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  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Release Date: Nov 18, 2001
IL-2 Sturmovik Image

Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 157 Ratings

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  • Summary: Fly 31 types of Russian, German and American planes. Engage in air-to-air and air-to-ground battles. Multiplay with up to 32 players in dogfight and 16 players in cooperative missions. Use custom paint schemes, squadron nose art, numbering on wings, and national markings for each plane. [Ubi Soft]
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IL-2 Sturmovik Movie 1
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. 100
    A vitamin injection of originality, putting the sheer joy of flying back into combat flight simulation. It's an experience you do not want to miss.
  2. Computer Gaming World
    The best World War II flight simulator ever. [Mar 2002, p.90]
  3. Likely the best WWII flight action you'll see for some time, and with user made missions and aircraft in the offing, it doesn't get any better than this.
  4. PC Gamer
    This is quite simply the best World War II flight sim this pilot has experienced in years, and it’s an instant classic for the genre. [Feb 2002, p.66]
  5. Put simply this game is such a well rounded and comprehensive effort that it will take some beating before it is shot down and rendered missing in action by a competitor.
  6. The quality and individuality of presently pilotable planes and the extraordinary variety of AI airpower should satisfy all but the most hard-hearted hangar habitues.
  7. For combat flight sim enthusiasts, IL-2 Sturmovik is a dream thanks to its countless solo missions, meaty historical campaign, smooth multiplayer options, flexible customization, accurate handling and great graphics.

See all 12 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Apr 8, 2017
    Просто лучший продукт в своем роде за всю историю видео игр.
    Русские умеют делать военные симуляторы что не говори.
    Просто лучший продукт в своем роде за всю историю видео игр.
    Русские умеют делать военные симуляторы что не говори.
  2. ChapayC.
    Dec 19, 2003
    Russian Aces best forever :)
  3. RaymondK.
    Dec 5, 2003
    Beautiful graphics, superb realism, runs smooth even without top notch hardware. love the cannon smoke, it's like I am looking throughBeautiful graphics, superb realism, runs smooth even without top notch hardware. love the cannon smoke, it's like I am looking through the lense of a gun camera, beats MS CFS 3 hands down! Expand
  4. Jan 3, 2015
    This totally blew me away like no game has since. The flighty model exceeds Microsoft FSX despite being an older game. Multiplayer is veryThis totally blew me away like no game has since. The flighty model exceeds Microsoft FSX despite being an older game. Multiplayer is very well implemented.

    For the 2014+ audience, if you have a shred of interest in flight, get IL2 1946, which is the most updated version still has some online players, and costs next to nothing now).
  5. Jan 22, 2018
    Сколько было разбито самолетов на взлетной полосе, и не сосчитать. Достойная игра, с отличной физикой и графикой.Сколько было разбито самолетов на взлетной полосе, и не сосчитать. Достойная игра, с отличной физикой и графикой.
  6. Mar 5, 2011
    Realism is good,almost always anyway graphics rule and that stuff. the only problem is that it gets boring later. The best flight simulatorRealism is good,almost always anyway graphics rule and that stuff. the only problem is that it gets boring later. The best flight simulator I've never played its just awesome and i agree with TheHutch,yes, the menus are really boring.

    (sry for my bad English:D)
  7. TheHutch
    Jan 13, 2005
    Great experience, and playability..downside is the frustratingly poor interface menus, and loooonng loadtimes.

See all 8 User Reviews
