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‘Terrifying’: adopted kids removed from their gay dads in Russia

Investigators used Russia’s ‘gay propaganda’ law to remove the boys from their home

Morphou bishop Neophytos said pregnant women who enjoy anal sex make their kids gay

Bishop defends pregnant moms liking anal sex makes kids gay comment

Despite international backlash, a bishop reiterated his bizarre claims

Emergency services attend the scene of the stabbing of a LGBTI youth (Photo: YouTube)

Hundreds march in Israel after teen stabbed in suspected hate crime

A 16-year-old LGBTI Israeli was stabbed on Friday

Attendees of the first pride parade in the capital of Nepal Kathmandu (Photo Queer Youth Group) 3

LGBTI people in Nepal demand to be counted

The government of Nepal currently claims there are only 4,000 LGBTI people in the country of nearly 30 million

Transgender rights activists present their proposed law to politicians in Thailand (Photo: Facebook)

Transgender activists in Thailand propose law to protect their rights

They want to be recognized as the correct gender after they undergo surgery

Police and residents gather outside the house where the two women were found in Pakistan (Photo: Facebook / Trans Action Pakistan)

Two transgender women tortured and killed in Pakistan

Police found their bodies in a locked room three days after they were killed

Christian conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles

Christian TV host says Rachel Maddow will lead a coup against Trump

‘Be prepared for a mob — a leftist mob — to tear down the gates, the fence at the White House’

Garcia and Sigueroa said their vows at this bedside hospice ceremony

Gay hospice patient marries boyfriend in bittersweet bedside ceremony

‘It was very emotional. There were a lot of tears, but it was definitely happy’

Woman screaming homophobic abuse at Waltham Forest Pride

‘Shame on you’: Woman screams homophobic abuse at Waltham Forest Pride

A video emerged showing a woman berating a Pride attendee and calling LGBTI people ‘despicable’ and ‘shameless’

Homophobic attack on London train

Police search for attackers who punched gay man unconscious on London train

They also told the gay couple: ‘Gays should be strung up’

Former Australian Team Bobsledder Simon Dunn on a rugby pitch

Gay man ‘appalled’ after seeing his face used in viral homophobic meme

Athlete Simon Dunn had the perfect response

Students at a Taiwan high school wear skirts (Photo: Facebook)

Parents groups protest after school allows boys to wear skirts

A high school in Taiwan this week became the first in the country to relax its uniform policy after a school-wide vote

Christian group online

Singapore Christian group face fresh criticism over Instagram videos

TrueLove.Is posted two Instagram videos of people discussing ‘unwanted’ same-sex attractions

Daegu police officers receive human rights training after complaints of inaction at a pride event in South Korea prisoner (Photo: Facebook)

Gay prisoner outed and placed in solitary confinement

Rights groups protested outside the prison in Daegu, South Korea

Over 1,000 take to the streets of Warsaw in support of LGBTI rights

The march comes one week after a Pride parade in the Polish city of Białystok was marred by violence

Welcome to New Hampshire road sign

New Hampshire bill to allow ‘X’ gender marker on licenses becomes law

The new law will go into effect on 1 January 2020

Bianca Karvunidis is the daughter of the inventor of gender reveal parties

‘Inventor’ of gender reveal parties now has daughter who wears suits

‘This whole gender reveal thing doesn’t make sense to me anymore,’ Jenna Karvunidis said

Pride flags outside the Romney building in Michigan in June

Michigan governor to veto bill prohibiting the Pride flag outside government buildings

‘My veto pen is ready,’ Governor Whitmer Tweeted

Singapore PM's wife, Ho Ching (Photo: Facebook)

Singapore PM’s wife turns heads with pro-LGBTI posts

Her husband, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, recently said the Singapore law criminalizing gay sex would continue ‘for some time’

Amit Shah and Aditya Madiraju held a stunning traditional Indian ceremony in New Jersey (Photo: Charmi Pena)

Why our gay Desi wedding went viral

Amit Shah and Aditya Madiraju held a stunning traditional Indian ceremony in New Jersey

Parkfield Community School muslim parents lgbt protest over LGBTI-inclusivity lessons

UK government put ‘extreme pressure’ on school to halt LGBTI-inclusivity lessons

Department for Education allegedly pushed for the suspension of LGBTI-inclusivity lessons amid protests outside Birmingham schools

Immigrant rights protester

US Border Control says HIV status is ‘justification’ to separate immigrant families

Brian Hastings, the Border Control chief, said it’s a ‘communicable disease’

Florida politician says LGBTI people ‘love’ being in prison

‘To hell with gay pride,’ Chico Cromartie said in another Facebook post

Artist Paul Yore in front of his art

Gallery that removed gay artist’s work: ‘Controversial art should not be avoided’

Director Alfredo Cramerotti defends the work, but did not explicitly state its return

Polish mag dismisses court ruling on ‘LGBT-free zone’ stickers

Despite a ruling that distribution be halted, magazine owners vow to keep giving out homophobic stickers

Jessie Goodman (right), with fiancee Brandon (left), is making plans for his father's funeral

Pastor refuses funeral for dying man who has gay son

Jessie Goodman’s father wants his son to sing at his funeral but a Baptist Minister refused to hold the service if Jessie was involved

Drag queen Rogue Fatale is throwing a Pride 'stroll' | Picture: Facebook

Drag queen organizes march after homophobes vandalize Halifax home

After a gay couple’s house was vandalized in Canada, Rogue Fatale decided to show the neighborhood they’re not afraid

Person holding a knife

Teen stabbed outside LGBTI youth hostel in Tel Aviv

Early eyewitness reports suggest the perpetrator was his own brother

DWC chairperson Swati Maliwal speaking at a Satyuga Darshan Trust event | Picture: Instagram (@swati_maliwal)

Delhi Commission for Women slams controversial trans rights bill in India

The Delhi governmental dept has said that the bill will encourage the sexual assault of trans people

Conor Burns

New British PM Boris Johnson promotes gay MP to Trade Minister

Conor Burns, MP for Bournemouth West, is promoted to the position of Minister of State for International Trade



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