
The WHO Country Office, Slovenia was re-established in February 2007 in Ljubljana to design and deliver WHO programmes in consultation with the Slovene authorities. The Office is the focal point for WHO activities and consists of 2 staff members. Its role is to respond to requests to support policy-making for sustainable health development.

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Strengthening tobacco control in Slovenia to save lives

Smoking is widespread in Slovenia, where almost one quarter (24%) of the adult population smokes. Moreover, many smokers start at a young age, with up to 18% of Slovenian teenagers reporting that they first began smoking at age 13 or younger. The high rates of smoking have serious health consequences for Slovenia’s citizens – it is projected that roughly half of the 427 000 current smokers will die prematurely from causes attributable to tobacco.

WHO/Europe offices

WHO Country Office, Slovenia
Trubarjeva c. 2
Ljubljana SI-1000
Tel.: +386 1 244 15 85
Fax: +386 1 244 15 84

Ministry of health

Ministry of Health
Štefanova 5
Ljubljana SI-1000
Tel.: +386 1 478 6094; +386 1 478 6003
Fax: +386 1 251 6641

Data and statistics


Total health expenditure as% of gross domestic product (as of 2011)

More data and statistics