rogues' gallery

Rogues; Gallery: The Top Ten Batman Villains
A hero is defined by their villains, and comic books are filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of our favorite heroes, and we need your help to do it!

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Rogues' Gallery: The Top Ten TMNT Villains
A hero is defined by their villains, and comic books are filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of our favorite heroes, and we need your help to do it!

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Rogues' Gallery: Who Is Batman's Ultimate Enemy [Poll]
When you think about who has the coolest rogues' gallery in all of comic books, you know in your heart of hearts the answer if Batman. With so many spins on the character and so many different interpretations of his classic villains, there's no set of bad guys more iconic or memorable, but…
Rogues' Gallery: The Top Ten 'Fourth World' Underlings
A hero is defined by their villains, and comic books are filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of our favorite heroes, and we need your help to do it!

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Rogues' Gallery: Who Is The Ultimate 'TMNT' Enemy? [Poll]
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have some of the weirdest villains in all of comics, and that's certainly saying something. Whether it's transformed mutanimals, brains in torsos, or old-fashioned ninja crime bosses, we want you to tell us who you think is the ultimate TMNT baddie.
Rogues' Gallery: The Top Ten 'Walking Dead' Villains
A hero is defined by their villains, and comic books are filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of our favorite heroes, and we need your help to do it!

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Rogues' Gallery: Who Is The Punisher's Ultimate Enemy? [Poll]
When you cross The Punisher, the odds are good that you aren't going to stick around too long to be considered an arch-nemesis, but there are some resourceful and down-right lucky bad guys who have managed to get away by the skin of their teeth and live to talk about it. With a surprisingly str…
Rogues' Gallery: Deadpool's Top Ten Villains
A hero is defined by their villains, and the world of superhero comic books is filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of your favorite superheroes, and we need your help to do …

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