Poets & Writers


Poets & Writers, Inc. is the primary source of information, support, and guidance for creative writers.

Joined February 2009


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    May 7

    Congratulations to Ed Roberson, the recipient of the 2020 Jackson Poetry Prize! The prize is awarded annually by Poets & Writers to an American poet of exceptional talent. Read the press release:

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  2. 30 minutes ago

    Another installment of , another origin story: In 2017, established —a publisher to champion “books by feminists, for everyone.”

  3. 4 hours ago

    : Think about what you need to hear and write a letter to yourself. Try and touch on all the things you feel have been tripping you up recently, all the things you need to remind yourself of more often.  

  4. 17 hours ago

    “It always feels to me…all the way through writing a project, that the characters are actually real people and my job is to do justice to them.” Sally Rooney on adapting for the / series

  5. 20 hours ago

    "All fiction to me is about a moment in our human history," says Susan Choi. "I don't mean to say that fiction should all be read anthropologically. ... but I can't help but see all stories as being about the moment they come out of in some way." Jan/Feb 2008

  6. Retweeted
    22 hours ago

    A number of poetry and fiction contests are closing on May 30 and 31! Check out opportunities from and at the link. :

  7. 22 hours ago
  8. 23 hours ago

    We’re keeping an index of community resources for writers. Follow the link for info about over thirty financial resources (including location-specific funds):

  9. Retweeted

    News recap from : AKO shortlist 2020 and more literary news. Check it all out! 👇🏿📚

  10. 24 hours ago

    The Time Is Now! This week's for poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction feature The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the opening of floodgates, and joy in unexpectedly places. Browse the archive for more prompts and books on writing!

  11. Retweeted
    24 hours ago
    Replying to

    also has a terrific database for submission calls and contests (as well as writing programs, etc.). Also second already-mentioned fantastic sources and . Thanks to our generous lit community. ♥️

  12. May 22

    : says Jamie Marina Lau's forthcoming Pink Mountain on Locust Island () is "visceral, restless, and edgy." We second that 🤩!

  13. May 22

    And the goes to for its ongoing Instagram Live series featuring brief readings and conversations with its contributors. Jenny Zhang will feature later today at 5:00 PM EDT.

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  14. May 22

    Highlights from : announces shortlist; Marilynne Robinson seeks a more just America ; & Michael Barron writes on the plight of small publishers under COVID-19 . Catch up on these stories and more news for writers:

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  15. May 22

    In the new issue, we spoke with several artists about their experience at the Deaf Artist Residency program in Minnesota. “The common language experience is something that so many people take for granted,” said poet Lilah Katcher. “Not so for us.”

  16. May 21

    : Harry Dodge reads from his debut book, My Meteorite: Or, Without the Random There Can Be No New Thing, and discusses its themes in a conversation with Maggie Nelson in their Los Angeles home

  17. Retweeted
    May 21

    "It's helpful sometimes, for me, to remember where the real bliss is in writing, and that the best motivation is that unholy, unknowing, open state of mind I get to go into for a few precious minutes a day." by George Saunders in

  18. May 21

    "Personally, I don't think very well about things that I haven't actually touched. ... I can't enter into conversations with philosophers when they're talking without examples. I have to say, 'Give me an example of that concept,' and then I can get inside and think." —Anne Carson

  19. May 21

    Happening now! Join us if you registered by following the link in your email

  20. May 21

    While the publishing industry continues to reckon with who gets to tell what stories, the rarity of honors like the Prize for New Immigrant Writing serves as a reminder that there is much space still to be made for immigrant writers.

  21. Retweeted
    May 21

    What's the best writing advice you've received?


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