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Violence and Injury Prevention

New handbook promotes schools as an ideal setting for violence prevention

A new handbook issued by WHO, with contributions from UNESCO and UNICEF, recognizes the potential of schools as an important setting for facilitating violence prevention efforts and outlines concrete steps that schools can take to implement an evidence-based, whole-school approach. Not only do schools offer education and other activities that are themselves powerful protection against violence, but they also help shape attitudes about the acceptability of violence, alcohol and drug use and other risks. Likewise, preventing violence in the broader society is of direct benefit to schools as they are better able to educate children, foster lifelong learning and empower students to be responsible global citizens. School-based violence prevention: a practical handbook provides in-depth information that helps to implement the technical package INSPIRE: seven strategies for ending violence against children, in particular interventions that can be delivered in educational settings. If implemented, the handbook will contribute much to helping achieve the SDG targets linked to preventing violence and promoting education.

WHO joins celebrations of World Bicycle Day

3 June is World Bicycle Day. Established through a UN GA resolution in April 2018, World Bicycle Day praises the bicycle as a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and healthy means of transport as well as a potential contributor to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. On the occasion of this Day, governments are encouraged to improve road safety as part of their sustainable mobility efforts, in part by adopting policies that actively protect cyclists and promote a culture of cycling. When roads are safe, people will cycle more and reap the many benefits of cycling. Measures include enhancing road design, e.g. by building dedicated cycling lanes and upgrading roadway lighting; ensuring that drivers avoid speeding and drinking and driving; and providing timely emergency trauma care. On World Bicycle Day, WHO launched a social media campaign inviting people to cycle and governments to make cycling safe.

5th UN Global Road Safety Week celebrated worldwide

From 6-12 May 2019, thousands of road safety advocates are drawing attention to the importance of effective leadership as a vital component to successful road safety initiatives. Strong leaders are needed to provide a vision of how the future might look and mobilize action to achieve it. Whether they are legislating on speed limits or seat-belts; modifying infrastructure to make roads safe for pedestrians and cyclists; improving post-crash care for road traffic victims; or putting in place comprehensive fleet safety policies, road safety leaders make a positive difference in their countries, communities and institutions and their efforts save lives. The Week highlights that all of us can be leaders when we #SpeakUp for #RoadSafety.

5th UN Global Road Safety Week: Leadership for Road Safety

In February 2019 WHO and partners released the web site for the 5th UN Global Road Safety Week on the theme “Leadership for Road Safety”. The goal of the Week, which will be held 6-12 May 2019, is to generate a demand from the public for stronger leadership for road safety worldwide to help achieve Sustainable Development Goal and other road safety targets. The Week will provide an opportunity for civil society to advocate for concrete, evidence-based interventions to save lives and inspire decision-makers to take action by showcasing examples of strong leadership for road safety. The Week was called for through UN General Assembly resolution (A/RES/72/L.48) - “Improving global road safety” – adopted in April 2018.

NVI Year in Review 2018

The “NVI Year in Review 2018” offers highlights from the work of WHO’s Department for the Management of NCDs, Disability, Violence and Injury Prevention (NVI). Conducted in close collaboration with colleagues from across WHO as well as hundreds of other partners, activities include preventing road traffic deaths in the Philippines and school-based violence in Uganda; issuing new guidance for the prevention of violence against children; hosting high-profile advocacy events like the launch of the Global status report on road safety 2018; and announcing new initiatives, including the Global Emergency and Trauma Care Initiative. Partners are thanked for working with us and for sharing our vision of enabling people to live healthier, more productive lives.

WHO launches the Global status report on road safety 2018

8 December 2018. The Global status report on road safety 2018, launched by WHO in December 2018, highlights that the number of annual road traffic deaths has reached 1.35 million. Road traffic injuries are now the leading killer of people aged 5-29 years. The burden is disproportionately borne by pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, in particular those living in developing countries. The report suggests that the price paid for mobility is too high, especially because proven measures exist. These include strategies to address speed and drinking and driving, among other behaviours; safer infrastructure like dedicated lanes for cyclists and motorcyclists; improved vehicle standards such as those that mandate electronic stability control; and enhanced post-crash care. Drastic action is needed to put these measures in place to save lives and meet existing and future global targets that might be set.

Experts gather to exchange knowledge to scale up lifesaving violence and injury prevention efforts

5 NOVEMBER 2018 | Bangkok, Thailand – Violence and injuries account for 1 in 11 deaths worldwide and take the lives of more than 13 000 people around the world each day. In an effort to prevent them, experts gather for Safety 2018 to share the latest evidence and experiences from programmes which have demonstrated success in saving lives.

Governments agree to steps to accelerate progress towards road safety worldwide

April 2018: On 12 April the UN General Assembly decided on a number of steps to accelerate progress towards achievement of the SDGs linked to road safety. Among them are acceptance of the offer of the Government of Sweden to host the Third High-Level Global Conference on Road Safety in 2020, consensus on 12 global road safety performance targets and establishment of the UN Road Safety Trust Fund. These decisions are reflected in a new resolution A/RES/72/271 tabled by the Government of the Russian Federation and co-sponsored by more than 70 countries. The resolution also describes a number of important global road safety efforts, requesting WHO to continue to develop global status reports on road safety to monitor progress and inviting WHO and the UN regional commissions to facilitate organization of the Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week in 2019.

WHO launches new violence prevention resource

WHO has released “Violence Info”, a global interactive knowledge platform of scientific findings about the prevalence, consequences, causes and prevention of various forms of violence. The tool contains homicide rates and country-specific information on laws, policies, strategies and services to prevent and respond to violence. Globally, some 470 000 people are victims of homicide every year. Hundreds of millions more suffer non-fatal violence. Violence also contributes to leading causes of death such as cancer, heart disease and HIV/AIDS, because victims often adopt behaviours such as smoking, alcohol and drug misuse and unsafe sex. Beyond its impact on individual victims, violence undermines the social and economic development of whole communities. Violence Info was presented at WHO’s 8th Meeting on Milestones in a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention in October 2017.

fact buffet


>1 500 000people lose their lives each year to violence

Violence prevention

Road traffic injuries

54%of all people dying on the roads are cyclists, pedestrians, or motorcyclists

Global status report on road safety 2018

Child injuries

2 300children die every day from injuries

World report on child injury prevention


  • 15 September 2019

    WHO issues new guidelines on the health sector response to child maltreatment

    Every year up to 1 billion children experience physical, sexual or psychological violence. These new WHO guidelines aim to help frontline healthcare providers to recognize these children and provide evidence-based first line support.

  • 10 September 2019

    WHO Bulletin highlights progress in Ethiopia on emergency trauma care

    Estimates suggest that in low- and middle-income countries, 54% of deaths are due to conditions that could be treated with emergency care. This new WHO Bulletin article highlights Ethiopia’s efforts to address this issue.

  • 1 September 2019

    Call for abstracts issued for Safety 2020

    The organizers of Safety 2020, the 14th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Adelaide, Australia, 8-11 November 2020) invite abstract submissions for presentations of various formats.

  • 20 August 2019

    Guide to improve reporting on road safety now available in Portuguese

    Produced jointly by WHO and the Pulitzer Center, this guide reflects the experiences and lessons learned from engagement with more than 1300 journalists and editors in 9 countries. In the guide readers will find links to stories, suggestions for new angles, descriptions of projects, and tips to enhance reporting on road safety.

  • 11 June 2019

    International Organizing Committee (IOC) seeking host for Safety 2022

    The IOC is inviting expressions of interest from organizations interested in hosting the 15th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion in 2022.

World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion

14th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion

Adelaide, Australia
8-11 November 2020

VIP Collaborating Centres

Upcoming conferences & events

World Conference on Drowning Prevention

Durban, South Africa
8-10 October 2019

28th Meeting of the UN Road Safety Collaboration

Geneva, Switzerland
29-30 October 2019

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2019

17 November 2019

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Conferences & events archive

3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety

Contact us

Ms. Laura Sminkey
Communications Officer
Tel.: +41 22 791 45 47
Mob.: +41 79 249 35 20