We simplify digital publishing.

We design and build websites, apps and software to make your life easier.

UK based progressive political and current affairs magazine. Powered by Standfirst for Kindle.

A worldwide community of marketing professionals, with more than 250,000 subscribers worldwide.

Find out how we can help

We’ve been working with interconnect since April 2018. As a trusted partner they can take complex problems then deliver on the technical solutions we need. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.

Publish simply

The Standfirst hosted digital publishing platform.



Our £70k investment in Amazon publishing channels reflects our commitment to supporting the publishing industry with low cost, high return products and services.

Looking back (and forward!) at the transition from university to paid work. Jack’s been here for a year now and this is what he has learnt.

We spoke to Sara to ask how she was finding her internship, her future plans and what advice she’d give to other young people hoping to enter a career in tech.