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World News


  1. Photo
    CreditPool photo by Yoan Valat

    Top Bodyguard to 2 Saudi Kings Is Shot Dead

    Gen. Abdulaziz al-Faghem, who oversaw protection for two Saudi kings, was shot and killed in what the Saudi news media called a personal dispute.

  1. Italy Dispatch

    CreditElisabetta Zavoli for The New York Times

    A Chim Chiminey Parade Honors Sweeps and Recalls Past Horrors

    The Italian town said to be the cradle of chimney sweeps was once ashamed of its ties to the trade. Now, a festival draws sweeps from around the world, who celebrate without forgetting past miseries.

  2. Photo
    CreditJim Huylebroek for The New York Times

    Afghanistan Election Draws Low Turnout Amid Taliban Threats

    With peace talks on hold, the Taliban have stepped up attacks, and Afghans fear that a bitterly contested presidential election could lead to political paralysis.



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    CreditDavid Gray for The New York Times

    Sydney Is for the Birds. The Bigger and Bolder, the Better.

    Australia’s largest city has a rare superpower: It turns urbanites into bird people, and birds into urbanites. Interacting with the huge avian population is a daily adventure and (mostly) a delight.

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