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Unreal Tournament (1999) Image

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Universal acclaim- based on 580 Ratings

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  • Summary: The stakes are high. On the one hand, fame, fortune, glory; on the other hand, death. Prove your skill in the arenas of the future, leading your team of computer-controlled "bots" to victory in the Grand Tournament, or compete with the best of the best via LAN or the Internet inThe stakes are high. On the one hand, fame, fortune, glory; on the other hand, death. Prove your skill in the arenas of the future, leading your team of computer-controlled "bots" to victory in the Grand Tournament, or compete with the best of the best via LAN or the Internet in seat-of-your-pants battles. While Unreal Tournament offers the finest in classic "Deathmatch" play, right out of the box you can compete in Team Deathmatch or Capture the Flag. Control strategic points on the map to rack up your score in Domination, or test your skills in Assault, as one team defends its base from the other. Each game type comes with its own special maps and rules, for never-ending variety and challenge. Add gameplay mutators such as Jump Match or InstaGib, and Unreal Tournament will keep your wits honed to a razor edge. [Infogrames] Expand


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Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Movie 1
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 21
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 21
  3. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Every weapon that was in "Unreal" has been given a total facelift for Unreal Tournament. Everything has been totally redrawn and textured - the overall look of the weapons is quite impressive.
  2. 100
    The graphics are a match for anything else on the market, and the game doesn't need a supercomputer to run it.
  3. Everything in the game is utter perfection. Whether you're in it for the single player quest or the online extravaganza Unreal Tournament doesn't have what you need -- IT IS what you need.
  4. Everything about Unreal Tournament is spectacular and in your face.
  5. 90
    The combination of several dozen professionally designed levels, competitive bots, and entertaining game modes will be hard for DM enthusiasts to resist.
  6. A new generation, looking a lot prettier, playing a lot smoother, and sounding a lot better, but with very little innovation.
  7. If you play only one FPS this year, it will probably be "Quake 3," but if you play two FPS games this year, give Unreal Tournament a try.

See all 21 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 67 out of 67
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 67
  3. Negative: 0 out of 67
  1. Jul 17, 2013
    This was the drug that hooked me up on FPS. I can pretty much divide my relationship with computers in before and after UT. Unreal had alreadyThis was the drug that hooked me up on FPS. I can pretty much divide my relationship with computers in before and after UT. Unreal had already blown my mind, but nothing could have prepared me for this. I have it installed in all computers I have had, without it Pc gaming is just not worth it. Get it, play it, worship it! Expand
  2. Bryan
    Sep 25, 2006
    One of the best games ever.... Mods and the mapmaker keep it fresh, keeps me coming back for more.
  3. johns
    Feb 22, 2009
    Best fps I have ever played. Its so much fun I'm still playing it. Its still alive and this is 2009. That's how good this game is. Best fps I have ever played. Its so much fun I'm still playing it. Its still alive and this is 2009. That's how good this game is. While its way more alive in Europe and South America than North America its still a flourishing game, depending on the mod. Team deathmatch, ctf, 125 speed ctf, and ig. This game is definitely still going. Expand
  4. Mar 26, 2020
    Uh uh uh helllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo????????is anybody out there?
    I'm on Jupiter now Cruz this game sent me past heaven
  5. Jul 14, 2012
    This is the best shot game ever created! It is fantastic and now (2012) nobody can compare with this game.
  6. Jan 29, 2013
    I am not surprised to see that so many gamers gave this title a 10/10. Unreal Tournament is a pioneer in the FPS arena genre, introducingI am not surprised to see that so many gamers gave this title a 10/10. Unreal Tournament is a pioneer in the FPS arena genre, introducing original map modes that offered enthralling multiplayer matches. Excellent graphics for its time. Expand
  7. TheSpiritofFire
    Jan 3, 2007
    This game is great on bot play, but is ridiculous on online. SO MUCH LAG, and I dont mean RAM lag, but latency lag. VERY bad support. Can This game is great on bot play, but is ridiculous on online. SO MUCH LAG, and I dont mean RAM lag, but latency lag. VERY bad support. Can someone tell me what # the latest patch is? I love the music, the graphics, the gameplay, everything, but the lag is infuriating. Expand

See all 67 User Reviews