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Tamil Nadu

Coronavirus | TN clocks 500 plus COVID-19 cases for second straight day

A view of the starting point of containment zone at Cowl Bazaar bridge in Pozhichalur during the nationwide lockdown as a precautionary measure of COVID-19, in Chennai on May 5, 2020.

A view of the starting point of containment zone at Cowl Bazaar bridge in Pozhichalur during the nationwide lockdown as a precautionary measure of COVID-19, in Chennai on May 5, 2020.   | Photo Credit: B. Velankanni Raj

With 508 new patients on Tuesday, the cumulative tally stood at 4,058 and the active cases at 2,537, it said.

The number of coronavirus cases in Tamil Nadu continued its upward trend on Tuesday, going past the 500 mark for a second consecutive day as the total infections crossed 4,000.

Two deaths were reported, taking the toll from the deadly virus in the state to 33, a Health Department bulletin said.

With 508 new patients on Tuesday, the cumulative tally stood at 4,058 and the active cases at 2,537, it said.

Chennai remained at the top among the 37 districts, as it recorded 279 of the fresh cases, taking its total to 2008, followed by Cuddalore (229 cases) with 68 additions.

A city-based 56 year-old man with comorbidities and a woman aged 60 became the latest fatalities at the Kilpauk Medical College Hospital.

They were admitted to the hospital on April 26 and May 2, respectively, the bulletin added.

So far, 1,74,828 samples have been taken for testing.

COVID-19 tests were being done in 36 government and 16 private labs all over the state, it said.

With the number of cases showing a steady increase, the government asked the general public to adhere to health and travel advisories issued by it.

“Public should follow the cough etiquette by covering the face using handkerchief/towel while sneezing/ coughing. Do frequent hand washing with soap and water,” it said.

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Printable version | May 5, 2020 9:36:58 PM | https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/coronavirus-tn-clocks-500-plus-covid-19-cases-for-second-straight-day/article31511767.ece

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