The Corner


There’s Green and There’s Green

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The Progressive Agenda Is Dead

The Democrats gambled that if they chose the least offensive, most avuncular establishmentarian to lead them -- a guy who could say “Do I look like a socialist?” and get America to concur that, no, Joe Biden did not look like one — they could leverage dislike for President Trump to win not only the ... Read More

The Progressive Agenda Is Dead

The Democrats gambled that if they chose the least offensive, most avuncular establishmentarian to lead them -- a guy who could say “Do I look like a socialist?” and get America to concur that, no, Joe Biden did not look like one — they could leverage dislike for President Trump to win not only the ... Read More
Politics & Policy

Our Two Minority Parties

As the results of the election come gradually into sharper focus, both parties have good reason to be frustrated. Both have been rebuked in some important respects by the electorate. And both rebukes are justified. If the parties are willing to learn from them, the result might be good for our politics. In a ... Read More
Politics & Policy

Our Two Minority Parties

As the results of the election come gradually into sharper focus, both parties have good reason to be frustrated. Both have been rebuked in some important respects by the electorate. And both rebukes are justified. If the parties are willing to learn from them, the result might be good for our politics. In a ... Read More
Law & the Courts

The Nuns Will Beat Biden

When the Little Sisters of the Poor and allied groups won their most recent victory at the Supreme Court this summer, Joe Biden said he wanted not just to undo that decision but to go back to the pre-Hobby Lobby version of the Obama administration’s contraceptive mandate. He never explained how he could attain ... Read More
Law & the Courts

The Nuns Will Beat Biden

When the Little Sisters of the Poor and allied groups won their most recent victory at the Supreme Court this summer, Joe Biden said he wanted not just to undo that decision but to go back to the pre-Hobby Lobby version of the Obama administration’s contraceptive mandate. He never explained how he could attain ... Read More