Chrissy Teigen Hosts Illuminating Q&A; On How Celebrities Do Everyday Life

Ever wondered how A-listers get through the airport? Do they read gossip stories about each other? How they get their chores done in public?

Have you ever wondered how celebrities manage to get on flights without being seen? How they do basic chores in public? Whether they read celebrity gossip?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Chrissy Teigen may have finally offered the answers you’ve been looking for. The model and cookbook author opened a Twitter Q&A, offering fans the opportunity to ask questions about what it’s like being a celebrity and how the rich and famous go about their everyday lives. 

Here are some of the most interesting questions and answers from the candid Twitter session.

Do celebrities have junk drawers for random stuff?

What’s it like being famous?

What’s the best perk of being a celebrity?

Do you set an alarm, or are you gently woken by someone in the morning?

Do you have a million rooms in your house? And how many expensive dresses have you worn?

How do you go about cutting the line at restaurants? Do you pay or does it happen automatically?

How do celebrities go about air travel? Do you ever go through the airport like regular people?

Do you do your own grocery shopping, or do you have an assistant for that?

When was the last time you took public transport?

What’s it like when you see yourself on TV?

How do your kids react when they see you on TV?

What’s the one “normal” thing you miss being able to do without being recognized?

What perk makes you feel the most guilty?

Do you need to change your phone number all the time for privacy reasons?

Do you read celebrity gossip? How do you respond if you see something about someone you know?

Is it hard for you to go out in public, say to a movie, or for food?

How do you find your assistants?

Is it weird when people talk to your kids in public?

What would you do if you weren’t famous?

Are most celebrities nicer or meaner than they appear to the public?

Do you make house payments or did you just buy it outright?

What’s dealing with paparazzi like?

What are your kids like with paparazzi?

Do you need to deal with tasks like paying your bills?

Do your assistants live on site?

Is someone monitoring this Twitter session? A social media manager perhaps?

How do you hire nannies, and do they live with you and stay through the night?

Have you ever met someone you admired who turned out to be a disappointment?

Are you anxious about being “cancelled?”

Do you ever sit around thinking about the fact that you’re famous?

So there you go. Those are the perks and pitfalls of being famous.