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The Sinking City

5 months ago

Feature: Tentacles at dawn

What Call Of Cthulhu and The Sinking City could learn from this interactive fiction classic

Picture Cthulhu and his tentacled cohorts, dark and dreaming beneath the waves. H.P. Lovecraft’s crooked astral vistas - wrought out of cosmic despair, fear of the unknown, and his racism - have saturated games for better and worse. As hypnotic as his nightmare visions are, the same tropes regurgitated at face value have become dry and tired. It’s been done, and it’s steeped in its…

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Lovecraftian detective ’em up The Sinking City out now

The Lovecraftian detective-o-horror RPG The Sinking City launched today, inviting us all to leave this glorious heatwave and venture into a half-drowned city where things lurk in the flooded streets and even on dry land people have a touch of that Innsmouth look. It's, like, okay, according to Alice Bee's The Sinking City review. Despite her hesitance to recommend it, I am still curious. Not…

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Feature: Eat yer heart out, Fran Healy

The Sinking City review

There are many types of rain. As we speak, the south of England is blessing us by alternating sunshine with heavy showers that are refusing to turn into a storm. Instead of clearing the air, the rain is only making it more humid. In 1920s Oakmont, the fictional town in new Lovecraftian detect ‘em up The Sinking City, the flavour of the day is constant…

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6 months ago


E3 2019 games – every game confirmed

They just keep coming don't they? A lot of games were announced at E3 2019, things that we didn't know about, as well as stuff that's previously announced, or expansions to already released games. Now, to the casual outsider, what we're doing might seem absolutely nuts, but we thought we'd put together an alphabetical list of all the PC games that have been confirmed to…

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Feature: Oakmont, so good they named it once

How The Sinking City is built to make you notice your journey

I sometimes announce, to rooms at large, that I wished Assassin’s Creed Odyssey wouldn’t tell me what to do as much, and let me just explore. Imagine my shock, therefore, at the reveal of The Sinking City, a Lovecraftian detective game releasing just the other side of E3, promising “zero hand holding”. No objective markers on the map, and no trails on the street to…

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9 months ago

The Outer Worlds, Control, The Sinking City and others go Epic exclusive

Epic Games are getting serious about going head-to-head with Valve with their store, and have the war-chest to prove it. They've just announced a slew of exclusives, including Obsidian's highly anticipated The Outer Worlds, and Remedy's upcoming horror shooter Control. Frogwares's cthulhoid detective mystery The Sinking City will be making its debut on the upstart storefront too. This is on top of Epic's surprise announcement…

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The Sinking City now surfacing in June

After strange aeons kipping in the bath, Cthulhu surely won't mind lying in another few months before getting up for The Sinking City. Developers Frogwares today confirmed that they have delayed the launch of their Lovecraftian open-world detective RPG by two months, pushing it back from March 21st to June 27th. They say it's to escape the crush of games that have come out recently…

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The Sinking City wants players thinking like (weird) detectives

It's hard enough being a private eye when the world makes sense, but when there's fish-men on every corner, weird cults and magic involved, investigating crimes in The Sinking City looks tricky. It's a challenge I'm eager to try my hand at, though, after seeing the latest chunk of footage from Frogware's upcoming survival horror detective adventure. There's clues to find, but no prompts popping…

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1 year ago

Feature: Did you know octopuses have three hearts?

Lovecraftian preview Top Trumps: The Sinking City vs. Call of Cthulhu

Lovecraft seems to be the theme du jour at the moment. 2018 trends: pair tailored suits and details inspired by fetish wear with cosmic horror and old school '20s racism. I saw probably the two most prominent games inspired by Lovecraft at Gamescom, Frogwares' The Sinking City and Cyanide's Call of Cthulhu (though there were others, including a turn based, tactical affair called Stygian: Reign…

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Feature: Listen now to the hissss

Podcast: The Gamescom Special 2018

It’s time for Gamescom, the yearly show in Germany. There are lots of games here. Too many for a lone operator. We’re going to have to send a whole unit. That’s where you come in, members of the elite RPS podcast. Four of you are going to Cologne. We’ve heard reports of Cyberpunk 2077, Metro Exodus, Biomutant, Dying Light 2, Ape Out, Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot and…

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2 years ago

Feel the gentle touch of tentacles in new The Sinking City footage

The portal to the Dreamlands has yawned open, a once in a millennium event (other than during videogame marketing cycles), and we are at last granted a clearer picture of what to expect from The Sinking City, an open world investigation/shootybangs game based on the Lovecraft mythos, and assembled by Sherlock Holmes studio Frogwares. So far, they've been a little coy about showing off how…

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Watch The Sinking City devs ponder how to demonstrate the Lovecraftian investigation

I'm glad to see more of The Sinking City, the Lovecraft-inspired investigative horror game being made by Sherlock Holmes studio Frogwares. Wandering and boating around a half-flooded city to poke into mysteries of terrible and unknowable beings sounds great to me. I've not heard much from it in a while but, with The Sinking City set to launch later this year, Frogwares are starting showing…

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4 years ago

The Sinking City: Frogwares’ Lovecraftian Investigation

Here's a pleasing combination of words: Lovecraftian open-world investigation. Roaming around a town where something unspeakable is afoot, trying to solve the mystery without ending up a gibbering wreck? That'll do for me. That's The Sinking City [official site], newly announced by Frogwares. The Ukranian studio, best known for their Sherlock Holmes investigate 'em ups, had been working on a Call of Cthulu game for…

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