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New York City
Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2009


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  2. 'Outrages' author Naomi Wolf stands by view of Victorian poet |

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  3. The Responsibilities of a Book Critic in the Era of a Trump Presidency |

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  4. Here’s an Actual Nightmare: Naomi Wolf Learning On-Air That Her Book Is Wrong |

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  5. Catching Up With Scott Montgomery, Crime Fiction Coordinator of BookPeople's Mystery Bookstore-within-a-Bookstore |

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  6. New bookstore opens in Orange, Virginia |

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  7. The Uncertain Future of Sweden’s Floating Libraries |

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  8. Hoàn tác
  9. On Cora Crane and the Literary Women Who Prop Up Literary Men |

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  10. Enter for a chance to win one of 20 copies of 'Cari Mora,' the long-awaited new book from the legendary Thomas Harris.

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  11. Op-Ed: Adrienne Brodeur Relives a Lie-Laden Childhood In 'Wild Games'

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  12. Former NFL Player Challenges the Stereotypes of Black Fathers Through Children’s Book ‘Hair Love’ |

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  13. Anne Frank: the real story of the girl behind the diary |

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  14. The A to Z of a Writer’s Routine: A typical day in the life of someone who lives by the pen |

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  15. How I Got Past the Misogyny of ‘War and Peace’ |

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  16. Op-Ed: What's To Be Done With An Author's Pen Name?

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  17. Campaign Aims to Keep Judge’s Copy of ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ in U.K.

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  18. This Week's Bestsellers: May 27, 2019

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  19. After an On-Air Correction, Naomi Wolf Addresses Errors in Her New Book |

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  20. Nonfiction Boosts Unit Sales 2.6% in Mid-May

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  21. Little Free Library Marks a Decade of Book Sharing

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