Recent Campaigns

May 2018 – Voices of a Brighter Future (Journalism Competition)

Journalists from Least Developed Countries were invited to submit stories on how sustainable energy is positively affecting communities in their countries. Seven winners, were selected by a high-level panel to attend the Sustainable Energy For All Forum in Lisbon (2-3 May, 2018) and also have their stories featured by the UN.





March 2018 – Towards a Bright Future for Least Developed Countries (LDC Graduation Campaign)

The Committee for Development Policy (CDP), a subsidiary body of the UN Economic and Social Council, is – inter alia – mandated to review the category of LDCs every three years and monitor their progress after graduation from the


category. The identification of LDCs is currently based on three criteria: per capita gross national income (GNI), human assets and economic vulnerability to external shocks. 




2016-2017 Least Not Last Campaign

The UN-OHRLLS Least Not Last campaign highlights the achievements of least developed countries and celebrates their successes, focusing on examples of where least developed countries have been at the forefront of change and promoting these countries as a priority for the international community. #leastnotlast








2014 – Boarded by Borders

Far from the sea, the landlocked developing countries of the world face many challenges but also offer rich cultural heritages and incredible natural landscapes. In 2014 UN-OHRLLS shone a spotlight on the diverse group of 32 landlocked developing countries to showcase their uniqueness through photography.