What is National Review? How is it different from National Review Institute?
National Review was founded in 1955 by William F. Buckley Jr. as a magazine of conservative opinion. The magazine has since defined the modern conservative movement and enjoys the broadest allegiance among American conservatives.

Today, National Review publishes a magazine 24 times a year in several formats, including print and digital. National Review also produces a 24/7 website,, which publishes a significant amount of content in addition to what’s found in the magazine. This online content includes articles, blogs, videos, podcasts, and slideshows. (For more information see the National Review website FAQ.)

On August 1, 2015, the magazine and website — corporately National Review, Inc. — became a wholly owned subsidiary of National Review Institute (NRI), which was founded by William F. Buckley Jr. as a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization in 1991. Following the reorganization, National Review has remained America’s most influential magazine for conservative news, commentary, and opinion, while National Review Institute has provided high-quality conservative programming that complements and expands upon the critical legacy and mission entrusted to both organizations by Buckley. (For more information on National Review Institute, go here.)

Where is National Review located?
National Review’s home office is in New York City. The address is 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, N.Y. 10036.

Can I view the National Review masthead?
The National Review magazine masthead is located here. For a full list of authors who contribute to, go here.

Why would I donate to National Review?
For more than 60 years, National Review has fought on behalf of the conservative causes it espouses and the movement William F. Buckley Jr. founded. The one thing that has made that possible is the financial support of committed conservatives. While National Review does see revenue from advertising, both in the print magazine and on the website, the donations of those who stand with conservatism and National Review’s principles are what keep it operational. To donate, and to learn more about donating to National Review, click here.

How do I subscribe to National Review?
For all subscription options and details, go here.

Where can I learn about the next National Review cruise?

Where can I get information about advertising with National Review
Advertisers can access the National Review media kit here.

How can I contact National Review?
Go here for all the ways in which you can contact National Review.

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Where is the best place to access
You can access the National Review website ( on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The website displays best on the latest version of any popular browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Safari).

Is available on mobile and tablet devices?
Yes, you can view the National Review website on tablet and mobile devices. This is the same website that’s available on desktop and laptop computers, although the site optimizes depending on the width of your device.

What types of content are available on
National Review publishes conservative commentary on major political and cultural issues, both domestic and global, on a daily basis. This commentary may come in the form of articles or blog posts, and is in addition to the commentary published in National Review magazine (which is also available on Multiple slideshows, podcasts, and videos are also published on the website every day.

Do I need a subscription to access
The National Review website is available for free, and most of the content (articles, blog posts, videos, slideshows, and podcasts) published each day on the website is also available for free. However, the National Review website also contains paywalled premium content, available to members of NRPLUS. Non-subscribers may view a few of these paywalled items each month, while NRPLUS members enjoy access to all website content – premium and non-premium items as well as the digital version of the magazine. (For more information see the NRPLUS FAQ.)

Can I follow National Review on social media?
You can follow National Review on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, and YouTube.

Does offer RSS feeds?
You can follow National Review content with this RSS feed:

All content:

How can I best listen to National Review podcasts?
The best place to listen to National Review podcasts is on the website at You also can find National Review podcasts on distribution services including iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and TuneIn.

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How long has National Review magazine been in circulation?
National Review magazine has been published since 1955. The first issue was dated November 19, 1955.

How many issues of National Review are published each year?
National Review is a bi-weekly magazine, publishing 24 times a year, usually every two weeks but sometimes three weeks apart.

What are all the ways in which National Review magazine is available
PRINT: The National Review print magazine is available on newsstands and by mail delivery.

ONLINE: The digital version of National Review magazine can be viewed on on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and/or smartphones.

PDF: PDF versions of National Review magazine are available via all the online access points mentioned above.

APP: The National Review app offers magazine content in text and facsimile (PDF-based) form. For more information, see the National Review App FAQ.

THIRD-PARTY READERS: National Review magazine is also available on several third-party readers, including Nook (Barnes & Nobles), Kindle Fire (Amazon), Apple News+, Texture, Blendle, and Readly.

What will I find inside National Review magazine?
National Review magazine features the best conservative writing, reporting, and analysis available anywhere. A typical issue includes Letters to the Editor, The Week, Articles, Features, The Long View, Athwart, Happy Warrior, and Books, Arts & Manners.

Is the content in National Review magazine the same across all versions – print, digital, app, and third-party readers?
Yes. If you read National Review magazine on paper or digitally, on your desktop computer or mobile device, within the app, or via a third-party reader, the content is the same, although the presentation differs somewhat.

How can I access National Review magazine archives?
The National Review digital archives are available here. The digital archives are more than ten-years deep. While anyone can scroll through our covers and view the table of contents for each archived issue, only NRPLUS members can access the full contents of each issue.

Are printed back issues available?
Yes. To request back issues of National Review magazine, call 8004645526.

How do I subscribe to National Review magazine?
For all subscription options and details, go here.

How can I manage my subscription?
National Review print magazine subscribers can manage their subscriptions by clicking here, entering their account number from their mailing label as shown, entering the security code shown, and clicking Login Now. NRPLUS (digital) subscribers can access their personal Customer Care page by logging into the NR website, clicking MY ACCOUNT in the top right, and then clicking the red Customer Care site link. After reaching your Customer Care account page, you can update your address, payment information, password, and more.

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Does the National Review digital magazine include the same content as the National Review print magazine?

How often is the National Review digital magazine published?
The digital magazine is published 24 times a year, just like the print magazine. Issues are typically published two weeks apart, though sometimes they are published three weeks apart.

When are new issues of the National Review digital magazine available to subscribers?
Digital editions are usually available to subscribers within 48 hours of the completion of new issues by the NR editorial and production teams. National Review digital-magazine subscribers typically see new issues well in advance of print subscribers, who must rely on regular mail delivery.

In what formats is the National Review digital magazine available?
HTML: The digital magazine is available in HTML format on the National Review website ( By HTML format, we mean that you can read National Review magazine content just like you would any other content.

PDF: The digital magazine can also be downloaded as a PDF from the website. The PDF version is an exact replica of the print magazine. National Review digital subscribers can access the PDF download below the cover on any magazine issue landing page (

APP: The digital magazine can also be accessed on the National Review app on any iOS or Android device. Download the NR app for iOS here. Download the NR app for Android here. You can subscribe to the magazine via the app by clicking “Access” in the app’s bottom navigation bar. Importantly, when you subscribe this way, the subscription is only recognized by the iTunes or Google Play stores and can only be managed on these platforms. Meanwhile, if you are an NRPLUS member, you can access National Review magazine content on the app for no additional charge. (For more information, see the National Review App FAQ.)

OTHER: National Review partners with several third-party vendors that specialize in the delivery of digital-magazine content, such as Nook (Barnes & Nobles), Kindle Fire (Amazon), Apple News+, Texture, Blendle, and Readly. Subscriptions and single issues purchased through these vendors are independent of subscriptions to National Review.

Is the National Review digital magazine available on tablet and mobile devices?
Yes. The HTML (website) version of the digital magazine displays responsively (i.e., the format adjusts to your screen width) on tablets and mobile devices. And the National Review app, which includes the National Review digital magazine, is optimized for mobile viewing.

Do I need a subscription to view the National Review digital magazine?
To view the digital magazine in its entirety issue to issue, you need to become an NRPLUS member. However, National Review offers a metered experience for paywalled items on its website, whereby visitors can access several paywalled items for free each month. Since the National Review digital magazine sits behind this premium paywall, visitors can view several digital-magazine articles for free each month if they so choose.

Do I get more than just the National Review digital magazine if I am an NRPLUS member?
Yes, much more. NRPLUS members can access all NRPLUS Member Articles, which sit behind the website paywall; can view exclusive slideshows, videos, and podcasts; can comment on articles; are offered unique access to National Review writers and editors (such as a members-only Facebook group and regular conference calls); experience up to 90% fewer website ads than non-members; and receive special discount pricing and access to National Review events and products.

Click here to see all that NRPLUS has to offer.

How do I become an NRPLUS member?
You can purchase an NRPLUS membership – which includes access to the National Review digital magazine – by visiting our subscribe page here.

If I am a subscriber to the National Review print magazine, can I also access the National Review digital magazine?
Subscribing to either the National Review print or digital magazine does not grant you access to both. However, you can subscribe to both the print and digital magazines (now NRPLUS) for a special reduced price.

Click here to view all National Review new-subscriber options. Existing print or digital subscribers can e-mail customer service here to inquire about bundling their existing print or digital subscription.

Where can I manage my NRPLUS subscription?
NRPLUS (digital) subscribers can access their personal Customer Care page by logging into the NR website, clicking MY ACCOUNT in the top right of the site, and then clicking the red Customer Care site link. After reaching your Customer Care account page, you can update your address, payment information, password, and more.

What do I do if I forgot my National Review password or want to reset it?
If you forgot your password, go here and enter your e-mail address. In your e-mail inbox, retrieve the temporary password you were just sent, and then login to the site using your email and that password. You can login at the link above, or by clicking the LOGIN button at the top of the NR site. Once logged in, to update that temporary password to something you want, click MY ACCOUNT at the top of the site, click the red Customer Care site link, click Change Password on your account page, and follow the simple instructions from there.

If I am an NRPLUS member, am I able to view the National Review digital-magazine archives?
Yes. Your NRPLUS membership entitles you to all the archived magazine issues in our system. At this time, the National Review digital magazine archive goes back more than ten years. In the coming years we expect to offer a complete digital-magazine archive, all the way back to our first issue in 1955.

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What is NRPLUS?
NRPLUS is your gateway to all the content on ─ and much more. NRPLUS members are granted access to the National Review digital magazine as well as all digital archives. Members also can view top-tier content that is not available to non-members (outside of a few free premium-content views a month). Click to NRPLUS Member Articles to view all this premium content. NRPLUS members also have access to premium videos and podcasts. Additionally, NRPLUS members can comment on articles; are served up to 90% fewer website ads than non-members; are offered unique access to National Review writers and editors (such as a members-only Facebook group and regular conference calls); and receive special discount pricing and access to National Review events and products.

Click here to see all that NRPLUS has to offer.

If I am not an NRPLUS member, can I still view premium content?
Those who have not purchased an NRPLUS membership can view a few premium items each month on Once that allotment is filled, non-members will be blocked from accessing premium content until the following month, when they will accrue additional, but limited, free premium-content views.

If I am a subscriber to the National Review print magazine, can I also access premium content on the National Review website?
Subscribing to either the National Review print or digital magazine does not grant you access to both. However, you can subscribe to both the print and digital magazines (now NRPLUS) for a special reduced price.

Click here to view all National Review new-subscriber options. Existing print or digital subscribers can e-mail customer service here to inquire about bundling their existing print or digital subscription.

I have an NRPLUS membership. How do I join the NRPLUS Facebook group?
To gain entry to the NRPLUS Facebook group, we just need to confirm that your account is in order. Simply e-mail from the e-mail address associated with your NRPLUS account. We will then check your account and, if active, give you access to the group via a personal invitation. (If your Facebook e-mail is different from your NRPLUS account e-mail, please let us know when requesting to join the group.)

How do I update the username that displays with my comments?
When you joined NRPLUS you were assigned a username under which you can comment. To personalize that username: Click on the comments icon within an article to open the comments panel, click “Edit Profile” at the top of the panel, insert the username of your choice, and click “Save Profile.”

How do I purchase a membership to NRPLUS?
You can purchase an NRPLUS membership ─ which includes access to the National Review digital magazine ─ by visiting our subscribe page here.

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How do I manage my National Review subscription(s)?
National Review print-magazine subscribers can manage their subscriptions by clicking here, entering their account number from their mailing label as shown, entering the security code shown, and clicking Login Now. NRPLUS (digital) subscribers can access their personal Customer Care page by logging into the NR website, clicking MY ACCOUNT in the top right, and then clicking the red Customer Care site link. After reaching your Customer Care account page, you can update your address, payment information, password, and more.

If you purchased a subscription to National Review magazine via iTunes, Google Play, Barnes & Noble (Nook), Amazon (Kindle Fire), Apple News+, Texture, Blendle, and/or Readly, you will need to access these platforms to manage your account and purchases.

Can I manage my print subscription online?
Yes. National Review print-magazine subscribers can manage their subscriptions by clicking here, entering their account number from their mailing label as shown, entering the security code shown, and clicking Login Now. After logging in to your Customer Care page, you may: Report missing or damaged issues; change your delivery address; renew your subscription; cancel your subscription; suspend your subscription; ask credit-card questions; update your mailing or payment information; and much more.

How do I make changes to my e-mail address or password?
To make changes to your e-mail address or password, you need to access your Customer Care page. NRPLUS (digital) subscribers can access their personal Customer Care page by logging into the NR website, clicking MY ACCOUNT in the top right, and then clicking the red Customer Care site link. After reaching your Customer Care account page, you can update your e-mail address and/or password using the prompts in the left-hand navigation.

What do I do if I forgot my password?
If you forgot your password, go here and enter your e-mail address. In your e-mail inbox, retrieve the temporary password you were just sent, and then login to the site using your email and that password. You can login at the link above, or by clicking the LOGIN button at the top of the NR site. Once logged in, to update that temporary password to something you want, click MY ACCOUNT at the top of the site, click the red Customer Care site link, click Change Password on your account page, and follow the simple instructions from there.

Is premium access to included with my print subscription?
No. But existing print subscribers can e-mail customer service here to inquire about bundling their subscription with an NRPLUS membership.

If I am an NRPLUS member, do I need to pay the full price for a subscription to the print magazine?
Existing digital subscribers or NRPLUS members can add a print magazine subscription for a special reduced price. E-mail customer service here to inquire about this opportunity.

If I cancel my print subscription, when does the cancellation go into effect?
The cancellation will go into effect immediately, although you may receive an additional issue in the mail if your mailing label was already printed and/or an issue was already en route.

If I cancel my subscription, print or NRPLUS (digital), do I get a refund?
Yes. You will receive a prorated refund based on the number of unserved issues on your existing subscription.

Can I cancel my print subscription and continue with digital only (NRPLUS)?
Yes. E-mail customer service here to inquire about your options.

Which credit cards do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Diners Club.

When do you charge me for my subscription purchase?
Credit cards are charged upon receipt of orders. The charge may take several days to appear on your credit-card statement.

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Does National Review have an app?
Yes. The National Review app is available for free on iTunes and Google Play.

How is content on the National Review app different from what’s on
The National Review app features the digital magazine in text and facsimile (PDF-based) formats. The app also links to the most recent website ( content, including articles, blog posts, and slideshows, but does not offer all the features and content available on the website.

How can I access the National Review app?
The National Review app is available to download for free on iTunes for iOS devices and on Google Play for Android devices.

Do I need a subscription to access the National Review app?
The app is free to download. However, to access the magazine portion of the app, you will need either to be an NRPLUS member or to have purchased magazine access through the app via iTunes (iOS devices) or Google Play (Android devices). NRPLUS members can login to the app with the same e-mail and password they use for the NR site.

I am an NRPLUS member, but I am having trouble logging into the app. What should I do?
Please e-mail We will be happy to solve your app login issues.

How can I cancel digital magazine access on the National Review app?
If you purchased a magazine subscription either on iTunes or in the Google Play store you will need to visit these platforms to manage your subscription. If you are an NRPLUS member and want to cancel your digital magazine access on the app, you will need to cancel your membership outright. You can do so by e-mailing customer service here or by calling 8004645526.

Can I get back-issues of National Review magazine on the app?
The National Review app offers at least two-year’s worth of back issues at any time.

What should I do if my National Review app crashes?
If you are having trouble with the performance of the National Review app, close other apps running in the background of your device. If the problems persist, force-quit the app, then reopen it. If you’re still having trouble, try turning your device off and then back on. You can also try deleting and reinstalling the app.

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Does National Review publish newsletters? How much do they cost? How often are they published?
National Review publishes several free e-mail newsletters, both daily and weekly. Offerings include:

Morning Jolt: A guided tour of the news and debates driving the day from National Review’s senior political correspondent Jim Geraghty. (Monday through Friday)

NR Daily: An afternoon roundup of the day’s best commentary from National Review’s writers. (Monday through Saturday)

Breaking News Alerts: Major news from around the world delivered with hard-hitting and unfiltered reporting & analysis. (24/7)

Latest Issue Alerts: Be the first to know when new issues of National Review are available.

Week in Review: The biggest stories of the week. (Sundays)

How do I sign up for National Review newsletters?
Use this form to subscribe — for free — to any National Review newsletter.

I signed up for your newsletters — why am I not receiving them regularly?
Check that your National Review newsletters are not landing in your junk or spam folder. If this is the case, click into the email newsletter and select the option to unblock this content.

Can I unsubscribe to National Review newsletters?
Yes. To unsubscribe to a National Review newsletter, click the unsubscribe prompt at the bottom of the e-mailed newsletter that you no longer wish to receive and follow the directions from there.

How might I advertise on a National Review newsletter?
Go here for all National Review advertising options.

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