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Premier Developer

Building the business of tomorrow with developers today

Intro to GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want.

Azure AI does that?

Whether you’re just starting off in tech, building, managing, or deploying apps, gathering and analyzing data, or solving global issues —anyone can benefit from using cloud technology. In this post, we will explore some practical examples where Azure AI is driving innovation.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
DevOps Handbook review

The DevOps Handbook describes the aspects of working toward a satisfying result for a customer while handling apparently conflicting goals within the organization. The book explains through case studies how companies have resolved the apparent contradictions, aligning everyone’s goals can bring about greater rewards and process improvements.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Using Azure DevOps Artifact as Upstream from another Organization

With upstream sources for Azure Artifacts, enterprises can now setup a hierarchical structure such as team feed => department feed => enterprise feed => public feeds. This hierarchy can be both completely within Azure DevOps as well as within the enterprise's identity boundary provided by Azure Active Directory.

Demystifying the new .NET Core 3 Worker Service

.NET Core 3 introduced a new project template called a Worker Service. This template is designed to give you a starting point for cross-platform services. As an alternate use case, it sets up a very nice environment for general console applications perfect for containers and microservices.

Serverless Compute – Logic Apps, Functions and Event Grid

For this post, I want to introduce the serverless capabilities in Azure. With this, I’m hoping to spark the interest of developers, architects, and DevOps engineers to think differently. While not all problems can be solved with serverless, many can – and with that in mind, why not consider it?

Microsoft Security Code AnalysisMicrosoft Security Code Analysis
Microsoft Security Code Analysis – a tool that seamlessly empowers customers to enable security controls in your CI/CD pipeline

We believe that Secure DevOps encompasses both a set of practices and a mindset shift to help customer adopt security principles and practices aligned with the culture shift and integrated with the practices, of DevOps. Secure DevOps practices include and build on those practices that are part of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle.

Advanced Error Handling with Power Automate

Sr Consultant Adam Toth demonstrates how to handle errors properly in Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow), including expected errors from APIs and connectors, and how to deal with throttling conditions (HTTP 429 Responses).

Power Automate’s default response to errors from connectors is pretty simple – exit the workflow right there and record the entire run as a failure.


Azure AI does that?

Whether you’re just starting off in tech, building, managing, or deploying apps, gathering and analyzing data, or solving global issues —anyone can benefit from using cloud technology. In this post, we will explore some practical examples where Azure AI is driving innovation.

TDSP lifecycleTDSP lifecycle
AI, ML & Data Science – Explained

Where would you find all three (AI, ML and DS) at work? The most common place today is in autonomous driving vehicles. All three disciplines work together to help train an algorithm to recognize obstacles (MS), then to provide real-time actions (AI) to the vehicle, all based on large amounts of information that data science (DS) can analyze.

Using a Custom Translator with Azure Cognitive Services

Translating text can be tricky business. Sure, by using online services and tools, you can quickly find out how to say “Hello”, "that dog is green", and “where’s the closest taco stand?” But what about when the conversation needs to be more contextual and specific to your company/business/audience?

AI and the Art of What’s Possible

Application Development Manager Rich Maines explores the art of the possible with AI in the context of Microsoft services and the ethical principles that we believe should drive the development of AI.

Custom AI Models with Azure Machine Learning Studio and ML.NET

From the ready-to-consume set of Azure Cognitive Services to the comprehensive set of tools for data scientists available in Azure Machine Learning Service, there are many ways to apply AI into your products and services.

AI Discovery Days at a Microsoft Location Near You

Microsoft’s vision is to democratize AI and make it accessible and valuable to everyone.  Join us to learn how to start building intelligence into your solutions with the Microsoft AI platform, including pre-trained AI services like Cognitive Services and Bot Framework, as well as deep learning tools like Azure Machine Learning.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Using AI and Bots as an underpinning for modern UI

In this post, Consultant/App. Dev. Manager Timothy Baillis explains how AI and Bots can improve modern UI designs.

It has been said that every great developer is inherently lazy- or at least inspired by boring or repetitive tasks. The idea that you can code a program to automate a task or overcome an obstacle is a powerful incentive to create.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Is Your Development Staff Ready for Artificial Intelligence?

In this post, Principal Consultant/ADM Larry Duff discuss some ethical challenges in Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence has been a dream of computer scientists for many years. I remember my early days of programming I had a Commodore Pet. I was excited that I had a book of programs,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
LUIS & Speech API Integration

Ever wondered how to integrate speech and AI into your application?  It’s easy with this tutorial from Premier Developer consultants Adel Ghabboun and Kunal Sinha!

Have you ever wondered what are some of the technologies behind personal home assistants such as Cortana,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
AI with an Online College

Senior Application Development Manager, Justin Scott, launched a new podcast this month you will want to check out.  AI exposed looks at the world of Artificial Intelligence– discussing some of the latest trends, interviewing industry experts, and having fun in the process.


Intro to GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
DevOps Handbook review

The DevOps Handbook describes the aspects of working toward a satisfying result for a customer while handling apparently conflicting goals within the organization. The book explains through case studies how companies have resolved the apparent contradictions, aligning everyone’s goals can bring about greater rewards and process improvements.

Creating and refining your automated testing strategy

We all know that automated testing is a key component of a successful DevOps practice. However, it’s also common for organizations to underestimate the change effort required to create a complete testing strategy. In this blog post we are going to demonstrate the advantages of creating a clear automated testing strategy, in three simple steps

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Scrum Isn’t Always Perfect (and that’s okay)

Over the years, I have coached and researched dozens of scrum teams to adapt to “real world” scenarios. Some may call them anti-patterns or some may call them “not scrum”-- but that is okay too because sometimes we have to work with what we have and still find ways to be successful.

DevOps or Economies of Flow

The very notion of economies of scale arose during the early industrial age but unfortunately is still prevalent in many industries, including software development. However, that has changed with DevOps but it still isn’t obvious otherwise I would not come across customers that still work in this paradigm.

Learn How to Ask the Right Questions!

if you want to change something, never immediately assume that current conditions are immutable. If you’ve never discussed the possibility to change, you cannot know whether others – your partners, customers, teammates, or managers – would resist, or the reverse – enthusiastically gush and support the change.

4 Ways to Integrate Development and Operations Efforts

How do you deal with the fact that the developers in your organization cannot or will not own the process of delivering into production? How do you deal with the fact that your operations engineers cannot or do not fully understand the software to which they have been given stewardship?

The Journey Begins – DevOps starts with culture!

At this point we were five plus years into a local transformation that was underappreciated and overlooked by the global IT organization. The frustration was high and the hope was waning. For me this became my motivation to start a journey to understand why some organization can adopt DevOps strategies successfully and other struggle.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Tribal Knowledge – The Anti-DevOps Culture

By removing or reducing tribal knowledge from projects and teams, organizations set themselves up for success in an ever-changing landscape (exponentially changing). In other words, you can add to your DevOps culture (or create one) simply by subtracting the bad habits and behaviors.

Migrating a repo from Bitbucket to Azure DevOps

Migrating from Bitbucket to Azure DevOps is a quick and easy process. Once your code is in DevOps, you’ll have access to all the powerful services Azure has to offer.


Angular How-to: Page load times using Application Insights

Find out how to integrate Application Insights into your Angular SPA and track custom metrics such as Page Views and Load Time. You will also learn how instrument Angular apps with Application Insights with some best practice guidance.

How To Update Visual Studio 2019 Asp.Net Core Angular Project

The updated Angular project template in Visual Studio 2019 (and 2017 before that) provides a convenient starting point for ASP.NET Core apps using Angular and the Angular CLI to implement a rich, client-side user interface (UI). The template is equivalent to creating an ASP.NET Core project to act as an API backend and an Angular CLI project to act as a UI.

Angular How-to: Hide Logic from Users by Moving it out of the Browser and into Azure Functions

A common question from developers building Single Page Applications is how to hide proprietary calculations or other logic from end users. The answer is always to move that logic out of the JavaScript running in the browser and onto a server, which leads to building and hosting an API service. However, in the new world of serverless computing, there is a simpler option. Azure Functions is a compute service that enables you to run code on-demand without the hassle of building an entire application or managing any infrastructure.

Angular How-to: Implement Feature Flags

In an agile development environment, there may be partially completed features or features with external dependencies that are not ready. Instead of relying on multiple code branches, instead you may opt for deploying code with a feature turned off. Later, that feature should be turned on via a configuration or database change. This post provides sample code that you can use to implement feature flags in your Angular app.

Using ADAL.js with Angular4+

This is an update post to a previous article published in April 2017 explaining how to wrap ADAL.js with Angular2+. The previous article is no longer relevant given the changes to the Angular framework. This new post explains a reimplementation which uses the PathLocationStrategy and Angular features such as HttpInterceptor and InjectionToken.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Angular How-to: Implement Role-based security

Laurie Atkinson, Premier Developer Consultant, shows us how to customize the behavior of an Angular app based on the user’s permissions. This includes page navigation, hiding and disabling of UI elements, and generation of menus.

Applications often include requirements to customize their appearance and behavior based on the user’s role or permission.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Angular How-to: Editable Config Files

The Angular-CLI is the recommended way to build a production-ready app, complete with bundling, uglifying, and tree-shaking. An Angular-CLI generated application even comes with a mechanism for creating environment-specific versions. However, those configuration files are in TypeScript and do not allow editing by IT staff or automated deployment tools such as VSTS. This post provides the steps and code samples for using a JSON configuration file, which can be customized for multiple environments.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Tips for Running an Angular app in IIS

Laurie Atkinson, Premier Developer Senior Consultant, A few tweaks are necessary to take an Angular app and move it to IIS. Here is a list of changes required to get everything running smoothly.

Using the Angular-CLI to generate an Angular SPA is an excellent way to scaffold out a well-organized application.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Add Application Insights to an Angular SPA

Laurie Atkinson, Senior Premier Developer Consultant, outlines the steps and pieces you need to add logging and telemetry to an Angular SPA using Application Insights

Application Insights is an Azure service for monitoring web applications. It includes analytics tools to help you understand application usage and to diagnose issues with the goal of continuously improving performance and usability.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
My highly opinionated guide to setting up the best environment for Angular development

This post from Senior Premier Developer Consultant Laurie Atkinson gives you a step-by-step guide to getting started with Angular development.

Follow these steps to get up and running with an Angular application including source control, editor tooling, and essential commands.
Step 1 – Use Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) for Source Control
(NOTE: If this is not available to you,


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
The danger of TaskCompletionSource class

... when used with async/await.
TaskCompletionSource class is a very useful facility if you want to control the lifetime of a task manually. I share a canonical example when TaskCompletionSource is used for converting the event-based asynchronous code to the Task-based pattern.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Combining iterator blocks and async methods in C#

One of the best traits of a well-designed system is composability. Large systems are complex and hierarchical and one of the best ways to fight accidental complexity is to compose a system from smaller components. You write and test each component independently then you glue them together to achieve a higher-level behavior.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
One user scenario to rule them all

The async series

Dissecting the async methods in C#.
Extending the async methods in C#.
The performance characteristics of the async methods in C#.
One user scenario to rule them all.

Almost every non-trivial behavior of the async methods in C# can be explained based on one user scenario: migration of the existing synchronous code to asynchronous should be as simple as possible.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
TaskSchedulers and semaphores

When you write multi-threaded code, it’s important to be aware of whether the code in other libraries you call into is also thread-safe. By my observation, most code written is not thread-safe. So if you’re writing thread-safe code, kudos to you.


Completing the Redundancy Story of API Manager

In a previous post I discussed an approach to handling backend redundancy using Azure API Manager (APIM). In this post I want to discuss the various options for providing a high-availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) to your services exposed by API Manager.


Azure AI does that?

Whether you’re just starting off in tech, building, managing, or deploying apps, gathering and analyzing data, or solving global issues —anyone can benefit from using cloud technology. In this post, we will explore some practical examples where Azure AI is driving innovation.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Using Azure DevOps Artifact as Upstream from another Organization

With upstream sources for Azure Artifacts, enterprises can now setup a hierarchical structure such as team feed => department feed => enterprise feed => public feeds. This hierarchy can be both completely within Azure DevOps as well as within the enterprise's identity boundary provided by Azure Active Directory.

Serverless Compute – Logic Apps, Functions and Event Grid

For this post, I want to introduce the serverless capabilities in Azure. With this, I’m hoping to spark the interest of developers, architects, and DevOps engineers to think differently. While not all problems can be solved with serverless, many can – and with that in mind, why not consider it?

Azure VM and Disk Throttling

Using Log Analytics to efficiently monitor Azure virtual machine disk throttling.

How to Alert on Azure BLOB Access

In this post, learn how to use Azure Monitor and Log Analytics to determine metrics not available under standard Metrics blade in Azure Portal. In this post, I will show you how to leverage Azure Storage $logs for enhanced reporting.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Go from a C# Developer’s Perspective

As a cloud developer, I increasingly encounter projects that involves Go. Azure services such as AKS, Blockchain, Terraform, and supporting technologies such as Helm are all heavily Go. In addition, Go is a first-class citizen on Azure as all core PaaS SDKs offer Go libraries. In this post, let's compare Go and C# key concepts.

A Survey of Kubernetes Features in Azure

Using Azure services like AKS, Azure Container Instances and Azure Dev Spaces makes setting up a cluster and testing your containers relatively simple.

Workshop Spotlight: Modern Authentication and Authorization

Building applications operating in the internet environment requires understanding of options available for performing authentication and authorization. These options include, both a variety of protocols such as OAuth2 and WS-Federation, as well as tools and toolkits such as Azure AD, AD FS and ADAL.

Astuces pour réussir votre certification CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer)

Dans cet article, Nous vous proposons des astuces pour réussir votre certification de développeur Kubernetes (CKAD – Certified Kubernetes Application Developer).

Ordering Messages in Azure Service Bus

This post illustrates how we can force an ordering of messages processed by Azure Service Bus. The intent is to illustrate some of the existing and exciting features of Azure Service Bus.


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Go from a C# Developer’s Perspective

As a cloud developer, I increasingly encounter projects that involves Go. Azure services such as AKS, Blockchain, Terraform, and supporting technologies such as Helm are all heavily Go. In addition, Go is a first-class citizen on Azure as all core PaaS SDKs offer Go libraries. In this post, let's compare Go and C# key concepts.

Workshop Spotlight: Modern Authentication and Authorization

Building applications operating in the internet environment requires understanding of options available for performing authentication and authorization. These options include, both a variety of protocols such as OAuth2 and WS-Federation, as well as tools and toolkits such as Azure AD, AD FS and ADAL.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Update My Blog Via Email with Azure Functions

In this post, App Dev Manager Isaac Levin showcase the versatility of Azure Function with a solution that updates his Blog via Email.

I have blogged about the changes I made to streamline my site architecture and continue to work on ways to improve it.

Introduction to ML.NET with Permutation Feature Importance

ML.NET enables developers to implement machine learning tasks like classification, regression, clustering, and recommendation ... etc. In this post, I will show you how to get started with ML.NET implementing permutation feature importance for employee attrition.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
gRPC + ASP.NET Core as a Migration Path for WCFs in .NET Core

The intended audience for this blog post is one who wants to migrate from the full .Net Framework to .NET Core and has a large library of WCFs, now considered technical debt. This post will attempt to at least partially answer the question: How difficult will it be to migrate my current code base of WCFs to gRPC in .NET Core?

Versioning REST APIs in Azure Serverless

In this post, you will see practical examples on how to version Logic Apps and Function Apps for breaking and non-breaking changes with common API versioning schemes and related techniques such as API gateway pattern.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Performance implications of default struct equality in C#

If you’re familiar with C#, then you most likely heard that you should always override Equals and GetHashCode for custom structs for performance reasons. To better understand the importance and the rationale behind this advice we’re going to look at the default behavior to see why and where the performance hit comes from.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Dissecting new generic constraints in C# 7.3

During the last Build conference, Microsoft has announced the next version of Visual Studio with C# 7.3 support. This is yet another minor language update with some quite interesting features. The main change was related to generics, starting from C# 7.3 there 3 more constraints: unmanaged,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Performance traps of ref locals and ref returns in C#

The C# language from the very first version supported passing arguments by value or by reference. But before C# 7 the C# compiler supported only one way of returning a value from a method (or a property) – returning by value.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Nullable types arithmetic and null-coalescing operator precedence

Here is a simple question for you: which version of a GetHashCode() is correct and what performance impact does the incorrect version have?

Code reviews

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Combining iterator blocks and async methods in C#

One of the best traits of a well-designed system is composability. Large systems are complex and hierarchical and one of the best ways to fight accidental complexity is to compose a system from smaller components. You write and test each component independently then you glue them together to achieve a higher-level behavior.


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Meetup RECAP – Automated Testing for Excel Workbooks

Check out the innovative ways to use Python with Excel from a recent community Meetup event in NYC.

Is the latest technology the key to your team’s success, or is there something else?

We experienced many different emotions with what seemed like a daunting task. What made it less daunting, the facilitators reminded us, was that we are not alone - we are team - so, leverage each other.

Hour of Code and Minecraft for All Ages

Learn how to organize and run your own successful Hour of Code learning events.

My Experience Starting a FIRST LEGO League Jr. Team

Programs, like FIRST, are important because they are creating the next generation of leaders and doers. Through the programs, the kids learn to work together to make the world a better place. If I can make a difference with just one kid, then I feel I have accomplished my goal of helping shape our future leaders make the world a better place.


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Understanding different GC modes with Concurrency Visualizer

In this post I’m going to visualize what exactly happens during Garbage Collection (GC) and how different GC modes can significantly affect application performance.
I assume that the reader is familiar with garbage collection basics. If this isn’t the case I encourage you to spend 15 minutes to fill this gap,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Dissecting the ActionBlock: a Short Story About a Nasty Deadlock

I think almost every project in the real world uses some form of producer-consumer queue. The idea behind this problem is very simple. Application needs to decouple consumers of some data from the logic that processes it. Consider, for instance, the thread pool from the CLR: application can schedule some work using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem and the thread pool will do its best to maximize application throughput by using optimal number of threads that will process the input data.


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Meetup RECAP – Automated Testing for Excel Workbooks

Check out the innovative ways to use Python with Excel from a recent community Meetup event in NYC.

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Dynamics 365 Implementation Pt. 3 – Postman

With tools such as Postman, you can easily send HTTP requests to your APIs. This technique can help test the fields that are being added to the integration message to see if they pass or fail. This helps in the efforts to test if the integration message being sent will successfully get posted in Dynamics 365.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Understanding how Microsoft Azure keeps your data safe

When it comes to data, there is never a thing as too much security. With identify theft and breaches becoming a daily occurrence, ensuring sensitive information is protected is essential to business. Microsoft Azure has been designed from the ground-up to be one of the most secure places to store your information. Let me prove it!

Machine generated alternative text:Machine generated alternative text:
Dynamics 365 Implementation Pt. 2 – Data Migration Process

Throughout a typical Dynamics project, various environments are setup to prevent the existing environments from being affected by the changes being pushed to an environment. This is the model most firms follow when they have mastered the release sequence in their CI/CD.

AKS Series – Use Azure Storage Option as Persistent Volumes in AKS

One of the best practices with containers is not to persist data inside the containers for long term as containers are ephermal. These containers can be removed and rebuilt very often and may require storage that persists across pods beyond the application lifecycle. In this blog post, we will learn about how to create Persistent Volumes in AKS with Azure Files.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Planning the future for NoSQL Cassandra DB Applications on Azure

In this post, App Dev Manager Shany Wiesel explains the different deployment models for Apache Cassandra on Azure.

Microsoft Azure is an open cloud platform that runs both Microsoft as well as non-Microsoft software which includes operating systems, application servers, messaging middleware as well as SQL and NoSQL databases from both commercial and open source models.

Exploring Feature Weights using R and Azure Machine Learning Studio

I find that machine learning experiment’s results are always interesting and somewhat unexpected in certain cases. On this comparison, the feature ranking results of PFI are often different from the feature selection statistics that are utilized before a model is created. This is useful in many cases, especially when training “black-box” models where it is difficult to explain how the model characterizes the relationship between the features and the target variable.

How to Encrypt SQL communication on the wire

While on-premises, most applications did not take advantage of securing communications to the database on the wire just because of the inherent isolation advantages of having the application ONLY on the internal LAN. However, as more and more of these applications start moving to the cloud, the security of data over the wire is rightfully starting to gain increased importance.

Synchronizing Azure Cosmos DB Collections for Blazing Fast Queries

While Cosmos DB offloads many of the hard NoSQL scaling problems, shaping your data and choosing a logical partition key are left to you. The partition key choice is arguably the most important decision you’ll need to make – it cannot be changed and must be determined upon creation of a collection.

Azure Cosmos DB Pricing Overview

My customers have spent some time working with Azure Cosmos DB and had questions around pricing. I thought I would share a bit of what I have learned when it comes to pricing for Cosmos DB for this BLOG article.


Serverless Compute – Logic Apps, Functions and Event Grid

For this post, I want to introduce the serverless capabilities in Azure. With this, I’m hoping to spark the interest of developers, architects, and DevOps engineers to think differently. While not all problems can be solved with serverless, many can – and with that in mind, why not consider it?

Microsoft Security Code AnalysisMicrosoft Security Code Analysis
Microsoft Security Code Analysis – a tool that seamlessly empowers customers to enable security controls in your CI/CD pipeline

We believe that Secure DevOps encompasses both a set of practices and a mindset shift to help customer adopt security principles and practices aligned with the culture shift and integrated with the practices, of DevOps. Secure DevOps practices include and build on those practices that are part of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle.

50/50 Tech Equity for All Women by 2025!

I had a chance to connect with women who had similar plights during their careers. I found it very fulfilling, to take the opportunity to mentor and share with some who were in situations that I faced professionally over 20 years ago alone.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
The Buzz around InnerSource

InnerSource takes the lessons learned from developing open source software and applies them to the way companies develop software internally.

.NET Conf 2019

.NET Conf 2019, a free, 3-day, virtual developer event

GitHub and Microsoft Services: Developer Support – elevate and accelerate

Pairing GitHub with Microsoft Services: Developer Support is a combination that can lead to an elevated software development lifecycle experience. And we know software development!

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
gRPC + ASP.NET Core as a Migration Path for WCFs in .NET Core

The intended audience for this blog post is one who wants to migrate from the full .Net Framework to .NET Core and has a large library of WCFs, now considered technical debt. This post will attempt to at least partially answer the question: How difficult will it be to migrate my current code base of WCFs to gRPC in .NET Core?

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Exam Tips

In this post, we'll offer guidance on preparing for the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam.

Accessibility at all stages: A Good-for-All SDLC approach

Accessibility improves usability; considering accessibility reviews early-on and at all stages gives us an opportunity to not only save cycles of design, dev, and QA, but more importantly, it creates a more usable product for everyone.

Deploying a Virtual Assistant on the cheap

The thing I was interested in recently was deploying to the smallest and least expensive dev/test instances of the various services in order to keep the cost down. Since this was just for demo purposes and I would be the only one talking to the bot, I didn’t need the capacity and scale of the default install.


Intro to GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
DevOps Handbook review

The DevOps Handbook describes the aspects of working toward a satisfying result for a customer while handling apparently conflicting goals within the organization. The book explains through case studies how companies have resolved the apparent contradictions, aligning everyone’s goals can bring about greater rewards and process improvements.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Using Azure DevOps Artifact as Upstream from another Organization

With upstream sources for Azure Artifacts, enterprises can now setup a hierarchical structure such as team feed => department feed => enterprise feed => public feeds. This hierarchy can be both completely within Azure DevOps as well as within the enterprise's identity boundary provided by Azure Active Directory.

Microsoft Security Code AnalysisMicrosoft Security Code Analysis
Microsoft Security Code Analysis – a tool that seamlessly empowers customers to enable security controls in your CI/CD pipeline

We believe that Secure DevOps encompasses both a set of practices and a mindset shift to help customer adopt security principles and practices aligned with the culture shift and integrated with the practices, of DevOps. Secure DevOps practices include and build on those practices that are part of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle.

Feature timelineFeature timeline
Rastreamento de projetos cross-team a nível de portfólio com Azure DevOps Boards

A inclusão das extensões Feature timeline and Epic Roadmap no processo de gerenciamento de portfólio está ajudando meus clientes a tornar a vida do PMO ainda mais fácil do que antes. A extensão Delivery Plans permite atualizações de portfólio colaborativas, constantes e automatizadas. Isso permitiu que todos evoluíssem no processo de desenvolv

GitHub Learning Path

GitHub opens exciting possibilities for you and your customers. This article helps answer the question “Where do I start?” learning about Git and GitHub.

Simplifying Azure DevOps Pipelines with Decorators

In this post, Sr. App Dev Manager Bryan Soltis demonstrates how to use DevOps Pipeline Decorators to standardize complex pipeline requirements.

When it comes to DevOps, there is no shortage of the amount of customizations companies need. From specialized environments to quality checks,

Creating and refining your automated testing strategy

We all know that automated testing is a key component of a successful DevOps practice. However, it’s also common for organizations to underestimate the change effort required to create a complete testing strategy. In this blog post we are going to demonstrate the advantages of creating a clear automated testing strategy, in three simple steps

Feature timelineFeature timeline
Tracking Cross-team Projects Portfolio with Azure DevOps Boards

Feature Timeline and Epic Roadmap in portfolio management process has improve the PMO’s process. The Delivery Plans extension allows for collaborative, constant and automated portfolio updates. This enables everyone evolved in the software development process to better manage the cross-dependencies between Projects, Epics and Features.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
The Buzz around InnerSource

InnerSource takes the lessons learned from developing open source software and applies them to the way companies develop software internally.



Microsoft Build Kickoff 2019

Microsoft Build is set to kick off next week from May 6-8. As a developer, this is not an event you want to miss. Build sets the stage for what is to come from Microsoft in the months ahead-- announcements, strategy, and technology innovation that will shift the landscape.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Looking back at Build 2017–Going “All In” on Microsoft Azure

In this post, Senior App Dev Managers, Latha Natarajan and Sujith Nair reflect on some of the improvements and announcements from Build 2017 that made it even easier to enable your cloud transformation.  If you have been meaning to review the buzz from build,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Premier Developer @ Microsoft Build 2017

ADM’s Bill Bevan, Marty Donovan, Russ Clark, Joseph Flanigen, joined Garrett Jacobs (Services Market Strategy Director) representing Premier Developer @ BUILD 2017.

With another exciting Microsoft Build conference coming to a close, we’re inspired for the future, working with our partners on innovative solutions impacting the world.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Build sets the stage for developers in 2017

Developers from around the world came together this week as our Build Conference kicked off in Seattle. It’s always an inspiring time to hear new product announcements and seeing many new technologies in action for the first time. Build is sensory overload to anyone who loves technology,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
UK Dev Briefing Day

In this post, Senior Application Development Manager, Neal Champion shares an overview of the UK Dev Briefing Day.  This annual event typically runs in the spring of each year, covering up-to-date presentations on the latest tools and development capabilities for the Microsoft platform. 

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Watch the BUILD 2016 Live Stream

Microsoft continues to focus on enabling developers to do amazing work as businesses and industries transform in support of the shift to a cloud-first, mobile-first world. At Build 2016 we will present the latest tools and technologies and how they can help today’s developers be their most creative and productive.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Hololens Development Edition and Upcoming Roadshows (US)

Microsoft HoloLens devices will begin shipping in the first quarter of 2016. Apply now to help develop the future of holographic computing.
Hololens Development Edition (Apply Here)

You are a developer in the United States (including Puerto Rico) or Canada where the Development Edition will first be available.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
You simply have to watch the Microsoft Windows 10 devices event

This week marked one of the most amazing demonstrations of Microsoft’s vision for Windows 10 and connected devices.  There has simply never been a more exciting time to be a developer. 
Watch the event here!

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Microsoft Ignite Starts Today!

Whether you’re a senior decision maker, IT professional or enterprise developer, you’ll be inspired by our vision of where technology is headed. Tailor your learning experience in this one-of-a-kind conference designed to fuel your business and give you a glimpse into the future.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
BUILD 2015: Day 1 and Keynote Highlights

It may take some time to process all of the game changing announcements that came out of the BUILD keynote today. If you missed it, be sure and check out the on-demand recording here.
Satya framed up the road forward to build an intelligent cloud,


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Garbage collection and variable lifetime tracking

Here is a seemingly simple question for you: Is it possible that the CLR will call a finalizer for an instance when an instance method is still running? In other words, is it possible in the following case to see ‘Finalizing instance.’ before ‘Finished doing something.’?

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Understanding different GC modes with Concurrency Visualizer

In this post I’m going to visualize what exactly happens during Garbage Collection (GC) and how different GC modes can significantly affect application performance.
I assume that the reader is familiar with garbage collection basics. If this isn’t the case I encourage you to spend 15 minutes to fill this gap,


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
BUILD 2015: Day 1 and Keynote Highlights

It may take some time to process all of the game changing announcements that came out of the BUILD keynote today. If you missed it, be sure and check out the on-demand recording here.
Satya framed up the road forward to build an intelligent cloud,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Windows 10: The Next Chapter…with Holograms!

The live Windows 10 Briefing today was full of new information about innovative and groundbreaking technology aligned with the Windows 10 release.  Many of these announcements covered the seamless user experience across devices to make computing “more human”.  Spotlights included Windows 10 speech support and personal assistance via Cortona,


Install IoT Edge on the Jetson TX2 running JetPack version 4.2

JetPack 4.2 includes an Ubuntu 18.04 environment and updates to CUDA, Tensorflow, and Open CV. One of the best changes is support for Python 3 in the version of Open CV provided. In JetPack 3.3 a build of Open CV was necessary to support Python 3, and this was not a trivial undertaking.

Designing IoT Applications for Failure: Cloud Design Patterns that leverage the Retry Pattern

The inherent nature of the cloud is that there can be momentary loss of network connectivity, temporary loss of service, and timeouts that can occur for a variety of reasons. By designing your application to handle these types of events gracefully, you can improve availability and minimize impact from transient events.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Getting Started with Windows 10 IoT Core & Raspberry Pi 3B+

In this post, App Dev Manager, Robert Schumann shows how to get started with Windows 10 IoT Core with Raspberry Bi 3 B+.

Jumping right in, let’s get a few matters out of the way upfront.

This article specifically uses the Raspberry Pi 3 model B+

If you’re not sure what model of Pi you’re running then review how-to details here: https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2012/09/checking-your-raspberry-pi-board-version/

Topics covered should take about 30 minutes to complete provided everything you need is readily available.

Remote Monitoring of IoT Devices Using Azure and HoloLens

This is going to be an IoT solution, which receives data from connected devices, stores the data and makes it available for consumption by a holographic or mobile application. So, you will first learn to set up the backend infrastructure--where you will have a device--which connects with a Cloud Gateway. Data received by the Cloud Gateway is stored within persistent storage, and finally, this data will be made available to a Holographic or Mobile app through Web APIs.

Easy as Pi IoT on Windows 10 and Azure IoT Central!

Have you ever tried building an IoT solution on an embedded device like a Raspberry Pi with an ARM processor? What languages did you have to use? What if that device had to send data to the cloud for dashboarding and alerting? How would you build the dashboard and manage alerts for authorized users?

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
How Azure IoT helped me buy a new house – Part 4 – Azure IoT Hub

In the fourth post of his series, Premier Developer Consultant Steve St Jean expands on how Azure IoT helped him buy a new home. He goes into detail about how to configure within the Azure IoT Hub.

In the first part of this series,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
How Azure IoT helped me buy a new house – Part 3 – ESP8266 Code

In the third post of his series, Premier Developer Consultant Steve St Jean expands on how Azure IoT helped him buy a new home. He goes into detail about writing the code for the sensor rig to send telemetry data to Azure IoT Hub.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
How Azure IoT helped me buy a new house – Part 2 – Electronics

In the second post of his series, Premier Developer Consultant Steve St Jean expands on how Azure IoT helped him buy a new home. He goes into detail about developing the IoT sensor rig.

In the first part of this series,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
How Azure IoT helped me buy a new house – Part 1

Premier Developer Consultant, Steve St Jean, shares a personal story on how he used Azure IoT to figure out a solution to a problem that many of us face – high electric bills. In the series, Steve shares the process and code that he used to implement this solution.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Creating Azure IoT Edge Custom Modules in C# – send and receive data from IoT Hub

This post is from Premier Developer consultant Mark Taylor.

This article assumes a basic understanding of the functionality of Azure IoT Edge.  If you don’t have this, start with the official documentation: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/campaigns/iot-edge/.
The current Azure IoT Edge samples for .Net are great,


A Survey of Kubernetes Features in Azure

Using Azure services like AKS, Azure Container Instances and Azure Dev Spaces makes setting up a cluster and testing your containers relatively simple.

Astuces pour réussir votre certification CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer)

Dans cet article, Nous vous proposons des astuces pour réussir votre certification de développeur Kubernetes (CKAD – Certified Kubernetes Application Developer).

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Exam Tips

In this post, we'll offer guidance on preparing for the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam.

AKS Series– Using Azure Dev Spaces with Visual Studio Kubernetes Tooling

Azure Kubernetes Service brings a world class managed kubernetes service to the cloud. Customers can now leverage the power of Kubernetes platform without having to worry about managing the control plane. As a result of that, customers are now able to embark on the containerization journey with confidence. In this blog post, we will see how Visual Studio makes it easy to collaborate with AKS using Azure Dev Spaces.

AKS Series – Use Azure Storage Option as Persistent Volumes in AKS

One of the best practices with containers is not to persist data inside the containers for long term as containers are ephermal. These containers can be removed and rebuilt very often and may require storage that persists across pods beyond the application lifecycle. In this blog post, we will learn about how to create Persistent Volumes in AKS with Azure Files.

Bypassing authentication for the local Kubernetes Cluster Dashboard

It’s no secret that you can run a local version of Kubernetes on Docker Desktop for Windows, however, getting the Dashboard installed and configured correctly can be challenging. The problem is that the default installation requires you to manage an admin user and copy that user's bearer token into the portal to login.

Why you should consider VS Code for your Kubernetes/Docker work – Part 2

In this follow up article, we will cover how it can help to deploy Container images stored into Azure Container Registry (ACR). We will also cover the kubectl explain integration which is helpful to understand the structure of YAML files used to describe Kubernetes API objects.

Why you should consider VS Code for your Kubernetes/Docker work

VS Code can really be the platform of choice to benefit from the best features. Furthermore, its cross platform support allow users to have the same customer experience on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac OS).

Part II – Kubernetes DevOps : Introduction to Helm

This is the second post in a multi-part blog series on Kubernetes DevOps using Azure. I am co-authoring this series with the help of my colleague at Microsoft, Daniel Selman. We recently worked on K8s project together and thought to share out learnings. In the last post, you get to know the application that going to be deployed in the Kubernetes cluster. In this post, you will learn about the tool called “Helm”.

Kubernetes DevOps I – Introduction to the Historic Events

This is the first post in a multi part blog series on Kubernetes DevOps using Azure. I am co-authoring this series with the help of my colleague at Microsoft, Daniel Selman. We recently worked on K8s project together and thought to share out learnings.



TDSP lifecycleTDSP lifecycle
AI, ML & Data Science – Explained

Where would you find all three (AI, ML and DS) at work? The most common place today is in autonomous driving vehicles. All three disciplines work together to help train an algorithm to recognize obstacles (MS), then to provide real-time actions (AI) to the vehicle, all based on large amounts of information that data science (DS) can analyze.

Introduction to ML.NET with Permutation Feature Importance

ML.NET enables developers to implement machine learning tasks like classification, regression, clustering, and recommendation ... etc. In this post, I will show you how to get started with ML.NET implementing permutation feature importance for employee attrition.

Exploring Feature Weights using R and Azure Machine Learning Studio

I find that machine learning experiment’s results are always interesting and somewhat unexpected in certain cases. On this comparison, the feature ranking results of PFI are often different from the feature selection statistics that are utilized before a model is created. This is useful in many cases, especially when training “black-box” models where it is difficult to explain how the model characterizes the relationship between the features and the target variable.


Preventing Single Sign On (SSO) Redirects From Opening a New Window Inside a Progressive Web Application (PWA)

I was recently working on a PWA application that utilizes SSO and one odd behavior that I noticed right off the bat was the fact that the SSO redirects forces the application to open a new window inside the browser instead of carrying the redirect inside the application shell. This is problematic as it defies the whole purpose of a PWA which attempts to make a web application feel native.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Building cross-platform Xamarin.Forms apps in VSTS

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Jim Blizzard shows how to navigate past some of the issues when setting up VSTS builds for a multi-project Xamarin.Forms solution.

The other day I wanted to create a DevOps CI / CD pipeline for a simple Xamarin.Forms app that I’d created.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Global resources in Xamarin Forms! No App.xaml? Create one!

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Joe Healy shows us how to create global resources in Xamarin Forms.

Xaml developers moving to Xamarin Forms are hoping to take some of their good habits from the Windows (WPF/Silverlight/UWP) dev world with them (probably a few of their bad ones as well but we don’t want to talk about those). 

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Maximize code on the Mobile Platform of your choice

In this blog post, Application Development Managers, Derrick Sharpe and Justin Wendlandt, highlight the many options to maximize development productivity across a range of mobile platforms, including Windows 10, Windows Phone, iOS, Android, and more.

Contrary to popular belief, the Windows Phone application development landscape is not dead. 

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Visual Studio 2015 RTM and Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 Released!

Today, we are happy to announce availability of Visual Studio 2013/TFS 2013 Update 5 and the release of Visual Studio 2015 RTM. This Release to Manufacturing (RTM) of Visual Studio 2015 includes many new features and updates, such as tools for Universal Windows app development,


Demystifying the new .NET Core 3 Worker Service

.NET Core 3 introduced a new project template called a Worker Service. This template is designed to give you a starting point for cross-platform services. As an alternate use case, it sets up a very nice environment for general console applications perfect for containers and microservices.

.NET Conf 2019

.NET Conf 2019, a free, 3-day, virtual developer event

Introduction to ML.NET with Permutation Feature Importance

ML.NET enables developers to implement machine learning tasks like classification, regression, clustering, and recommendation ... etc. In this post, I will show you how to get started with ML.NET implementing permutation feature importance for employee attrition.

Deoptimize Your Snapshots Now in Snapshot Debugger

This setting allows developers to configure the level of deoptimization suitable for their apps. To enable deoptimization, be sure to enable Snapshot Debugger call stacks and local variable support from the Application Insights configuration page.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Installing .NET Core 3.0 preview to work with Visual Studio Code

I need to develop cross platform solutions and am often working in Linux, so I have taken to using Visual Studio Code as my IDE instead of Visual Studio.

Making Sense of .NET 5

At the first day of Microsoft’s annual Build conference, Microsoft announced .NET 5 which will be released in November 2020. This led to some confusion in discussions with some of my colleagues and friends. What about .NET Core? Isn’t that the future? The road forward?

Building a better DSC script

For those people that want to build a better DSC script, one that checks for most conditions and wants to keep their custom scripts from failing with no error handling, check out these recommendations.

Exploring Blazor with Visual Studio 2019

In this post, Senior App Dev Manager Keith Beller walks use through Blazor, a new experimental framework for WebAssembly.

What is Blazor?
After 22 years of dominance as “the” native language for client-side browser interaction, JavaScript is facing new competition from other popular languages such as C/C++,

Running a .NET Core Web Application in Docker container using Docker Desktop for Windows

App Dev Managers Anand Shukla and Sash Kavalaparambil provide step by step instruction to run a .NET Core Web Application in Docker container using Docker Desktop for Windows.

Build an interactive assistant using QnA Maker

I was recently engaged in a customer proof of concept scenario where they needed to turn their knowledgebase articles, FAQ’s and other company data into an interactive bot. For our scenario, we created a QnA Maker service that pulled HR information from a backend database so users can ask common questions in a conversational way instead of wasting time searching and scrolling through content.

.NET Internals

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
The danger of TaskCompletionSource class

... when used with async/await.
TaskCompletionSource class is a very useful facility if you want to control the lifetime of a task manually. I share a canonical example when TaskCompletionSource is used for converting the event-based asynchronous code to the Task-based pattern.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Performance implications of default struct equality in C#

If you’re familiar with C#, then you most likely heard that you should always override Equals and GetHashCode for custom structs for performance reasons. To better understand the importance and the rationale behind this advice we’re going to look at the default behavior to see why and where the performance hit comes from.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
The performance characteristics of async methods in C#

The async series

Dissecting the async methods in C#.
Extending the async methods in C#.
The performance characteristics of the async methods in C#.
One user scenario to rule them all.

In the last two blog posts we’ve covered the internals of async methods in C# and then we looked at the extensibility points the C# compiler provides to adjust the behavior of async methods.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Extending the async methods in C#

The async series

Dissecting the async methods in C#.
Extending the async methods in C#.
The performance characteristics of the async methods in C#.
One user scenario to rule them all.

In the previous blog post we discussed how the C# compiler transforms asynchronous methods.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Managed object internals, Part 4. Fields layout

In the recent blog posts we’ve discussed invisible part of the object layout in the CLR:

Managed object internals, Part 1. The Layout
Managed object internals, Part 2. Object header layout and the cost of locking
Managed object internals, Part 3.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Managed object internals, Part 3. The layout of a managed array

Arrays are one of the basic building blocks of every applications. Even if you do not use arrays directly every day you definitely use them indirectly as part of almost any library.
C# has arrays from the very beginning and back in the day that was the only “generic”-like and type safe data structure available.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Managed object internals, Part 2. Object header layout and the cost of locking

Working on my current project I’ve faced a very interesting situation. For each object of a given type, I had to create a monotonically growing identifier with few caveats: 1) the solution should work in multithreaded environment 2) the number of objects is fairly large,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Managed object internals, Part 1. The layout

The layout of a managed object is pretty simple: a managed object contains instance data, a pointer to a meta-data (a.k.a. method table pointer) and a bag of internal information also known as an object header.

The first time I’ve read about it,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
To box or not to Box? That is the question!

Discussions on reddit, hacker news.
Recently I’ve noticed that the Equal method from our ValueTuple (*) struct generates significant memory traffic (~1Gb). That was a bit of a surprise to me. This struct is well designed and was used pretty heavily in many performance critical scenarios.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Garbage collection and variable lifetime tracking

Here is a seemingly simple question for you: Is it possible that the CLR will call a finalizer for an instance when an instance method is still running? In other words, is it possible in the following case to see ‘Finalizing instance.’ before ‘Finished doing something.’?


Azure VM and Disk Throttling

Using Log Analytics to efficiently monitor Azure virtual machine disk throttling.

Insights to Application Awareness and Understanding

Application Insights is an Azure-hosted service which provides for in-depth application monitoring, whether running in the cloud or on-premise. It provides powerful tools for monitoring, analysis, and diagnosis, with capabilities such as live metrics streaming, tracking response times and failure rates, and much more.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Private CDN for hosting data on SharePoint for improving performance

When we target performance issues with SharePoint, the focus is generally on database related queries and all the requests that are being made to critical assets for the site like images, JavaScript files, CSS etc. A quick response time for these resources are vital for your page to function optimally.

Gathering real-time Perfmon Counters in a cluster

Performance (aka. Perfmon) Counters are critical to understanding the health of and diagnosing issues on Windows. In recent performance and scalability testing of a solution built on top of Azure Service Fabric, we collected Perfmon Counters across 15 VMs and sent them to Log Analytics. This was very helpful; however, there were times when we wanted them to be real time.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Calculating server capacity and planning for future user growth

Do I need to add more servers if my user load grows by 10% each month for the next 12 months? That is a hard question to answer. Unless you have an Application Platform Management solution, it is hard to correlate function calls to CPU time and response times.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Avoiding struct and readonly reference performance pitfalls with ErrorProne.NET

As you may know from my previous posts “The ‘in’-modifier and the readonly structs in C#” and “Performance traps of ref locals and ref returns in C#”, structs are trickier then you might think. Mutability aside, the behavior of readonly and non-readonly structs in “readonly”

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Performance traps of ref locals and ref returns in C#

The C# language from the very first version supported passing arguments by value or by reference. But before C# 7 the C# compiler supported only one way of returning a value from a method (or a property) – returning by value.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
The performance characteristics of async methods in C#

The async series

Dissecting the async methods in C#.
Extending the async methods in C#.
The performance characteristics of the async methods in C#.
One user scenario to rule them all.

In the last two blog posts we’ve covered the internals of async methods in C# and then we looked at the extensibility points the C# compiler provides to adjust the behavior of async methods.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
A common execution path optimization

Today I want to talk about one interesting optimization pattern that you may face in framework code or in high-performance libraries.
The idea is simple: suppose you have a commonly used method that has two execution paths – one is very common and simple,

Premier Developer

Intro to GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
DevOps Handbook review

The DevOps Handbook describes the aspects of working toward a satisfying result for a customer while handling apparently conflicting goals within the organization. The book explains through case studies how companies have resolved the apparent contradictions, aligning everyone’s goals can bring about greater rewards and process improvements.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Using Azure DevOps Artifact as Upstream from another Organization

With upstream sources for Azure Artifacts, enterprises can now setup a hierarchical structure such as team feed => department feed => enterprise feed => public feeds. This hierarchy can be both completely within Azure DevOps as well as within the enterprise's identity boundary provided by Azure Active Directory.

Demystifying the new .NET Core 3 Worker Service

.NET Core 3 introduced a new project template called a Worker Service. This template is designed to give you a starting point for cross-platform services. As an alternate use case, it sets up a very nice environment for general console applications perfect for containers and microservices.

Serverless Compute – Logic Apps, Functions and Event Grid

For this post, I want to introduce the serverless capabilities in Azure. With this, I’m hoping to spark the interest of developers, architects, and DevOps engineers to think differently. While not all problems can be solved with serverless, many can – and with that in mind, why not consider it?

Microsoft Security Code AnalysisMicrosoft Security Code Analysis
Microsoft Security Code Analysis – a tool that seamlessly empowers customers to enable security controls in your CI/CD pipeline

We believe that Secure DevOps encompasses both a set of practices and a mindset shift to help customer adopt security principles and practices aligned with the culture shift and integrated with the practices, of DevOps. Secure DevOps practices include and build on those practices that are part of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle.

Feature timelineFeature timeline
Rastreamento de projetos cross-team a nível de portfólio com Azure DevOps Boards

A inclusão das extensões Feature timeline and Epic Roadmap no processo de gerenciamento de portfólio está ajudando meus clientes a tornar a vida do PMO ainda mais fácil do que antes. A extensão Delivery Plans permite atualizações de portfólio colaborativas, constantes e automatizadas. Isso permitiu que todos evoluíssem no processo de desenvolv

Feature timelineFeature timeline
Tracking Cross-team Projects Portfolio with Azure DevOps Boards

Feature Timeline and Epic Roadmap in portfolio management process has improve the PMO’s process. The Delivery Plans extension allows for collaborative, constant and automated portfolio updates. This enables everyone evolved in the software development process to better manage the cross-dependencies between Projects, Epics and Features.

TDSP lifecycleTDSP lifecycle
AI, ML & Data Science – Explained

Where would you find all three (AI, ML and DS) at work? The most common place today is in autonomous driving vehicles. All three disciplines work together to help train an algorithm to recognize obstacles (MS), then to provide real-time actions (AI) to the vehicle, all based on large amounts of information that data science (DS) can analyze.

.NET Conf 2019

.NET Conf 2019, a free, 3-day, virtual developer event


Outlook Email Automation with PowerShell

In this post, App Dev Manager Edward Fry demonstrates how to use Microsoft Outlook Object Library from PowerShell.

Time is a precious commodity. For many professionals, there just aren’t enough hours to accomplish all the tasks in a day. Thankfully,

Azure Ultra Disk Storage is here

With the recent GA announcement of Azure Ultra Disk Storage, customers now have access to Managed Disks for extremely high performance and mission critical workloads. With increased IOPS and throughput, it's important for architects to understand Azure's throttling limits to ensure they design systems optimally.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Using PowerShell to implement a Farm-wide Global Navigation solution from the Managed Metadata Term Store in SharePoint 2013

In this post, Application Development Managers, Daniel Setlock and John Spinella demonstrate how to export the Managed Metadata Term Store via PowerShell to a SiteMap, and import that SiteMap into a multi-tiered dropdown into the Structured Navigation within SharePoint through a code-less method.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
US Developer Ramp-up Series

The Developer Ramp-Up Series, offered through Premier Support for Developers, is a collection of webcasts created with the goal of teaching developers basic development skills. No prior knowledge is necessary. The current offering includes a collection of webcasts and hands on lab guides/exercises in the areas of PowerShell,


Introduction to Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, its licensing, and Premier Support

Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) Protocol is the language communicated between a mobile device and server to enable synchronization of emails, calendar items, contact information, tasks, and push accurate and reliable data. Microsoft has a flexible support framework in place to help customers and partners adopt AES on Android and iOS.

Feature timelineFeature timeline
Rastreamento de projetos cross-team a nível de portfólio com Azure DevOps Boards

A inclusão das extensões Feature timeline and Epic Roadmap no processo de gerenciamento de portfólio está ajudando meus clientes a tornar a vida do PMO ainda mais fácil do que antes. A extensão Delivery Plans permite atualizações de portfólio colaborativas, constantes e automatizadas. Isso permitiu que todos evoluíssem no processo de desenvolv

Advanced Error Handling with Power Automate

Sr Consultant Adam Toth demonstrates how to handle errors properly in Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow), including expected errors from APIs and connectors, and how to deal with throttling conditions (HTTP 429 Responses).

Power Automate’s default response to errors from connectors is pretty simple – exit the workflow right there and record the entire run as a failure.

Feature timelineFeature timeline
Tracking Cross-team Projects Portfolio with Azure DevOps Boards

Feature Timeline and Epic Roadmap in portfolio management process has improve the PMO’s process. The Delivery Plans extension allows for collaborative, constant and automated portfolio updates. This enables everyone evolved in the software development process to better manage the cross-dependencies between Projects, Epics and Features.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Update My Blog Via Email with Azure Functions

In this post, App Dev Manager Isaac Levin showcase the versatility of Azure Function with a solution that updates his Blog via Email.

I have blogged about the changes I made to streamline my site architecture and continue to work on ways to improve it.

GitHub and Microsoft Services: Developer Support – elevate and accelerate

Pairing GitHub with Microsoft Services: Developer Support is a combination that can lead to an elevated software development lifecycle experience. And we know software development!

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Getting started with Docker for Windows

In this walkthrough, our App Dev Managers show how to install, configure and containerize a simple webapp to help you get up and running with Docker.

Developing a Dockerized Asp.Net Core Application Using Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code offers feature parity with Visual Studio 2017/2019 when it comes to developing a containerized Asp.Net Core application. Since VSCode is cross platform, you can develop your next container DotNetCore application on a Linux or Mac while having access to all the great features that Windows users enjoy on VS2017/2019.

React Native for Windows Goes Mainstream

React Native for Windows adds support for Windows 10 SDK to React Native, which allows you to build apps for all Win-10 devices such as PCs, Tablets and Xbox using React.

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Dynamics 365 Implementation Pt. 3 – Postman

With tools such as Postman, you can easily send HTTP requests to your APIs. This technique can help test the fields that are being added to the integration message to see if they pass or fail. This helps in the efforts to test if the integration message being sent will successfully get posted in Dynamics 365.

Quantum Computing

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Quantum Computing: Learn Now and Prepare for the Future

Microsoft is developing Q#, "the domain-specific programming languages used for expressing quantum algorithms." Ingest as much as you can. There are also a host of resources online from videos to White Papers, including resources on the Microsoft Quantum Computing site.

Quantum Computing for Software Developers – Part I

The underpinnings of quantum computing (QC) is quantum mechanics. Unfortunately, quantum mechanics is very weird and hard to understand. Most articles on QC are of the pop science variety and introductions to QC are usually heavy on mathematics (linear algebra). I want to do something different. I want to explain QC using the language of software development.


Microsoft Security Code AnalysisMicrosoft Security Code Analysis
Microsoft Security Code Analysis – a tool that seamlessly empowers customers to enable security controls in your CI/CD pipeline

We believe that Secure DevOps encompasses both a set of practices and a mindset shift to help customer adopt security principles and practices aligned with the culture shift and integrated with the practices, of DevOps. Secure DevOps practices include and build on those practices that are part of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle.

Workshop Spotlight: Modern Authentication and Authorization

Building applications operating in the internet environment requires understanding of options available for performing authentication and authorization. These options include, both a variety of protocols such as OAuth2 and WS-Federation, as well as tools and toolkits such as Azure AD, AD FS and ADAL.

DevOps and Safety

Beyond Lean, another important contributor to DevOps is the safety science movement. In this blog, Ron discusses this subject and show how important this is and how it changes the ways we think of the systems we build.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Choosing the OAuth2 grant flow

Premier Dev Consultant Marius Rochon explores OAuth2 questions you need to ask and how the answers lead to the selection of the grant.

The OAuth2 specifications define six different grant types (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749 and https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-device-flow-15). Each provides the most optimal (from the security point of view) way of obtaining access or (for OIDC) id_tokens given the circumstances of the client application.

Understanding ‘Why’ you should take CompTIA’s Security+ Exam for DoD Programs

It is extremely difficult to find individuals with Security+ accreditation. Achieving this accreditation not only helps you but also helps defense contracting companies and the DoD community to fill in those national security related positions with those specialized needs.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Understanding how Microsoft Azure keeps your data safe

When it comes to data, there is never a thing as too much security. With identify theft and breaches becoming a daily occurrence, ensuring sensitive information is protected is essential to business. Microsoft Azure has been designed from the ground-up to be one of the most secure places to store your information. Let me prove it!

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Using Groups in Azure AD B2C

Accessing Groups claims in Azure AD B2C requires adding some custom code through custom (IEF) policies. This post shows how to configure AD B2C IEF policies to access Groups in JWT Tokens.

A screenshot of a social media post Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a social media post Description automatically generated
Enabling DevOps in A Hybrid Cloud Environment at DoD

Learn how DoD leverages Azure DevOps to promote code from higher information level (IL) environment from a lower IL environment using Microsoft-Hosted and Self-Hosted Agents.

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated
Adding Authentication to Your App Easily with Azure AD

Secure your applications with Microsoft Identity Platform couldn't be any easier. In this blog, we’ll walk through very quick steps to help you start experimenting with authentication capabilities using Azure AD identities.

Microsoft Security Risk Detection – What’s New

MSRD is a self-service, AI-powered Dynamic Application Security Testing service that optimizes your web development cycle to identify and remediate bugs and security risks as they’re introduced into the codebase – not after they are already in production.


How to Alert on Azure BLOB Access

In this post, learn how to use Azure Monitor and Log Analytics to determine metrics not available under standard Metrics blade in Azure Portal. In this post, I will show you how to leverage Azure Storage $logs for enhanced reporting.

Insights to Application Awareness and Understanding

Application Insights is an Azure-hosted service which provides for in-depth application monitoring, whether running in the cloud or on-premise. It provides powerful tools for monitoring, analysis, and diagnosis, with capabilities such as live metrics streaming, tracking response times and failure rates, and much more.

Alerts based on Analytics query using Custom log search

One feature was removed in Application Insights called Scheduled Analytics, and now it is replaced with Custom Log Search which allows us to create an Alerts based on data analytics queries.

Microsoft Flow and PowerApps monitoring strategy

Both Flow and PowerApps are great tools that can be in the hands of business and power users to accelerate the building of automated workflows and business apps across on-premise and the cloud services. It’s easy to see how there could be many such Flows and Apps built, deployed and running within your tenant. It’s a best practice for the IT administrators to devise a monitoring strategy in place that could proactively keep a watch on these Flows, Apps and other related resources and alert and perform remediation actions as necessary.


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
TaskSchedulers and semaphores

When you write multi-threaded code, it’s important to be aware of whether the code in other libraries you call into is also thread-safe. By my observation, most code written is not thread-safe. So if you’re writing thread-safe code, kudos to you.


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Dissecting the async methods in C#

The async series

Dissecting the async methods in C#.
Extending the async methods in C#.
The performance characteristics of the async methods in C#.
One user scenario to rule them all.

The C# language is great for developer’s productivity and I’m glad for the recent push towards making it more suitable for high-performance applications.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Dissecting the ActionBlock: a Short Story About a Nasty Deadlock

I think almost every project in the real world uses some form of producer-consumer queue. The idea behind this problem is very simple. Application needs to decouple consumers of some data from the logic that processes it. Consider, for instance, the thread pool from the CLR: application can schedule some work using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem and the thread pool will do its best to maximize application throughput by using optimal number of threads that will process the input data.


You need to invest in developers

Investing in your people not only helps build essential, competitive skills but it can also reduce employee churn that will disrupt projects. Show me any highly effective dev team and I’ll show you passionate learners that share knowledge and try new things. These things go hand in hand.

Hour of Code and Minecraft for All Ages

Learn how to organize and run your own successful Hour of Code learning events.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
How to link your MCP profile to a partner organization

Anyone who has ever passed at least one of the Microsoft certification exams has a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) profile created with an ID (MCID) generated. This profile is now part of the Microsoft Learning platform that allows a person to track all activities related to certification accomplishments, both active and past.

AZ 203 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Study Guide

As a Microsoft employee who works with customers and a cloud enthusiast, I see it essential to be knowledgeable of how the cloud can bring the best value to the developer. Because of this, I am taking the AZ 203 exam, which is titled “Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure”. This exam was in beta for some time and was recently released proper in January 2019. Developers used to the Microsoft certification world will see this exam as a replacement for 70-532, which is the older iteration of Azure technology geared for developers. Passing this exam will reward developers with the “Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate” certification. Going forward, most Microsoft certifications are moving to a job-role based (great take by Chris Pietschmann at Build Azure) approach, which in my opinion is a good move, as it allows folks to focus on passing exams that contain content that will directly be used on the job.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Upcoming DevOps and Tech Conferences

Are you interested in learning about DevOps and the newest advances in technology? Do you want to challenge your development perspectives and current practices? Read this post from Premier Developer Consultant Brian Blackman to find an upcoming conference for you and your team to attend.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
How to Engage Your Audience during Online Deliveries

Interested in upping your online presentation game? Looking for some tips to engage your audience on Skype calls? Read this post by Premier Developer Consultant Daisy Chaussee to learn how.

Today’s modern, virtual world relies on the ability to deliver content remotely.

Debugging Windows Applications with DebugDiag Workshop

This post is provided by Senior ADM, Jason Giordano, who spotlights our DebugDiag workshop available to Premier Support customers.

If you have ever engaged Microsoft to assist with an application hang or crash, chances are, DebugDiag was used at some point. 

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
US Workshops, Webcasts, and Tech Talks – Nov/Dec 2016 Update

Teams struggle to keep up with the latest technology trends, so training and knowledge transfer are important investments to build the expertise required for optimal application and infrastructure.  It’s a great way to proactively stay in front of technical gaps that can manifest in the form of implementation delays,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
US Workshops, Webcasts, and Tech Talks – October 2016 Update

Teams struggle to keep up with the latest technology trends, so training and knowledge transfer are important investments to build the expertise required for optimal application and infrastructure.  It’s a great way to proactively stay in front of technical gaps that can manifest in the form of implementation delays,

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
US Workshops, Webcasts, and Tech Talks – September 2016 Update

Teams struggle to keep up with the latest technology trends, so training and knowledge transfer are important investments to build the expertise required for optimal application and infrastructure.  It’s a great way to proactively stay in front of technical gaps that can manifest in the form of implementation delays,


Accessibility at all stages: A Good-for-All SDLC approach

Accessibility improves usability; considering accessibility reviews early-on and at all stages gives us an opportunity to not only save cycles of design, dev, and QA, but more importantly, it creates a more usable product for everyone.

The Cost of Bad UX Part 2: Improving the UI to Shrink Cost

This example illustrates why building a better UI and caring about how your end users is so valuable. Not only can it improve their experience, but it can also save your business time and money.

The Cost of Bad UX Part 1: Putting a price on look and feel

One thing that I’ve heard more than a few times while working in UX is that you can’t put a price on look and feel. Personally, I want to clear the air right now and say you absolutely can. It’s not hard, but it does require narrowing your focus to a particular workflow.

UX is not UI, but UI is definitely UX

When I first joined the Premier team here at Microsoft, a lot of the work I initially did for our customers was just that – advisory front-end design work. After many discussions about how I can provide value to our customers, I started to realize that even though words likes User Experience and User Centered Design are starting to be thrown out more and more in development, very few people have a full grasp of what exactly User Experience is.

Visual Studio

.NET Conf 2019

.NET Conf 2019, a free, 3-day, virtual developer event

[Service Fabric] Why won’t Visual Studio connect to my cluster?

In this blog post, I’ll discuss something that has frustrated both myself and many others for quite a while, and that is, failure of Visual Studio to connect to an Azure Service Fabric cluster. We’ll be using Visual Studio 2017 as an example.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Installing .NET Core 3.0 preview to work with Visual Studio Code

I need to develop cross platform solutions and am often working in Linux, so I have taken to using Visual Studio Code as my IDE instead of Visual Studio.

Developing a Dockerized Asp.Net Core Application Using Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code offers feature parity with Visual Studio 2017/2019 when it comes to developing a containerized Asp.Net Core application. Since VSCode is cross platform, you can develop your next container DotNetCore application on a Linux or Mac while having access to all the great features that Windows users enjoy on VS2017/2019.

Paired Programming & Visual Studio Live Share

My first experience matched many of experiences I remember mentioned in the books I read. At first, paired programming was extremely intimidating. I had to pair with an extremely seasoned developer thinking that I was about to be proved that I was not as smart as I thought I was – see Imposter Syndrome. Well, I learned many lessons from this developer by pairing with him. And in the end the developer learned quite a bit from me.

Solving What’s Off About Monolithic Applications

It's all about the people. The resistance to change is human nature. Leaders and team members alike. Assessing the team is simple. If they can demonstrate an openness to changing how they do things you are on track. If team conversations consist of why things must continue to be done the way they are being done success will be a challenge. But leadership is the real key. Effective change is a collaborative process and management's primary team facing role is keeping the team within the agreed upon boundaries. But of equal importance is securing and managing executive sponsorship. The team is pushing hard against their own instincts for the betterment of the organization. The organization must support them and insulate them from organizational winds that look to disrupt their efforts.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Visualize Code with Visual Studio

In this post, App Dev Manager Ed Tovsen spotlight the features and benefits of Code Maps in Visual Studio.

Systems architects have long used modeling to design the structure, behavior, and interaction of systems within an organization. Modeling helps to ensure that requirements are clearly defined between users and IT.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Setting up .NET Core Configuration Providers

ASP Core uses the convenient Provider Pattern to load configuration key/value pairs from various sources and expose those to you as a single Configuration object. This allows you to grab a configuration key like ConnectionString with one line of code regardless of where it was sourced from. However, the configuration API is not available by default in .NET Core Console applications.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Real-time Code Quality with SonarLint in Visual Studio

In the second part of her SonarQube series, Premier Developer Consultant Sana Noorani builds on top of SonarQube technology and explains how SonarLint can be added in Visual Studio to track real time code quality.

What is SonarLint?
SonarLint an extension you can add to an IDE such as Visual Studio that can provide developers real-time feedback on the quality of the code.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Unit Testing Your JavaScript Code

In a recent post from his blog, Premier Developer Consultant Jim Blizzard discusses how to set up Visual Studio 2017 to run JavaScript-based unit tests.

This week, I demonstrated to a client how they could write unit tests in JavaScript to test their JavaScript code by leveraging Karma,


Advanced Error Handling with Power Automate

Sr Consultant Adam Toth demonstrates how to handle errors properly in Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow), including expected errors from APIs and connectors, and how to deal with throttling conditions (HTTP 429 Responses).

Power Automate’s default response to errors from connectors is pretty simple – exit the workflow right there and record the entire run as a failure.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Configure Azure App Service for 64-bit platform and Node.js

As a follow-up to my original post explaining how to Deploy Ghost CMS on Azure Web App, learn how to configure Azure Web App Platform and Node.js to run as 64-bit, a prerequisite for the latest Ghost build.

Accessibility at all stages: A Good-for-All SDLC approach

Accessibility improves usability; considering accessibility reviews early-on and at all stages gives us an opportunity to not only save cycles of design, dev, and QA, but more importantly, it creates a more usable product for everyone.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Getting started with Docker for Windows

In this walkthrough, our App Dev Managers show how to install, configure and containerize a simple webapp to help you get up and running with Docker.

React Native for Windows Goes Mainstream

React Native for Windows adds support for Windows 10 SDK to React Native, which allows you to build apps for all Win-10 devices such as PCs, Tablets and Xbox using React.

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Using Groups in Azure AD B2C

Accessing Groups claims in Azure AD B2C requires adding some custom code through custom (IEF) policies. This post shows how to configure AD B2C IEF policies to access Groups in JWT Tokens.

404 response code caused by App Services – AlwaysOn feature

In this post, Sr. Consultant Adel Ghabboun shows how to optimize Azure App Service Always against cold starts.

How Microsoft Tracks Santa

In this post, App Dev Manager Casey Kriutzfield shed some light on the NORAD Tracks Santa Azure architecture allowing for some impressive page view metrics.

I’m Casey Kriutzfield. One of the leads for NORAD Tracks Santa. For the past several years,

Moving legacy ASP.NET apps with Windows authentication to Azure App Service (Part 1)

App Dev Manager Mike Lapierre explores authentication options when moving legacy ASP.NET apps to Azure App Services.

When attempting to move legacy ASP.NET apps to Azure App Service, you might encounter a few challenges which are documented here. I want to cover specially the use Windows authentication which is not supported in Azure App Service.

Migrating a static web site using custom HTTP modules to Azure App Service

I was asked recently about migrating a local Internet Information Server (IIS) static web application to an Azure App Service. For this type of question For migrations to Azure, resources like the App Service Migration tool are usually a good place to start. In this case the App Service Migration tool reported issues...


Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
On passing the Xamarin Mobile Developer Certification Exam

This post is from Premier Developer consultant Joe Healy who recently became a Xamarin Certified Mobile Developer.  Congrats Joe!

Microsoft likes us to have some technical certifications.  Personally I enjoy the challenges of the tests.  This year my goals were the Windows 10 UWP Developer exam ( Developing Mobile Apps 70-357 – https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-70-357.aspx )and the Xamarin Certified Developer accreditation ( https://university.xamarin.com/certification ). 

Premier Support for DevelopersPremier Support for Developers
Visual Studio 2015 RTM and Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 Released!

Today, we are happy to announce availability of Visual Studio 2013/TFS 2013 Update 5 and the release of Visual Studio 2015 RTM. This Release to Manufacturing (RTM) of Visual Studio 2015 includes many new features and updates, such as tools for Universal Windows app development,