Achieving SDG7 in Small Island Developing States - Midterm Review of the SAMOA Pathway (2019)English
Climate and Post-Shock Concessional Finance in SIDS - Contributing to Resilience of Small Island Developing States. (2018)English
Small Island Developing States In Numbers: Biodiversity & Oceans (2017)Small Island Developing States In Numbers: Biodiversity & Oceans (2017)Small Island Developing States In Numbers: Biodiversity & Oceans (2017)

The booklet outlines the scope of biodiversity and its immense value across the three geographical regions that form the SIDS group. This edition also aims to highlight threats to biodiversity and present examples of strategies and initiatives to help to counteract these threats and mitigate damage.
Small Island Developing States in Numbers (2017)Small Island Developing States in Numbers (2017)Small Island Developing States in Numbers: Updated Climate Change Edition (2017)

This updated edition provides, at a glance, a snapshot of select key SIDS indicators under the three dimensions of sustainable development: Environment, Social, and Economic, to highlight the impacts of climate change on SIDS.
Small Island Developing States in Numbers (2015)Small Island Developing States in Numbers (2015)Small Island Developing States in Numbers (2015)

Small Island Developing States in Numbers (2013)Small Island Developing States in Numbers (2013)Small Island Developing States in Numbers (2013)

This booklet is a snapshot of some key SIDS indicators grouped under the three dimensions of sustainable development: Environment, Economic and Social that highlight the special case of SIDS. Specifically, it includes indicators such as population, official development assistance, economy and business, remittances, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity and many more.
Small Island, Big(ger Stakes) (2012)Small Island, Big(ger Stakes) (2012)Small Island, Big(ger Stakes) (2012)English
The Impact of Climate Change on The Development Prospects of the Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States (2009)The Impact of Climate Change on The Development Prospects of the Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States (2009)The Impact of Climate Change on the Development Prospects of the LDCs and SIDS (2009)English
Development & Globalization:Facts and Figures (UNCTAD, 2004)Development & Globalization:Facts and Figures (UNCTAD, 2004)Development & Globalization:Facts and Figures (UNCTAD, 2004)English