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Unit: maig de 2007


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  1. Tuit fixat
    28 de nov.

    Existing beliefs about wealth and income have been shaken by new research. Our latest cover explains why the gaps could be lower than you think

  2. fa 15 minuts

    The best of our climate-change analysis, landing in your inbox each fortnight. Sign up for our brand new e-mail

  3. fa 21 minuts

    Tigers bred in Laos are are still being trafficked for use as food, medicine and decoration

  4. ha retuitat
    fa 2 hores

    Fancy a nice read for your commute? Here’s one I made earlier - about the election, Brexit and what it means to be a Northumbrian

  5. fa 42 minuts

    Dislodging Donald Trump would be much harder than removing Richard Nixon was

  6. fa 58 minuts

    A map of Europe is hidden behind door five of our Daily chart advent calendar

  7. fa 1 hora

    With Britain divided and a general election looming, quits Westminster and heads home. Could an 84-mile hike along Hadrian’s Wall teach him anything new? From

  8. fa 2 hores

    All our coverage of Britain's general election in one place

  9. fa 2 hores

    In the past, access to transgender treatment was notoriously difficult. Now, some trans health-care clinics have gone too far the other way, says Carey Callahan who "detransitioned"

  10. fa 2 hores

    Vonnegut’s books are not simply criticisms of war; they are meditations on human nature and the meaning of life, wrapped up in zany plots and deadpan wit

  11. fa 2 hores

    Why are there so many rats in California?

  12. fa 3 hores

    Why is the Latin American left hostile to clean energy?

  13. fa 3 hores

    James Joyce’s tale has not yet quite had its due as the ultimate Christmas story for grown-ups haunted by the past

  14. fa 3 hores

    When weed is legalised, alcohol sales drop and junk food flies off the shelves

  15. fa 4 hores

    Why a left-wing nominee would hurt Democrats

  16. fa 4 hores

    Populations originating in areas that spent longer under medieval Catholicism are more trusting and less conformist

  17. fa 4 hores

    "Hate speech" laws can be elastic tools for criminalising dissent

  18. fa 4 hores

    The scores of Singapore, Jordan, Poland and Turkey have improved. Other countries have not done so well, however

  19. fa 5 hores

    It takes a miracle for a novice to land a plane safely. A new panic-button system can come to the rescue

  20. fa 5 hores

    More than 70,000 Americans died from drugs in 2017. That is more than all the American soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam war

  21. fa 5 hores

    How ear bones evolved


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