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Matthew Castle

3 weeks ago

Feature: Sight for sawed eyes

Gears 5 review

I did not expect Gears 5 to feature an extended Hamilton parody. And yet here we are: escaping a besieged city by hunkering down in a theatre, its walls pasted with the iconic image of Alexander Hamilton pointing to the stars. Only it’s not Hamilton, but Nassar Embry, who ‘Gearspedia’ tells me was the founder of the Coalition of Ordered Governments. And it’s not just…

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2 months ago

Feature: Drinks are on them

Pretend to be friends with Japanese developers with these neat documentaries

Where does Suda51 get a drink after work? Sounds like the beginning of a (baffling) joke, is actually the pitch of Toco Toco, a series of short documentaries that follow Japanese creators on a tour of their favourite places. Some episodes are career retrospectives told through old haunts; others are just Trip Advisor, but with extra clips of fighting games. They are all beautifully shot…

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3 months ago

Feature: “3, 2, 1… grab something”

Warframe’s Empyrean update is Star Wars meets Shadow of Mordor

“It’s not a fucking expansion.” On this Steve Sinclair, creative director on Warframe, is clear. He’s talking to us a few hours before the formal reveal of the ‘it’ in question: Empyrean, the Warframe add-on formally known as Railjack that is adding spaceships, throwing them together in huge space battles and using them to explore previously unseen corners of the Origin System. So if not…

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Feature: Metroid meets marathons

Have You Played… Shadow Complex Remastered?

Different people want different things from their Metroid-like games. (I refuse to use that daft Metroidvania word: the Castlevania games, even the more Metroid-y ones, share very little DNA with the games that are apparently aping it.) For some, the gradual filling-in of a map is enough to scratch the itch. For others, it's the ingenuity of the abilities and upgrades that enable your cartography.…

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4 months ago

Feature: "We're building a rollercoaster!"

Baldur’s Gate 3 announced, from the creators of Divinity: Original Sin

They call it Ceremorphosis. The excruciating seven day process by which a humanoid might transform into a Mind Flayer. Stick one illithid tadpole in the brain and one week later you’ve got an octopus for a head and a craving for more grey matter. And what better visual metaphor for the return of Baldur’s Gate: the adventure that lodged in the hearts and minds of…

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5 months ago

Feature: The king is dead

Have You Played… The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings

How many dead kings is too many dead kings? That's the question at the heart of The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings. I mean, the clue's in the title. Perhaps the bigger question is, will you join the ranks of the titular monarch manglers? And it's a doozy of a question. In a world already destabilised by a rush of regicides, what happens when one…

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6 months ago

Feature: DICE with death

The real star of Battlefield V’s battle royale is a giant, roaming bonfire

DICE appeared to drop the ball when they didn't call Battlefield V's upcoming battle royale offering 'Battlefield Royale'. They called it Firestorm instead, which sounds like a terrible Steven Seagal film you'd buy for 99p at a petrol station. Having now played the mode, due as a free update next Monday, I can see why they went with it. The titular blaze dominates the whole…

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7 months ago


Introducing The RPS Sessions, the best of EGX Rezzed from the comfort of your home

EGX Rezzed fast approaches. Developers put the finishing touches to their demo builds and the tech team nervously eyes the tangled mountain of eight thousand HDMI cables to be unknotted before the event. For those unfamiliar with it, Rezzed is a celebration of all things gaming-related, but with more of a focus on the indie scene than its bigger EGX brother. You should definitely come…

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Feature: Father, do you love me?

Reviews Roulette: The one with the monkey bird and daddy issues

There is no complaint more sure to induce eyerolls than ‘too many games’, but here we are. There are too many games! It’s not coming from a place of entitlement, but guilt: I’d love to give every Steam key we receive a proper chance, but time limits me to the familiar/most bribe packed. That’s where Reviews Roulette steps in. It’s our new regular video ‘show’…

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8 months ago

Feature: Boxing clever

Have You Played… The Room?

I’ve never understood why The Room is called The Room and not The Box. Yes, the box is in a room, but your eyes are so drawn to this ornate toy that you don’t ponder what is happening around you. And it really is a good game about boxes: the mystery of what’s inside them, the thrill of prising one open and… er, that’s about…

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9 months ago

Feature: The truth will (shoot) out

Have You Played… Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc?

It translates, roughly, as ‘bullet refute’. Danganronpa, that is. Which makes more sense than it sounds, as the game is about taking part in murder trials and literally shooting truth bullets at lies as they spill out of suspects’ mouths. It’s not enough to say “If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit”; the glove has to be loaded into the chamber and fired through…

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10 months ago

Feature: Watson, the game is a bit silly

Have You Played… Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments?

There is a moment in Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments where the detective has to identify a brand of cigar. “This scent is familiar to me, but in order to recognise it, I must combine my associations into one picture,” he says. You find yourself swivelling a stink cloud, aligning its wafting lines into a hidden image. Problem is, Holmes’ nose deals in broad stereotypes…

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Feature: Mean Bean Machine

Video: Hitman 2 let me join the illustrious ranks of Sean Bean’s murderers

“For England, James?” “No, for XP.” 2000 XP, to be precise. That’s how much Sean Bean’s life is worth in the first of Hitman 2’s Elusive Targets. These are timed contracts that give you one shot at killing a special guest character - in this case, everyone’s favourite Yorkshire thespian (okay, it’s a toss up between Bean and fellow GoldenEye alumni Judi Dench). Bean, of…

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11 months ago

Feature: Tomb with a view

Have You Played… Tomb Raider: Underworld?

For all the bruisings, beatings and impalings that Lara Croft endures in the recent rebooted trilogy, the real victim was Tomb Raider’s sense of scale. Everything became crushed down to deliver fidelity. There were temples, sure, but you viewed them from cramped tunnels as you scurried past guards, and towering structures were only seen from the extreme close-up of a climbing wall or the long-distance…

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Feature: Nothing to Fallout over

I miss the fake humans, but Fallout 76 feels like Fallout

“Every character you see is a real person,” said Todd Howard at E3, explaining the lack of traditional NPCs in Fallout 76. But I’m not so sure. Does Howard really expect me to believe that ‘CocktimusPrime’ isn’t waiting to greet everyone outside their vault? He’s there as I step into the light, his big, dumb name floating in front of a horizon that’s meant to…

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Feature: Saddle up

Video: 8 cowboy games to play on PC while everyone else plays Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 was made by five million people working nine day weeks, but does it have a duck that collects your discarded throwing knives? Actually, I don’t know, as it’s not on PC. But a game that does feature a magic duck, and can be played on your home computer, is the lovely Luckslinger. It’s one of eight delightful cowboy ‘em ups that…

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