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Posts tagged “Podcast”

Feature: Listen now and sort yourself out

Podcast: Why we can’t stop playing Wilmot’s Warehouse

 You are handed a box. Inside, another hour of ceaseless chatter from three folks on the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show. Oh no, where re you supposed to put this? Maybe it should go next to the knives in the "dangerous items" pile. Or you could store it beside the tennis rackets in "hobby equipment". Oh hell, let's just make a whole new…

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Feature: Another crazy misadventure

RPG Podcast: Heroes of the Brinelands, episode 165

 Welcome back, brine fans. Our pen and paper RPG podcast is continuing its salty journey to the top of the pod charts with its fantasy tales of bravery and fishmongering. This week, the gang find themselves waking up in the cavernous city-state of Snarlgrove, nursing some terrible hangovers. Can Nate, Astrid and Alice B uncover the events of their previous night in the settlement?…

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Feature: Listen to our family traditions

Podcast: It’s a family thing

 "Family is all", a wise man once said. And then he half-drowned his nephew in a bucket of ice water, but let's forget about that bit. The sentiment is what's important. Families can be good and bad, dysfunctional or helpful. This is as true in videogames as in life. So that's what we're podcasting about this week. The brothers, mothers, aunts and cousins we…

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Feature: Listen now or remain a stupid primate

Podcast: The post-Gamescom tidy-up

 The German gamesblast of Gamescom 2019 is over, so let's honour the team of RPS treehousers who went on a gruelling mission across Europe last week. Unfortunately, only one survivor seems to have made it back to the podcast room. Alice B is here, scarred and bruised, to tell us about Atomicrops, Empire of Sin, The Longing, Humankind, Bloodlines 2, The Eternal Cylinder, and…

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Feature: Listen to our soliloquays

Podcast: The Gamescom 2019 warm-up

 The German Play is happening next week, or Gamescom, as you may have heard it called by uninformed proles. The big games show will see a few of the RPS treehousers zipping off to Cologne to breach and clear the whole city of all its games, like a well-oiled unit of militant journalists. On this week’s podcast, they prepare themselves for the mission. Thumbs…

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Feature: Listen to our street music

Podcast: Why we’re playing Streets Of Rogue

 You may have already seen us bellowing about Streets Of Rogue, the tiny but flavourful immersive sim full of chaos and angry gorillas. That’s because we can’t stop playing it. This week, the pod squad are gathering to chat about why they think it’s so bloomin’ good. But also their favourite characters in the game, from a drug-addicted investment banker to a tiny naked…

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Feature: Listen and then move there

Podcast: The best game cities, from Dunwall to Kamurocho

 Rural life is disgusting. All those shrubs and trees, how awful. You should pack your checkered pouch and head into the big smoke. The shining cities of videogameland are calling to you, and the team of the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show, will be there to help you get settled in to your disgusting, overpriced flat no matter which giant urban maze you…

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Feature: Listen now or hoof it

Podcast: The best horses in games

 Horses, that’s this week’s topic. Big galloping buddies full of teeth and flies. Brush ‘em, ride ‘em, put ‘em in your videogame. The RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show, will appreciate it because this episode the pod squad are talking about their favourite saddlepals from the fantastical realms of this bewildering industry. Horses. They’re like big cats.

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Feature: Listen now and be intrigued

Podcast: The shipping forecast

 This is the shipping forecast; the synopsis at 5pm. Solid Snake just west of cloak room, expected to move towards Sam Fisher on dance floor before midnight. Wrecking Ball from Overwatch, mild at 1am, becoming rabid with lust at 3am. Agent 47 from Hitman: confused, occasional peeping, becoming horny later. Red Prince: cyclonic, mainly drinking alone, peering at Steve from Minecraft with questionable motives,…

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Feature: Like war, there are no winners

Podcast: The post-E3 breakdown

E3 2019 is finished! More importantly, we have almost recovered from E3 2019. To celebrate their convalescence, Alice B and Matt piled into the podcast studio for a 40-minute post-show chat about their favourite games from the show and thoughts on the many E3 press conferences.

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Feature: Listen now and know all the things

Podcast: What’s happening at E3 2019?

 E3 is getting started this weekend, otherwise known as the Encredible Electricity Experience, or sometimes simply “Hellweek”. It’s a very busy and exciting time to be a videogame liker, but you might need some help. Allow the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show, to be your digital sherpa through this storm of fictional bullets and lightsabers. Let’s talk about what we’re looking forward to…

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Feature: Saxophone solo

Soundbyte: Why sex games are important and what makes a good one

 Soundbyte is back, and a lot sooner than it took for us to get from episode one to episode two! In this one, we’re talking about sexy, sexy sex games, why they’re interesting, what the rest of the industry could (and should) learn from them, and the queer erasure that comes along with blacklisting these sexy things from storefronts and streaming websites like Twitch.

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Feature: Listen now to discover more

Podcast: Journeys of discovery

 What’s that on the horizon? It’s glowing, and it’s emanating a faint noise. Like three people talking about videogames on some sort of audio record. Hoist the sails, listeners, we’re going over there on a voyage of discovery. And if this turns out to be another damn Electronic Wireless Show about sport you are entirely at liberty to mutiny. Heave!

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Feature: Listen or you'll miss out

Podcast: The games you might have missed in 2019 so far

 You can’t play everything. Trust us, we’ve tried. You can’t even take note of all the games that come out in one week. Our mushy human brains can barely keep track of why we’re standing in the dairy aisle. Was it milk we're low on? Or butter? Yoghurt? Hang on, I'm vegan. What am I doing here? Anyway, you’re bound to have missed a…

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Feature: Listen now and make some pals

Podcast: The strongest friendships in games

 You’re a good person, reader, and I will always believe in you, no matter what. No, not you. The person behind you. No, to the left of... No, the other person. The one in the green-- No, you, with the... NO. The person BEHIND you, I said. The person with-- Oh great they’ve walked off now. This whole thing has been a waste of…

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Feature: Listen now, it's only 60 minutes

Podcast: What game is the biggest “time sink”?

 Your time is important. And you know what? So is mine. Here’s this week’s podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show. It’s about how your life is dripping away every second you play Stardew Valley.

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Feature: Listen now or we won't trust you

Podcast: Betrayal, backstabbing and rebel scum

 We would never do anything to hurt you. Our loyalty is beyond dispute. That’s just how trustworthy we are on the RPS podcast, the Electronic Wireless Show. If anyone is the spy here, it’s you. I don’t even recognise you. Have you been to this website before? You look nervous. Maybe you’re hiding something. Maybe you’re planning to stab us all in the back…

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Feature: Listen now (or watch it)

Podcast: Watch us acting silly at EGX Rezzed 2019

I say “watch” because this week's podcast takes place in a real room in front of a real audience (don’t worry, there’s an audio version too). At Rezzed in London this month, we thought it’d be fun to re-enact three of the most memorable scenes of PC gaming, exactly as you remember them. So strap on your eye-wideners and prepare for some wonderful acting. Including…

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Feature: Listen and wave farewell

Podcast: Goodbye to John and Alec

 Yes, that quiet sobbing you hear is coming from the RPS treehouse. Alec, one of the founders of this PC games infospout, left on Tuesday. And John, another founderer, is leaving later this month. The treehouse boards will creak no more with the weight of their knowledge. The branches of the great tree have sagged with sadness. Far below, the infinite sniffing of a…

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Come watch the RPS podcast reenact the most famous scenes in gaming at Rezzed

Games have had some iconic moments. The death of Aeris, the twist in BioShock, that bit in Mass Effect 2 when you punch the reporter completely unprovoked. We love to revisit these moments, but sometimes loading up an old save isn’t enough. Sometimes you need to step into your character's shoes in a more theatrical manner. At EGX Rezzed next week, we’re hosting a special…

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