
Strengthening the capacity of Landlocked Developing Countries under the “Belt and Road Initiative” to design and implement policies that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs


UN-OHRLLS is implementing a project, entitled “Strengthening the capacity of Landlocked Developing Countries under the “Belt and Road Initiative” to design and implement policies that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs, with effect from November 2018 to October 2020.

UN-OHRLLS will implement the project in partnership with DESA, ESCAP, ECA, ECLAC, ECE, Ministry of Transportation of China, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and African Development Bank. The project will be realized as part of the comprehensive midterm review of the Vienna Programme of Action in 2019.

The project’s overall objective is to design and implement policies that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs under the “Belt and Road Initiative,” with specific goals to improve LLDCs’ trade potential and integration into global markets, and to enhance productive capacity and structural transformation of LLDCs’ economies and overall socio-economic development.

The LLDCs’ current connectivity is poor partly because of inadequate transit infrastructure in terms of both quantity and quality and the flow of LLDC transit transport is affected by poor trade facilitation at the borders, between the borders and beyond the borders. There is also an investment infrastructure gap that exists in LLDCs in all regions and a heightened need for the LLDCs to nurture enabling environments that can help attract private investments into transport infrastructure development and maintenance, foster efficient use of available resources and scale up trade facilitation. This project will help the LLDCs and transit countries to build capacity that can enable them to design policies to build hard and soft infrastructure that is key to improved connectivity to global markets.

The project will undertake an assessment or review of the existing status of LLDC connectivity by undertaking 3 regional studies that will be synthesized into a global report on improving transport connectivity for LLDCs and building of resilient transport infrastructure to support accelerated progress of the SDGs. 

After the situational analysis, the project will undertake consultative regional review meetings to review the progress of connectivity of LLDCs in the regions, identify best practices and challenges as part the preparatory process of the Midterm Review of the VPoA. It will use the regional studies that have been prepared as background information for the interactive discussions in the meetings. The project will undertake training of policy-makers from Ministries of Transport of LLDCs and transit countries along the “Belt and Road Initiative” and those that are not part of the “Belt and Road Initiative” on promoting transport infrastructure connectivity and development of resilient transport infrastructure. The training will focus on issues that will enhance the capacity of the LLDCs to develop bankable infrastructure projects to expand or upgrade their transport infrastructure. It will also focus on soft infrastructure issues such as how to strengthen national legal and regulatory frameworks on transit transport and trade facilitation and in implementing relevant instruments, norms and standards in transport. 

Thereafter the project will facilitate technical assistance to selected 2 LLDCs one in Asia and one in Africa in close consultation with collaborating partners who are part of the “Belt and Road Initiative” on preparation of bankable projects to improve transport connectivity and to contribute to achievement of the “Belt and Road Initiative” and the 2030 Agenda. 

The project will undertake monitoring and evaluation during the project and at the end of the project

Partners within the UN System:   DESA, ESCAP, ECA, ECLAC, and ECE
Other Partners: Ministry of Transportation of China Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank African Development Bank
Donors: United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund – 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sub-Fund
Beneficiaries: LLDCs and transit countries under the “Belt and Road Initiative”
Duration: 01 November 2018 – 31 October 2019
Contacts: Project Officer: Gladys Mutangadura Senior Programme Officer, UN-OHRLLS. T.: 212-963-3316; Email: mutangadura@un.org   Finance/Budget Officer: Lynn Thway  


Name of the PublicationDownload
EURO-ASIA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Report of UNESCAP/UN-OHRLLS/UNECE Euro-Asian Regional Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for LLDCs for the decade 2014-2024[English]
EURO-ASIA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Background Report: Improving Transport Connectivity, International Trade and Trade Facilitation for Landlock Developing Countries[English]
EURO-ASIA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Background Report: Review of Progress made in structural economic transformation in Euro-Asian landlocked developing countries (LLDCs)[English]
AFRICA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Report of UNECA/UN-OHRLLS Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for LLDCs for the Decade 2014-2024 in the Africa Region[English]
AFRICA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Background Report: Improving Transport Connectivity, International Trade and Trade Facilitation for LLDCs in African Region[English]
LATIN AMERICA REGIONAL MIDTERM REVIEW 2019: Draft Background Report: Mid term Review of the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for the Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014-2024 in Latin America and the Caribbean[Spanish]