this title, but don’t expect the extras to live up to the lofty standards set by Mania Mode.
  7. Jul 10, 2018
    For only a $5 upgrade fee, they get all of those warm fuzzy feelings but with two great new characters and a small handful of remixed content that doesn’t quite break the bank nor provide a ton of value. However, the early 1990s infrastructure that the game prides itself on hasn’t aged quite as gracefully and, while it still has plenty of charm, it doesn’t fit in as elegantly with the current 2018 era that it’s being released in.

See all 27 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
  1. Jul 18, 2018
    Sonic Mania was already an awesome 2D platform game but with Sonic Mania Plus the game is just perfect. More stages to play, more charactersSonic Mania was already an awesome 2D platform game but with Sonic Mania Plus the game is just perfect. More stages to play, more characters each with unique gameplay to play and many more things to do it's simple : just buy it, to experience the amazing experience this videogame has to offer! Expand
  2. Jul 17, 2018
    Astonishing package, this is certainly the best Sonic game of all time, congrats Christian Whitehead and the team.
  3. Sep 10, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sonic was good. Sonic Mania Plus is a very good Sonic game at all. IGN needs to stop saying Sonic was never good. Keep your criticism to yourself. Shut up and interview. Expand
  4. Jul 17, 2018
    The perfect Sonic game! better than anything launched in this series! congratulations!
  5. Jul 25, 2018
    With the addition of encore mode, this game is cemented as the best sonic game of all time. Exactly what 2d fans have wanted for 15 years. ItWith the addition of encore mode, this game is cemented as the best sonic game of all time. Exactly what 2d fans have wanted for 15 years. It is hard to think of anything more that could have been done to improve this game but with some well chosen additions, the package now feels complete. Expand
  6. Jul 25, 2018
    It's been almost a year since Sonic Mania has been released to the world and everyone soon fell in love with the game and it's no secret thatIt's been almost a year since Sonic Mania has been released to the world and everyone soon fell in love with the game and it's no secret that the team behind Sonic Forces admits loving Sonic Mania as well by connecting the events of the two games together for rather two epic games to play for the price of one. I think it was time for Sonic Mania to get an upgrade due to the critical success of Sonic Mania and the fact that it's literally impossible to get a physical copy of the game. Introducing Sonic Mania Plus, an upgraded Sonic Mania that includes even more things that might as well make it even better than its original form, it has more nostalgia written into it than what Sonic Mania could ever have to surprise its fans into wanting more. Expand
  7. May 31, 2020
    Not gonna lie, I wanted to see if this game was actually good a few years ago and I didn't really like it due to how much this game relies onNot gonna lie, I wanted to see if this game was actually good a few years ago and I didn't really like it due to how much this game relies on nostalgia bait. The graphics are fricking horrible. This game would have been way better if it was released back in the 90's era. This isn't the time to release something like this, especially due to it being the 3d era of Sonic. It's not the time to release a fricking 2d Sonic game. Due to this being a fangame, I thought this would be better than a official sonic game but no, I was indeed wrong. Expand

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