A $3 million deal to help recharge groundwater basins in the Oxnard Plain has turned contentious as questions surfaced about conflicting invoices and proposals.

Back in May, the board of the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency unanimously agreed to pay the United Water Conservation District for about 15,000 acre-feet of water.

Officials said the relatively low-cost release would help recharge aquifers still struggling after years of drought.

That much was clear. Other details were more murky.

Many of the issues likely would have been cleared up if the decision wasn’t rushed. But some on the Fox Canyon board and its staff said they were told they needed to make a decision quickly back in May because plans called for United to buy additional state water.

If they didn't, they would risk losing the opportunity.

United, however, hasn’t bought any water from that system since the Fox Canyon board agreed to the deal. Instead, the water was already sitting in Lake Piru, bought by United before officials took the proposal to Fox Canyon.

Last week, United General Manager Mauricio Guardado told The Star that the urgency wasn’t because of a pending purchase but the agency’s typical June 1 deadline to stop releasing water over the summer.

The agency normally would keep the lake level up over the summer for recreation and then release water in the fall.

Because of late-season rain, however, Guardado said a summer release would mean more water would make it downstream to the Oxnard Plain. 

Saturated creek and river beds would lead to less water being absorbed into the ground along the way.

"There was no intention to mislead anyone," he said.

More: Close to $3 million of water has reached Ventura County's overstressed groundwater basin


United Water Conservation District is releasing 180,000 gallons per minute at Santa Felicia Dam at Lake Piru. Juan Carlo, VC Star

Water board meeting gets heated

One of the latest hurdles to completing the deal came up after two sets of invoices from United listed different amounts of water for the same time period.

Both sets added up to 15,000 acre-feet, but the first showed more of the water coming down in June.

At a Fox Canyon board meeting last week, staff updated the board, saying they would need more information and records before paying the bill.

That update set off an at-times intense discussion among board members.

Some called on staff to pay the bill and called requests of United an overreach. Others questioned whether United had been upfront about its proposal back in May and thanked staff for asking questions.

Staff from both agencies met after the board meeting. County Public Works Director Jeff Pratt, acting as Fox Canyon staff, said they received information that appeared to reconcile the two different invoices.

As per its agreement with United, Fox Canyon also had asked for actual meter readings showing amounts of delivered water, Pratt said. Once they had those, the bill would be paid.

"We're going to pay on an invoice the way any reputable business would pay on an invoice," he said. "It's not on a promise and a wink. It's based on data."

Guardado said early Tuesday that he thought United had provided everything Fox Canyon staff had requested but planned to follow up.

The different invoices were an attempt to better clarify the totals because more than 15,000 acre-feet actually made it past the agreed-upon spot, he said.

The first set included water that would have been in the creeks and river without the release from Lake Piru. After receiving a denial letter from Fox Canyon, a second set was sent, which reflected only released water.

More: Who gets Ventura River water? Ventura agrees to track, potentially reduce its usage

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A rushed decision

United can import to Lake Piru on the eastern edge of Ventura County through the state system, one of few local agencies that hold such contracts.

With an OK from Fox Canyon, water started spilling from Lake Piru in June. Fox Canyon agreed to pay for the water that made it downstream past the Freeman Diversion near Oxnard.

Much of the 15,000 acre-feet ended up in spreading ponds near Oxnard and Camarillo. There, it then starts seeping into the ground and recharging the aquifer, relief that officials say was sorely needed after a years-long drought.

At $200 per acre-foot, the water likely was the cheapest Fox Canyon would hope to get, Fox Canyon board chairman Eugene West said back in May.

An acre-foot is roughly 326,000 gallons of water. On average, a California household is estimated to use between one-half and one acre-foot of water per year.

Fox Canyon expects to use money from fees it collects for overpumping to pay for the water. Those surcharges are intended to help get more water into the basin, officials said.

Pratt told board members last week that he wanted more input from them about issues before it enters into any future potential deal for surplus water. That input would include any regarding potential equity concerns such as upstream areas that benefited from Fox Canyon's purchase but didn't pay United.

United also has said it plans to put the $3 million into a fund that will purchase additional state water when its available.

Guardado said the agency has pending requests to Santa Clarita and the city of Ventura to potentially buy some of their allotment for state water.

Cheri Carlson covers the environment for the Ventura County Star. Reach her at or 805-437-0260.

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