Voice Sponsorship

NPR believes in the power of voice to inform and connect us. So, it is no surprise that NPR is leading in today’s voice-activated world. While these devices can help users manage a myriad of things, many are using them to listen to audio – in fact 55% of smart speaker owners report listening to more audio since getting their device. From smartphones to smart speakers, sponsors can work with NPM to identify ways to share their message in NPR content across voice-activated devices.

A world that responds to your voice is here.

Voice-activated devices of all kinds are becoming mainstream in the U.S. For brands, the time is now to learn more about user behavior and consumer preferences on these platforms.

53 million

people (18+) in the U.S. own a smart speaker¹


of smart speaker owners use their device daily¹


NPR on-demand monthly downloads to smart speakers²


of smart speaker owners would be open to skills or features from brands*¹

Source: (1) The Smart Audio Report from NPR and Edison Research, Spring 2019. *Spring 2018. (2) Splunk, Oct.-Dec. 2019.

Smart Speakers

Align with NPR, a leader in the voice-activated speaker experience delivering more than 10M smart speaker downloads each month.


NPR One delivers a personalized and frictionless listening experience merging local and national radio content with podcasts on voice-activated devices

Voice Landing Pages

Partner with NPM Creative to develop custom Voice Landing Pages — interactive experiences designed for smart speakers — that extend your brand’s reach.

The Smart Audio Report

The Smart Audio Report from NPR and Edison Research is a recurring study on trends in smart speaker ownership and voice assistant user behavior. Since its first release in 2017, the Report has revealed trends in smart speaker adoption and usage, and insight into how voice technology is shaping consumer attitudes and behaviors. Today, it serves as a standard in the industry.
Download the Latest Report