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Seeing the Divinity in Others

Every single person on the earth now and forever is a child of God. It doesn’t matter what their religious or political affiliation is, it doesn’t matter where they come from or the color of their skin, and it doesn’t matter if they are just like you or are vastly different from you—they are all children of our Heavenly Father.

Lost and Found

Perhaps at times you may feel that God is not aware of you or that you haven’t felt His love. I believe that if you will reflect for just a moment on the loving service you receive from others, you will see the workings of the Lord moving in the background.

Why Giving Matters

If people witness you as a giver, they will see a leader. Servant leadership is no joke, and it’s a secret to success, whether you’re looking for success or not. When people see you giving and cooperating and serving others, they will see in you a leader, or a future leader, and they cannot help but help you.

Love of the Savior

In heartache I have cried out for Him. And I have felt the love of the Savior. I know of His grace. He is love. “The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting." Through His Atonement, we are healed. And when we are healed, He turns our hearts to others.

Bless the Poor and Needy

By all means let’s continue to pray for the poor and needy, the sick, and those who mourn. But let’s all—every one of us—do more than pray. Let’s do what we can, according to our circumstances, to lift those arms that hang down. Let’s act in a way that will bless the poor and needy.

“Anywhere”—The Power of the One

Provost Hafen’s introduction was generous; however, what he did not tell about in his introduction was the way in which my call to the deanship at this university was announced some years ago. The actual caption for the pictures and the newspaper article was in the upper left-hand corner. But one of my clever friends cut out that corner and made sure the bottom lead line for another article was…

Charity in the Community of Saints

I recall participating in a workshop on campus about a year ago in which the invited presenter was attempting to establish the idea that all things are better understood if thoroughly studied and defined in detail. I raised my hand and said, “Some things are ruined by trying to explain them.” I feel that way to some degree today about my topic: “Charity in the Community of Saints.” I know…

The Bond of Charity

The text for my address this morning, "The Bond of Charity," comes from the 88th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, the 125th verse: And above all things clothe yourselves with a bond of charity as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace. I selected this topic because "The Bond of Charity" was the theme for the Annual University Conference this past year, a theme the…