Contentful business rules

Find out what the business rules are for using Contentful.

Use your work laptop to publish content

You must only make changes to the National Libary website on your DIA laptop. This is a security requirement.

Roles in Contentful and publishing content

Based on our security and risk assessment we must strictly manage who has access to Contentful and who can publish content onto the website. This ensures we minimise our exposure to risk and supports our centralised publishing model.

The roles in Contentful determine who can publish content to the website. There are 3 roles in Contentful. They are:

  • Admin — Can do everything, including work with entries, create and update content types, configure space settings and work with API keys.
  • Editor — Can create content, publish, unpublish, delete, archive and unarchive content.
  • Author — Can create content but cannot publish, unpublish, delete, archive and unarchive content.

Authors will need to contact an Editor when they want to have content published.

All pages must have a unique title

Every page is in Contentful must have a unique title. For example, there can only be one page called 'about-us'.

Contentful creates the page slug i.e the last part of the url from the page title.

Contentful does not allow duplicate slugs.

If you are creating a page and think you will want a short url, give the page a slug that is different from the slug you want to use as the short url.

For example, the page for the pūkana exhibition has the slug 'pukana-exhibition' so that we could use pukana in the short url ie