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Other States

Punjab bars police with health issues, young children from front-line duty

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Representational image   | Photo Credit: PTI

Several calls had been received regarding issues of the health and safety of women police personnel who were either lactating mothers or mothers of children under the age of 5 years, who needed the mother’s constant presence

Punjab has decided to prohibit all police personnel with medical issues, as well as policewomen with children under 5, from front-line duty, in an attempt to protect them from undue exposure to the risk of contracting COVID-19.

Director General of Police Dinkar Gupta on Tuesday said several calls received on the newly introduced tele-counselling facility for police personnel had revealed the concerns on this count.

“At present, there are over 48,000 police personnel engaged in curfew enforcement and relief measures across the State, and the facility was launched on April 20 to equip police officers and their families with additional information and skills to cope with the psychological aspects of the COVID-19 duties, including a high degree of risk of contracting infection,” he said.

Mr. Gupta said several calls had been received regarding issues of the health and safety of women police personnel who were either lactating mothers or mothers of children under the age of 5 years, who needed the mother’s constant presence. “Separation from young children was causing hardship, worry and anxiety, especially in cases where the husband and wife were both members of the police force,” said the DGP, adding that in response to these concerns, it was decided not to deploy such women on front-line duty.

Similar apprehensions were forthcoming with respect to personnel suffering from various medical issues, especially respiratory distress etc., which could aggravate their risk factors, he said.

Mr. Gupta said directions had been issued to officials to ensure that police personnel with pre-existing medical issues, and policewomen with children below 5 years of age were not posted on front-line duties in view of their specific circumstances.

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Printable version | May 5, 2020 10:13:56 PM | https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/punjab-bars-police-with-health-issues-young-children-from-front-line-duty/article31511186.ece

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