Feeding AmericaVerifizierter Account


Nationwide hunger-relief charity helping more than 46 million Americans yearly including 12 million children and 7 million seniors.

Beigetreten Oktober 2008


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  1. Schools are a natural fit for food pantries – they provide an easy-to-access location that parents and students feel comfortable in and visit regularly. Here is how we can all work together to bring food pantries to kids' schools:

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  2. Meet Matt, a 5th generation sweet potato farmer. Every year, he donates a portion of his potatoes to . "Even if it does cost a little bit more, I’d rather take care of the people in my community— my people." -Matt 📸:

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  3. Reducing waste AND helping hungry families? What a cool❄️ idea!

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  4. "Everybody needs food. It's that simple. It feels good to help. It feels good in my mind and in my heart." -Theresa, 70 Volunteers like Teresa make a huge difference in the lives of families struggling with hunger. Will you? Find out how to get involved:

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  5. Kirsten is celebrating ! Are you? Let us know your favorite joke! 🍌

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  6. 9-year old Iker is often worried about when his next meal will be. But, he doesn't let hunger stop him from dreaming big. Help kids like Iker:

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  8. “I get scared sometimes that my mom won’t have enough to buy enough food towards the end of the month. It’s nerve-racking.” -Lucas, 11 Kids shouldn't have to worry about when their next meal will be. You can help kids facing hunger this school year.

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  9. The first step is caring! You're on the right track, Isabel.

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  10. Use by, sell by, enjoy by - are you confused by food labels, too? Read how this bill aims to reduce food waste by simplifying food dates.

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  12. “After I pay my rent, electricity and other bills, what’s left? You know, not much for food." - Diane, 77 Get the facts on senior hunger:

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  13. "There’s nothing like building trust with kids by also making sure they have a meal while they’re here." Librarians like Elizabeth know how important a full tummy is for a kid to focus on learning. That's why her library gives out free lunches all summer long.

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  14. What treats have you enjoyed this summer? Whether it's ice cream cones, pink lemonade, or backyard BBQs, this treat quiz will give you the story behind the summer's best foods:

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  15. We know you like to celebrate special moments at Darden restaurants-- and here's another reason to! The Darden Restaurants Foundation is providing $2 million to help feed families facing hunger, because everyone deserves to celebrate with a good meal.

    , , und 5 weitere
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  16. Summer is winding down, and pretty soon kids everywhere will be headed back to school! The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to create new family habits. This month-by-month guide will help you make a habit out of giving all year:

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  17. WOW! That’s over 10 million meals for hungry families across America. Thank you , and everyone who joined our fight to end hunger!

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  18. A bulging stomach. A bony frame. For many, this image comes to mind when we think of hunger's effect on the body. But, those facing hunger can be impacted in ways that are less visible, but just as devastating. Learn more:

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  20. Who would have thought an 11-year-old would be able to raise $15,000? Jordyn did just that for - and has plans to keep going. Read how you can support her fight to end hunger:

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