Podcasts | The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg

The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg

The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg

National Review senior editor and AEI fellow Jonah Goldberg enlists a Cannonball Run-style cast of stars, has-beens, and never-weres to address the most pressing issues of the day and of all-time.

Latest Episodes

Episode 108: Bears!

'Bears Want To Kill You' author Ethan Nicolle joins The Remnant to counter incessant bear propaganda.

Episode 106: Blame the Boomers

Jonah brings Wall Street Journal editorial board member Joe Sternberg onto The Remnant to answer these and other questions.

Episode 105: Open Doar Policy

AEI scholar and (AEI president-to-be) Robert Doar joins The Remnant to talk New York politics, how capitalism isn’t failing, Seinfeld, and more.

Episode 104: Chicago!

Live from Chicago itself, Jonah attempts to answer some pressing questions with the help of John Tillman, CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute.

Episode 103: Violent Nuance

Rank punditry on Bill Barr and the Democratic field, and pop-culture punditry on "Avengers: Endgame" and "Game of Thrones."

Episode 101: JG Squared

Do politicians write their own books? How much of a slob is Jonah Goldberg? Jessica Gavora, D.C.-area writer (and Jonah's wife) answers these and more.

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Hillary Ruins the Plan

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An Insider’s Guide to Italian Insults

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Another Pop-Culture Christian Loses His Faith

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Economy & Business

The Great Mystery

Kevin Williamson disputes my characterization of his riposte. He writes: I wrote that people can choose what kind of work they want to do, and what kind of services they want to consume, without any help from Michael. Kevin then accuses me of being a stouthearted defender of the “Real America.” If ... Read More

The End of Hong Kong as We Know It

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