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3. Using the Library

Finding books, articles, and other media in libraries—online and in person—is a basic step in building a research paper.

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3.1  Using the library online 0 of 2 quizzes completed


Using the library online

Using the library online

Starting with a general idea or a specific topic, you can search by keyword, author, title, and subject in databases and libraries to find resources.


Locate articles in a database using keywords

Using keyword searches, databases help you locate either the full text of articles or offer information for finding out more.


  1. 1.

    Conducting online searches in the library

    Know how to use your library’s online tools to find sources for your paper.

  2. 2.

    Using effective search methods

    Use the most effective search methods within your library’s online system.

3.2  Understanding the sources available 0 of 2 quizzes completed


Understanding the sources available

Understanding the sources available

Read, view, and listen to a full range of media as you seek information and create new knowledge during your research project.


Consult general and specialized reference works

Encyclopedias and bibliographies and other general and specialized reference works help you gain an overview of your subject and also locate useful sources.


  1. 1.

    Knowing what’s available at your library

    Determine what sources are available to you through your library.

  2. 2.

    Finding sources in the library

    Understand how to find certain types of sources.

3.3  Finding books 0 of 2 quizzes completed


Finding books

Finding books

Books are a rich source of information that you can access online via subscription collections or regional networks of libraries, and offline by simply walking into your campus library.


Find books using the library catalog

Reading the complete entry for a book in your library’s online catalog reveals how and where to find it as well as its relevance to your research project.


  1. 1.

    Locating the book you need

    Navigate through your library to find the book you need for your research.

  2. 2.

    Narrowing your results

    Find relevant sources for your research topic by filtering your online search results.

3.4  Finding articles 0 of 2 quizzes completed


Finding articles

Finding articles

Published weekly, monthly, or quarterly, periodicals contain up-to-date information on fascinating subjects.


Consult general and subject-specific databases

Browsing subject headings and doing advanced searches of the library’s databases can help to focus early stages of research and later to uncover promising articles in your discipline.


  1. 1.

    Tracking down useful articles

    Recognize which articles are useful for your paper and know where and how to find them.

  2. 2.

    Using a library database

    Conduct effective searches in an online database by understanding how it functions.

3.5  Knowing what the librarian can help you with 0 of 2 quizzes completed


Knowing what the librarian can help you with

Knowing what the librarian can help you with

Librarians are the most helpful people you’ll ever meet, and they know where everything is located in the library. Find out what other kinds of help they will gladly give you.


Seek out a librarian's help, online and in person

Reference and general librarians are available to help—often both in person and via the library site—if you know how to locate them.


  1. 1.

    Determining how the librarian can help

    Know the various ways a librarian can and cannot provide assistance.

  2. 2.

    Asking for help

    Utilize the tools your library offers to help you do your research.

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