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Alice Liguori

2 months ago

Feature: The humble pooper scooper

Planet Zoo has great poop physics, runaway animals, and loads of other good animal action

Planet Zoo is Frontier's latest game in with "Planet" in the name. It takes all of what was great about Planet Coaster and replaces the rollercoasters and queues with animals and habitats. It's cute, it's fun, and it has had a lot of love poured into it. Myself and Alice Bee got the chance to have some hands-on time with the alpha at this year's…

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3 months ago

Feature: What do you mean there's more to it than that?

I met an eerie janitor in Control and helped him clean up with a shapeshifting gun

Control is Remedy's latest game. The creators of Max Payne, Alan Wake, and Quantum Break are back with a third-person shooter that sits in the New Weird genre, a relatively new genre that the likes of X-Files and Twin Peaks sits in. It's very creepy. Our protagonist, Jesse Faden, is super badass and seems to take on what's going on without so much as a…

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Feature: Daddies for everyone!

Reviews Roulette: The one with Donkey Kong’s wooden nipples

Did you know Rock Paper Shotgun have an absolutely phenomenal, world-class video department? No? Well, you do now. And this knowledge comes from me, Alice L, one of the three members of said world-class video department, so you can guarantee that praise is true and unbiased in every way. Something we put together on an infrequent basis is Reviews Roulette. It's infrequent because it's no…

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4 months ago

Feature: I'm not crying

Have You Played… Rime?

What an unexpected journey that was. I certainly didn’t expect the direction Rime went in. I don’t want to spoil the ending, but washing up on an island as a small boy, with a beautiful fox friend to help guide the way as you solve puzzles, sounds absolutely lovely, right? But what a turn it took in the final couple of chapters. What. A. Turn.

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Feature: A horror shared is a horror halved?

Man Of Medan lets you share the horror with a friend (or four)

I recently went to see Man Of Medan, the new narrative horror game from the makers of Until Dawn. I went in expecting spooks, and came out knowing all about their two new co-op modes. One is Shared Story mode, which is played online and sees you and another friend taking control of different characters in the story to help each other out - or…

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Feature: Can you hear them screaming?

Have You Played… ISLANDERS?

No, that’s not me screaming the game name at you, that’s how it’s stylised. Though I’ll sentence case it when I mention it in the rest of the article because if I talk about ISLANDERS like this it might make you spill your tea all over your keyboard. I don’t want to make you jump, plus we hold no liability for tea-soaked keyboards.

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5 months ago

Feature: SkateBIRD is related to a certain Hawk, I'm sure

E3 games you can play right now

E3 is over! Lots of games were announced for the near (and distant) future, and you'd be forgiven for thinking you had to wait months or years before you could play some of the most exciting announcements. Luckily we've got news for you. Over on the Rock Paper Shotgun YouTube channel we've compiled a list of eight PC games from E3 you can play immediately.

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6 months ago

Feature: The second life

Have You Played… The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?

Another winter, another new Skyrim save file. You may be asking why I own this particular game on multiple different platforms, and sometimes more than once on one platform (looking at you Special Edition). You may think it’s because I like to create a different character build each time, a wise mage, a heavy melee warrior, or a stealthy archer. You may think it’s because…

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Feature: Habbo Hospital

Have You Played… Project Hospital?

Project Hospital is a very realistic hospital game that looks a lot like Habbo. But the problem is, hospitals aren’t very fun places to be, are they? Which is why games like Two Point Hospital make them humorous and less realistic, because depending on the reason you’re in hospital, they tend to exist for bad things, right? Not always, I mean you could be having…

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7 months ago

Feature: And the winner of the Meatlegs Award is...

Reviews Roulette: The one with tiny ghosts and egg murder

If you're new here, or aren't a viewer of our YouTube channel, then you might be unaware of something the RPS video team do on a semi-regular basis (listen, it's hard to schedule regular features when you're busy shrieking, and being problematic, and all the other things we YouTubers do.) It's called Reviews Roulette, and the idea is to give airtime to some of the…

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Feature: Tomb Raider's re-reboot was a big mood

Have You Played… Tomb Raider (2013)?

Tomb Raider’s reboot hit us the same year I started university, so emotions were already riding high, but as soon as I dove into Lara’s world once more I felt a little more at ease. I don’t think she felt more at ease, due to all the horrific deaths I accidentally put her through, but I really needed to hang out with an old friend…

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Feature: I don't think this counts as breaking and entering

Have You Played… Marie’s Room?

Marie’s Room is perhaps one of the shortest games I’ve ever played. Intentionally short, anyway. There are plenty of games that have made me want to stop playing and so have been "short" for the wrong reasons, but Marie’s Room is a short game I wish was longer. Although I understand entirely why it had to be the length it was. There are no save…

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8 months ago

Feature: You'll reach your step goal

Have You Played… The Painscreek Killings?

I’m super into murder mysteries and wandering around falsely idyllic towns, so The Painscreek Killings really spoke to me. There are red phone boxes but dollar signs, yet something about it still feels so quintessentially British. Little did I know that I would get so deep into this mystery that I would end up filling just over 10 A4 sides of paper, with notes scribbled…

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Feature: Get a bit of colour in ya

Have You Played… Hue?

Hue is an delightful puzzle game which is incredibly bright and colourful (unsurprisingly), where you progress by changing the colour of the background. At its core it’s quite a sad game. You’re searching for your missing mother, and you uncover her story as you go. This takes you through various themes of love, loss, remorse, and existence. It might be sad, but damn it’s beautiful.

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9 months ago

Feature: Don't forget, you're here forever... maybe

Have You Played… The Spectrum Retreat?

What’s this? The Spectrum Retreat? Another puzzle game chosen by Alice L? She would never, she’s not that predictable! Well, wait. If the slendermenesque robots aren’t enough to hook you, then how about knowing it was created by one guy, for five years, and he started it when he was 15. How impressive is that? It also won the BAFTA Young Game Designer Game Making…

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10 months ago

Feature: What an angry bookworm

Have You Played… Word Rescue?

Look at this creepy snek dude. This game used to scare the heebie jeebies out of me, but I did have an above average reading and spelling age in Lower School so I guess I ought to give it a special shout out for that reason alone. In Word Rescue you had to… rescue words. It’s still on Steam if you want to up your…

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Feature: It's not Portal though, is it?

Have You Played… Bridge Constructor Portal?

I’m going to be honest here. I was incredibly apprehensive about Bridge Constructor Portal. I didn’t even play it for the first 8 months after it came out. I am a huge Portal fan and I think I was a bit offended by this game when I first heard of it. Kids these days get offended by anything, the snowflakes.

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11 months ago

Feature: What do we want? Spiral staircases! When do we want them? Now!

Have You Played… The Sims 4?

Uh oh, here she goes again. “Does anyone want to tell Alice that The Sims 4 is the worst iteration in the Sims series?” No, you don’t need to tell me, I know it’s not the best. The Sims 3 will forever be dear to my heart, what with its cars and lack of loading screens, but The Sims 4 does its best by having…

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