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Final Fantasy VII Remake Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 116 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 4218 Ratings

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  • Summary: Long ago, we looked upon a foreboding sky. The memory of the star that threatened all burns eternal in our hearts. In its wake came an age of silence. Yet with each fond remembrance, we knew those encountered were not forgotten, that some day we would see them again. Perhaps it was no moreLong ago, we looked upon a foreboding sky. The memory of the star that threatened all burns eternal in our hearts. In its wake came an age of silence. Yet with each fond remembrance, we knew those encountered were not forgotten, that some day we would see them again. Perhaps it was no more than wishful thinking. But after the long calm, there are the beginnings of a stir. The reunion at hand may bring joy, it may bring fear, but let us embrace whatever it brings. For they are coming back. At last the promise has been made. Expand
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Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Crazy Combos
Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 0 out of 116
  1. Apr 23, 2020
    The game flips the script on the very idea of nostalgia being the only guiding creative force behind a remake, making it another enemy to be slain.
  2. Apr 6, 2020
    Final Fantasy VII Remake is the best JRPG from Square since Final Fantasy VII. It takes a classic, carefully builds on it, and although certain changes made to the story may not be as well-received by all players, overall there's no denying that it's a massive success.
  3. Apr 10, 2020
    Final Fantasy VII Remake walks in the shoes of the cult-classic leaving new footprints. Faithful in spirit, debatable for changes, this is a colossal attempt to retell the original story. Considering the legacy SquareSoft left behind, this is a job well done by Square-Enix.
  4. Apr 6, 2020
    Final Fantasy 7 Remake is one of the finest JRPGs in recent memory, setting a new benchmark for visuals and real-time combat in the series while managing to begin retelling one of gaming’s greatest tales in grandiose fashion. It’s just a crying shame we have to twiddle our thumbs and wait for the next chapter.
  5. Apr 6, 2020
    Final Fantasy VII Remake is a great game, excellent, even, for today's standards. And for the most part, it is exactly what fans have been asking for during the past ten years. But the truth is that this isn't it; this isn't the game that was promised.
  6. Apr 6, 2020
    A staggering reimagining of a genre touchstone, FFVIIR makes improvements upon the original in many areas but is similarly harmed by some uneven additions
  7. Apr 6, 2020
    Final Fantasy VII Remake manages to balance the introduction of new concepts with faithfully recreations of the original game’s most memorable aspects, but it also unnecessarily pads out this first installment in a larger story with too much downtime between its most striking moments.

See all 124 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Apr 23, 2020
    Love the game all the way,seeing midgar in moden graphic is such a trip down memory lane,and the ending give endless possibility,cant wait toLove the game all the way,seeing midgar in moden graphic is such a trip down memory lane,and the ending give endless possibility,cant wait to see what Square enix does with this remake. Expand
  2. Apr 12, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lets start from the beginning.
    The combat is amazing and really a crazy good mix between action and turn based. It also is challenging in some places and u get better at it over time.
    The music is the best you can find in a game out there. Seriously from town themes to boss themes it has everything u possibly want.
    The visuals are astounding and i dare say some of the best, if not the best we have seen(excluding some minor pixelations and bugs found by some people, myself included on rare occasions).
    Now to the story and characters. The characters are really well executed both on a voice-acting standpoint and a development standpoint and i found myself really caring for them.
    The ENDING which a lot of people hate because they dont understand is quite simple actually. They defeat the fate,aka og plotline and that way they open up possibilities for new things in the next installments. We cant be sure if biggs is alive or if zack is alive because we have no clear context. I think zack is dead cause if he is alive we wouldnt have this story to begin with, and also i think biggs is alive in an alternate timeline and is shown so we can understand the meaning of beating fate.

    All in all i think up until the fate boss fight the game is a clear 10/10. i personally like the ending so i give the overall game a 10/10 but i can see how this ending left some people wondering. But not the extreme so they give it like a 5 or below, thats unaxeptable and totally biased. Also lets get this straight. A remake is the same core game done differently so they didnt "false advertise". If they would call it Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy VII Remaster then i would agree. But they didnt. I myself never played the original but i have some knowledge on the characters and knew about zack etc. So as a new player knowing the basis of the originals plot line i was pleasantly surprised and cant see how someone would be mad at this masterpiece. 10/10
  3. Apr 10, 2020
    All the 0 rated reviews so far are people who failed to even understand what this remake project was. The remake is the first portion of theAll the 0 rated reviews so far are people who failed to even understand what this remake project was. The remake is the first portion of the original game due to how big the original game was. The developers really wanted to add to the experience that's why they've added so much more lore and events!

    The Remake has genuinely improved on the original by fleshing out the story and the characters especially! The music is something else too... some of the best arrangement I've heard in a long time!
  4. Apr 12, 2020
    I have played the original more times than I care to admit and while I am thrown off by some of the decisions in the remake, overall, I veryI have played the original more times than I care to admit and while I am thrown off by some of the decisions in the remake, overall, I very much enjoyed the game.

    The main characters, and the additional play time given to character development, are fantastic. The music is pretty great (not all), there are many really nice looking areas in the game, and I enjoyed the additional customization.

    When the game does stick to expanding upon the main story/characters, it is absolutely fantastic... This includes side characters like Jessie. However, there were times I found myself asking when a certain part of the game was going to end so I could get back to the more interesting main story. While the pace of the game wasn't a deal breaker by any means, it was certainly noticeable and it would be nice if developers didn't feel the need to artificially inflate play time.

    All in all, I would definitely recommend.
  5. Apr 10, 2020
    It is immediately apparent that a lot of care went into remaking the game. The visuals are impressive and the character moments are wellIt is immediately apparent that a lot of care went into remaking the game. The visuals are impressive and the character moments are well written and expertly animated. The environments are full of ingenious details, with plenty of delightful voice acting. It was a challenge in itself to structure a complete experience from the introductory sequence, and the developers achieved it.

    However, there seems to be a noteworthy difference in direction between the original concept from Hironobu Sakaguchi, and the new vision from Tetsuya Nomura and Motomu Toriyama. The gloomy and foreboding mood has given way to a more dramatic and eager pitch reminiscent of other entries in the series. The central theme of loss is somewhat diluted amidst the everyday side content, and the convoluted changes to the main plot, while surprising, ultimately lean toward a more generic story. The gameplay elements are varied and entertaining, but also less effective at conveying the atmosphere, with a very linear pacing and emphasis on busywork.

    All in all, this is a refreshing return to the universe which provides beautiful vignettes and flavorful if less focused additions to the context. It certainly has its own charm, but it will not haunt me as much as the original. The meta-narrative implications could be notably improved by what comes in the next part, but at this point, they do not quite stand on their own. Suffice it to say that it is one of the most accomplished games from Square Enix in recent memories.
  6. Apr 15, 2020
    SE should put a PART I on the title and chop off half of the price instead of stuffing filler quests. I would only buy the complete editionSE should put a PART I on the title and chop off half of the price instead of stuffing filler quests. I would only buy the complete edition and certainly not on a dying platform (aka PS4), If you can't wait, at least wait for the PS5 or PC versions coming not so far away. Expand
  7. May 8, 2020
    This game was a disappointment the original is better like come on this game was gay and boring like I don’t want to spoil anything but it wasThis game was a disappointment the original is better like come on this game was gay and boring like I don’t want to spoil anything but it was really boring I do not recommend to anyone who has played the og version Expand

See all 1961 User Reviews

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