Blind date: 'I put on perfume for a video call'

Kayleigh, 28, marketing manager, and Josh, 28, senior account executive, meet online

Kayleigh and Josh
Kayleigh and Josh: ‘We discussed our love for Peep Show. Illustration: Nishant Choksi/The Guardian

Kayleigh on Josh

What were you hoping for?
The One or a good anecdote.

First impressions?
He’s in a tuxedo and I’ve just about managed to brush my hair.

What did you talk about?
Cricket, bad chat-up lines, the fact that my friend encouraged me to do this because I’m apparently single and desperate, the accents we do when we get drunk and lie about our identities (me: scouse, him: South African). Everything but coronavirus.

Any awkward moments?
When neither of us could figure out how UberEats works (pathetic) and when it got to 8pm and people started loudly clapping for the carers. (But it was fine – we both had a clap, too.)

Good table manners?
His meal arrived a few minutes before mine, and he politely asked if I wanted him to wait.

How long did you stay on the call?
A casual four and a half hours (which is longer than about 90% of my in-person dates).

Best thing about Josh?
His dry sense of humour.

Did you introduce him to your housemates?
Sadly not, but he did carry me through the living room, where I got to say a brief hello to the flatmate who’d put him up to this.

Describe Josh in three words
Funny, interesting, smart.

What do you think he made of you?
A ridiculous individual.

Any connection issues?
Not at all.

And… did you swap numbers?
We went for the millennial option and are now following each other on Instagram.

How did the call end?
It got late and we called it a night.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
I wouldn’t have put perfume on for a video call, like an absolute idiot.

Marks out of 10?
Pair of eighters, I reckon.

Would you meet again in person?
If he ever makes it down to Brighton, I’ll happily buy him a shot of Tuaca.

Josh on Kayleigh

What were you hoping for?
Somebody with a bit of chat. I was dreading awkward silences.

First impressions?
Very friendly and easy to talk to.

What did you talk about?
Anything and everything, really. We discussed her love of Peep Show, with me pretending I knew what she was quoting, while I offered some fantastically terrible pick-up lines.

Any awkward moments?
Thankfully not.

Good table manners?
I didn’t think much about it because if there is one thing I’m learning from this pandemic, it is that something once considered so strange has now become the norm.

How long did you stay on the call?
Four and a half hours. I genuinely believed it had only been a couple, so I guess the conversation was good!

Best thing about Kayleigh?
She was receptive to what was said.

Did you introduce her to your housemates?
I felt I had to as he’d signed me up to this without my knowledge.

Describe Kayleigh in three words
Good blind date.

What do you think she made of you?
I turned up late and was wearing a tuxedo, so probably that I’m a bit of a prat. I also spoke a lot about my cricket club, Jürgen Klopp and all the work I do with Excel spreadsheets, so she probably thought I was cool.

Any connection issues?

And… did you swap numbers?
Even better, we followed each other on Instagram.

How did the call end?
I think we said bye.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
Not to have done it virtually, but needs must and all that.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again in person?
While the date went well, I think ultimately we were looking for different things.

Self-isolation doesn’t mean you have to stop looking for love, and Blind Date will continue with online video dates. If you’re single and would like to be set up (with a takeaway on us), email

If you’re looking to meet someone like‑minded, visit