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Crackdown 3

6 months ago

Feature: GPUs and HDR explained

What graphics card do I need for HDR and what PC games support it?

HDR on PC continues to be a bit of a mess these days, but provided you haven't been put off by the astronomical prices of the [block id="604469" title="Best gaming monitor"]s for HDR or, indeed, the ongoing debacle surrounding Windows 10 support for it, then the next step on your path to high dynamic range glory is to get an HDR compatible graphics card. Below, you'll find a…

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7 months ago

Crackdown 3 breaks its way into stores today

Neon bright open-world superpower shooter Crackdown 3 has smashed its way onto Windows today. Making games is hard, and suffice to say that Crackdown appears to have had its fair share of troubles to deal with. But it’s here! Terry Crews can finally appear inside your computer in all his glory, and in playable form at that. Here's a launch trailer showing off some pretty…

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Feature: Arse Crack

Crackdown 3 review

Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear. What a horrible story there must be to tell of the last six or so years of Crackdown 3's development, if the result of all that time is this wet tissue of a game. A bland, woefully dated, aimless and deeply derivative open city, which somehow can't even be saved by the presence of Terry Crews.

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10 months ago

1 year ago

Feature: Trailers galore

Every PC game at Microsoft’s E3 2018 conference

Microsoft had a lot of games to announce at E3 2018, but it's a little murkier this year to find out what was relevant for PC users. Some games were coming to both, others only to their Xbox One consoles. You could of course watch the entire conference right here, but for some there just isn't enough time to wade through the entire show. Not…

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Bang to rights: Crackdown 3 officially delayed into 2019

Another year, another delay for super-powered futurecop sandbox Crackdown 3. Following rumours, publishers Microsoft have confirmed that it's now due to arrive in February 2019. Better a good game later than a wonky one now, yeah? Though I wouldn't start getting excited for February just yet, given how many times the game has been delayed. It was originally slated to launch in 2016, then it…

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2 years ago

Crackdown 3 delayed into 2018

The open-world supercop superfights of Crackdown 3 [official site] need a little more time to become more super, and so has been delayed. It was due on November 7th but has been pushed back into spring 2018. Before then, it was due in 2016. The delay is because the makers want Crackdown 3 to be a good game but it needs more time, yeah? The…

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Feature: Ev3rying Ev3r

Every PC game announced or trailered at E3 2017

Each year E3 rolls around like a giant evil worm, crushing all that's good and pure. BUT that worm also announces lots of exciting gaming news as it wreaks its carnage upon the Earth. Here we have gathered every announcement, reveal, and exciting new trailer that emerged from the barrage of screamed press conferences over the last few days. And lots of it looks rather…

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Crackdown 3 trailer brings the boom, Terry Crews

Confession: I haven't played any of the open world action-adventure Crackdown series and the Crackdown 3 trailer (which you can watch after the jump) left me none the wiser on a lot of different fronts. That's why I went to Wikipedia. However that was about 7 minutes ago so obviously I'm now reading about the ancient belief in swan songs being this beautiful song a…

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3 years ago

Feature: It's gonna be a good year

The PC games of 2017 mega-preview

As Old Father Time grabs his sickle and prepares to take ailing 2016 around the back of the barn for a big sleep, we're looking to the future. The mewling pup that goes by the name 2017 will come into the world soon and we must prepare ourselves for its arrival. Here at RPS, our preparations come in the form of this enormous preview feature,…

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Oh, Whoops! Crackdown 3 Is Coming To Windows 10

Oh! Here's some late news: Crackdown 3 [official site] is also coming to Windows 10. I know, I know This was announced a month ago. Whoops. But you can grump that I'm late or be glad that it's coming. Crackdown, for folks who didn't see the earlier games on Xbox 360, is about a super-powered futurecop dispensing violent futurejustice in a sandbox open-world futurecity. What's…

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